GCSE’s - Madeley High School

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Transcript GCSE’s - Madeley High School

What can a Parent/Carer do?
What can a parent do?
By Julie Casey M.Ed., C.Psychol.
Some parents think that their role could include
some or all of the following…
Attendance Officer
Partner with School (meetings, etc)
Provider of tools
Study Buddy
Entertainments Officer – a balanced programme
Sounding board, adviser
Project Manager
Information provider and interpreter
What could I do?
Parent ideas for Attendance Officer
• Being at every lesson really counts!
• Each option subject has about 9.5 (8 hour)
• Each core subject has about 28 (8 hour) days
What could I do?
Parent ideas for Provider, Banker & Partner
• Attend all the meetings for information about
your child’s progress so that you are informed
and know what they know
• Pay for activities that support their learning
• Provide a toolbox of useful equipment and
What could I do?
Parent ideas for Study Buddy, entertainments officer
and adviser
• Be able to advise and discuss ways of completing work
• Study with them where they will let you and talk
through work
• Ensure a balance between work and play to maintain
their momentum and drive
What could I do?
Parent ideas for Project Manager, Interpreter and GoBetween
• Consider ways of improving your child’s
• Interpret what pupils have been told by
knowing date and times of deadlines, exams,
controlled tests
• Make representations to the School to help
your child be understood if things go wrong
Have you heard these?
• ‘my work’s on the computer at school’
• ‘I’m doing that with a friend and she’s got the book’
• ‘It doesn’t have to be in for ages- I’ve got loads of
• ‘We didn’t get homework’
• ‘I need to be in the library at school, I’ll do it
• ‘Mr X never gives us homework’
What could I do?
Parent ideas for countering homework excuses……
• Keep track of excuses (they won’t be able to) and
write them down with the date and the subject
• Agree or suggest a solution
• Follow it up!
• Explain your concern to your child and say you will
contact the school
• Let your child save face as long as the work gets done
What could I do?
Parent ideas on not working at target
• Use the planner to find out when deadlines
are and note them yourself
• Contact the School
• Keep revisiting the issue both with the child
and the teacher until you are satisfied that the
work is back on track
• Encourage your child to talk about the specific
issue. ‘I hate this subject/teacher’ is not
enough of a clue
What could I do?
Parent ideas on keeping positive
• ‘All or nothing’ thinking is a symptom of this
age. Discuss issues until they are specific
• Accept that they feel the issues are real and
try not to minimise them
• Explain that their difficulties are soluble with
support and temporary
• Rewards are not ‘bribes’ and do not be afraid
to use them!
What could I do when the going gets
• www.bbc.co.uk offers an A-Z of life with
advice on issues that may worry your child
with stress from the educational demands on
• www.childline.org.uk/ offers tips and advice
on beating exam stress, with online text and
video clips
Madeley High Website
Revision ideas
Subject information
This presentation
What the School is doing over and above
lesson contact
Using other sources of help
• www.sparknotes.com free downloadable
information and study guides for many areas
• www.essaybank.com useful for frameworks of
essays and examples of work
Other sources of help for parents
• www.connexions-direct.com/parentcarer
• www.familylives.org.uk and a confidential
helpline for parents on 0808 800 2222
• www.coursework.info (a marked by teachers
• www.studentcentral.co.uk
General help
Your turn….
What are the common
What works for your family?
Thank you
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