Transcript Slide 1


Human Resource Management: Gaining a Competitive Advantage

Chapter 09 Employee Development

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Learning Objectives

 Explain how employee development contributes to employee retention, developing intellectual capital and business growth strategies.

 Discuss current trends in using formal education for development.

 Relate how assessment of personality type, work behaviors and job performance can be used for employee development.

 Explain how job experience can be used for skill development.


Learning Objectives, cont.

 Develop successful mentoring programs.

 Describe how to train managers to coach employees.

 Discuss development planning process steps.

 Explain employees’ and company ’ s responsibilities in planning development.

 Discuss what companies are doing for management development issues including succession planning, glass ceiling and dysfunctional managers.


Training and Development Comparison Training Development Focus Current Future Use of work experience Goal Low Preparation for current job High Preparation for changes Participation Required Voluntary

Development is defined as formal education, job experiences, relationships, and assessment of personality and abilities that helps employees prepare for the future 9-4


A protean career

is based on self-direction with the goal of psychological success in one ’ s work.

Psychological success

- feeling of pride and accomplishment that comes from achieving life goals.

Development Planning System

- retain and motivate employees by identifying and meeting development needs. (also called career management system) 9-5

Steps and Responsibilities in the Career Management Process

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Sample Development Plan

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Employee Development Approaches

Formal Education –

ex. Executive MBA 

Assessments – collect information and provide feedback about behavior, communication style, skills

 Personality Tests and inventories such as Myers-Briggs ( MBTI ), etc.

   Performance appraisals Upward feedback 360-Degree Feedback Systems 

Job Experiences

Interpersonal Relationships


Assessment Centers An assessment center

, usually off-site, uses multiple raters to evaluate employees’ performance on exercises.

4 Types of Assessment Exercises:





Leaderless group discussion Interviews In-baskets Role plays 9-10

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Skills for Managerial Success


360-Degree Feedback Activities Identify: Strengths & Weaknesses Development Goal Process for recognizing goal accomplishment Strategies for reaching goals


Job Demands and Lessons Learned

Make transitions Create change Have high level of responsibility Face obstacles Be involved in non-authority relationships 9-14

Job Experiences for Career Development Vertical Assignments Lateral Moves


Job Experiences

Job enlargement

-adding challenges or new responsibilities. 

Job rotation-

moving a single individual from one job to another.


-moving an employee to a different job assignment in a different area of the company.


-advancement into positions with greater challenge and more authority than previous job.

 A

downward move

occurs when an employee is given a reduced level of responsibility and authority. 9-16

Temporary Assignments


refers to a company allowing employees to take a full-time operational role at another company.

A sabbatical

is a leave of absence from the company to renew or develop skills. 9-17

Successful Mentoring Programs


Benefits of Mentoring Relationships

Career Support

 Coach, protect, sponsor and provide challenging assignments, exposure and visibility.

Psychological Support

 Serve as a friend and role model, provide positive regard and acceptance and create an outlet for a protégé to share anxieties and fears.

Group Mentoring Program

 A program pairing successful senior employees with less experienced protégés.



A coach

is a peer or manager who works with an employee to:    motivate develop skills provide reinforcement and feedback 

3 roles a coach can play:


one-on-one 2.

help employee learn 3.

provide resources such as mentors, courses or job experiences 9-20

Career Management Process Identify opportunities to improve Identify needs realistic to develop Identify goals & methods to determine progress Identify steps & timetable to reach goals


Development Plan Competencies &

C o m pe te nc ie s/ str en gt hs C ar ee r de ve lo p m en t go al s N ex t as si gn m en ts






methods include formal education, assessment, job experiences and interpersonal relationships.

 Both employee and company have


A mentor

can help employees better understand the company and gain exposure to key persons.

 A manager ’ s job responsibility is


 Employees should have a

development plan.
