Transcript MSP

The National Science
Foundation’s Math and Science
Partnership (MSP) Program
James E. Hamos, Ph.D., Elizabeth VanderPutten,
Ph.D., Kathleen Bergin, Ph.D.
Program Directors, MSP
February - March, 2006
The National Science Foundation
National Science Foundation Act of 1950
Mission: To promote the progress of
science; to advance the national health,
prosperity, and welfare; to secure the
national defense; and for other purposes
The National Science Foundation
Original Responsibilities
The NSF Act authorizes and directs NSF to initiate and support:
• Basic scientific research and research fundamental to the
engineering process,
• Programs to strengthen scientific and engineering research
• Science and engineering education programs at all levels and
in all fields of science and engineering, and
• An information base on science and engineering appropriate
for development of national and international policy.
Additional Responsibilities through later Legislation
• Fostering the interchange of scientific and engineering
information nationally and internationally,
• Maintaining facilities in the Antarctic and promoting the U.S.
presence through research conducted there, and
• Addressing issues of equal opportunity in science and
The National Science Foundation
NSF oversees about 25,000 active awards directly supporting more
than 190,000 people – teachers, students, and researchers at every
education level and across all disciplines in science and engineering
Merit review results in about 10,000 new awards each year from over
40,000 proposals submitted by the research and education
FY2007 Presidential Request: >$6.0 Billion; >$800 Million for
education-related activities
Directorate for Education and Human Resources funds projects
devoted to:
• K-12, undergraduate and graduate education
• Educational Research, including research on learning
• Informal Science Education
• Human Resource Development, attending to issues of
diversity (racial, ethnic, disabilities) in science & engineering
President’s Initiative to Strengthen
and Reform K-12 Education
No Child Left Behind
 Too many teachers teaching out
of field
 Too few students taking advanced
 Too few schools offering challenging
curricula and textbooks
Establish a research & development program in
• higher education – NSF’s core constituency –
accepted a critical role and responsibility for
furthering K-12 education reform.
• higher education’s involvement – especially that
of STEM faculty – in the teacher professional
continuum also would undergo reform.
• there would be a strong emphasis on developing
effective partnership models, resulting in
institutional change that could be implemented,
expanded and sustained.
Math and Science Partnership
The MSP program seeks to improve K-12 student
achievement through a sharp focus on three inter-related
• Ensuring that all students have access to, are
prepared for, and are encouraged to participate and
succeed in challenging and advanced mathematics
and science courses;
• Enhancing the quality, quantity and diversity of the K12 mathematics and science teacher workforce; and
• Developing evidence-based outcomes that contribute
to our understanding of how students effectively
learn mathematics and science.
Partners in MSP Projects
MSP Program
Distinctive Features
• The role of science, engineering and
mathematics faculty
• The role of partnerships
• Commitment to identified institutional
• Emphasis on research and evidence
• A collaborative learning laboratory
FY ’02, FY ’03 & FY’04 MSP Competitions
Comprehensive, Targeted & Institute
Partnership Projects and RETA Projects
Comprehensive Projects – Mathematics and/or
Science, entire K-12 spectrum; 12 awards
Targeted Projects – Mathematics and/or Science,
focus on narrower grade bands in K-12; 28 awards
Institute Partnerships – Content and leadership;
8 awards
Research, Evaluation and Technical Assistance
Projects – over 30 awards
The total investment in these projects and other
elements of the NSF MSP program is ~$600 million
Math and Science Partnership Program
National Distribution of Partnership Activity
- Lead institutions / Comprehensive partnership projects
- Lead institutions / Targeted partnership projects
- Lead institutions / Institute partnership projects
- States in which partnerships are active
MSP Projects – Key Features
MSP Projects:
• offer challenging courses and curricula for
• provide solutions to issues of teacher quality,
quantity and diversity
• are partnership-driven involving mathematics,
science, and engineering faculty
• have evidence-based design and outcomes
• provide evidence for likely institutional
change and partnership sustainability
Research, Evaluation and
Technical Assistance
Adding Value to the MSP Evaluations
Norman Webb, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Alternative Approaches to Evaluating STEM Education
Gordon Kingsley, Georgia Institute of Technology
Assessing Teacher Learning About Science Teaching
Patrick Smith, Horizon Research, Inc.
Building Evaluation Capacity of STEM Projects
Cathy Callow Heusser, Utah State University
Causal Inference in Instructional Workforce Research
Mary Kennedy, Michigan State University
Design, Validation and Dissemination of Measures of Content
Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics
Heather Hill, University of Michigan
Research, Evaluation and
Technical Assistance
Distributed Leadership for Middle School Mathematics Education
James Spillane, Northwestern University
Envisioning Quality Science Assessments
Stuart Elliott, National Academy of Sciences
Facilitating Mathematics/Science Partnerships
Jay Labov, National Academy of Sciences
Leadership Content Knowledge and Mathematics Instructional
Quality in the MSPs
Barbara Nelson, Education Development Center
Longitudinal Design to Measure Effects of MSP Professional
Development in Improving Quality of Instruction in
Mathematics and Science Education
Rolf Blank, Council of Chief State School Officers
MOSART: Misconception Oriented Standards-based Assessment
Resource for Teachers
Philip Sadler, Harvard University
Research, Evaluation and
Technical Assistance
MSP Motivation Assessment Program
Stuart Karabenick , University of Michigan
Online Technologies to Enhance MSP Teacher Quality Programs
Glenn Kleiman, Education Development Center
Redesign of the AP Biology Course, Examination, and Teacher
Professional Development Experience
Howard Everson, The College Board
Research on MSP Teacher Recruitment, Induction, Retention
Edward Britton, WestEd
The Effect of STEM Faculty Engagement in MSP: A Longitudinal
Xiaodong Zhang, Westat, Inc.
Joni Falk, TERC, Inc.
An electronic learning community for the Math and Science
Partnership Program -
Project Showcase: News clippings, Press Releases, Reports and
Multimedia presentations
Library: Educational Change & Policy, Professional Development,
Teaching & Learning, MSP 5 Key Features, MSP Project Papers
Resources: Useful Websites, MSP Toolbox/Materials, MSP Program
Information, NSF News, ED News, Related Programs
Conferences: MSP Conferences, RETA Conferences & Workshops,
STEM Conferences
State Coordinators for ED MSPs have their own space on