Transcript MSP

Math and Science Partnership (MSP) Program

A Research and Development Effort

Joan Prival Division of Undergraduate Education Directorate for Education and Human Resources

A research & development (R & D) effort at NSF for building capacity and integrating the work of higher education with that of K-12 to strengthen and reform mathematics and science education

Launched in FY 2002 as a key facet of the President’s NCLB vision for K-12 education

Reauthorized as part of the America COMPETES Act of 2007

Through the Math and Science Partnership program, NSF awards competitive, merit-based grants to teams composed of institutions of higher education, local K-12 school systems and supporting partners. At their core, Partnerships contain at least one institution of higher education and one K-12 school system.

Seeks to improve student outcomes in mathematics and science for all students, at all K-12 levels

Is a coordinated effort between NSF and ED, who together have defined the program linkages necessary to manage investment for greatest effectiveness

What distinguishes NSF’s MSP Program?

Substantial intellectual engagement of mathematicians, scientists and engineers from higher education in improving K-12 student outcomes in mathematics and the sciences

What distinguishes NSF’s MSP Program?

Depth and quality of creative, strategic actions that extend beyond commonplace approaches

Breadth and depth of Partnerships – Partnerships between organizations, rather than among individuals only

What distinguishes NSF’s MSP Program?

Organizational/institutional change driven by Partnerships

Degree to which MSP work is integrated with evidence; degree to which the work of the Partnerships is itself the work of scholars who seek evidence for what they do

Key Features

Partnership-driven, with significant engagement of faculty in mathematics, the sciences, and engineering

Teacher quality, quantity, and diversity

Challenging courses and curricula

Evidence-based design and outcomes

Institutional change and sustainability

New Solicitation:

Math and Science Partnership (MSP


NSF 08-525

NSF 08-525

In this solicitation, NSF seeks to support six types of awards:

Targeted Partnerships

Institute Partnerships

MSP-Start Partnerships

Phase II Partnerships

Research, Evaluation and Technical

Assistance (RETA)

Innovation through Institutional

Integration (I 3 )

FY’08 Targeted Partnerships

Focus on:

Specific elements/issues in K-12 mathematics or science teaching and learning, where analysis of the data indicates that a concentrated effort would result in the greatest improvement.

Proposals that develop and study approaches which foster inventiveness and innovation in teaching and learning for K-12 students, clearly articulating what they will know and be able to do.

FY’08 Targeted Partnerships

Engage teachers and/or students studying to become teachers in a multi-year program, based on contemporary research findings on effective classroom practice and the science of learning, that provides in-depth study within a particular discipline.

Contribute evidenced-based findings to the knowledge base about teacher and student learning.

FY’08 Institute Partnerships

Institutes will be multi-year programs of coherent study within a particular discipline plus a leadership component.

Contribute evidenced-based findings to the knowledge base about teacher leadership and its impact on student learning.

K-12 core partners are:

Districts from which participants are selected, and

Required to grant sufficient non classroom time for participants to carry out responsibilities

FY’08 MSP-Start Partnerships

Seeks to include institutions of higher education of varying scope, size, experience and perspectives emphasizing minority serving institutions (e.g., Tribal Colleges, Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Hispanic Serving Institutions), community colleges and primarily undergraduate institutions.

Conduct the data collection, analysis, team building and evaluation necessary for developing a proposal for a full MSP Targeted or Institute Partnership.

FY’08 MSP Phase II Partnerships

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From any institution of higher education partner in a previously funded Comprehensive or Targeted Partnership whose work began in 2002 or 2003. Concentrate on analysis, adaptation, dissemination and use of existing innovative practices developed through prior MSP support. Phase II Partnerships must include:

Some, but not necessarily all, of the original partners and the rationale for the new Partnership,

One or more research questions, in conjunction with appropriate research methodologies,

Detailed Evaluation Plan with benchmarks and measures that will demonstrate results, and

Plans to continue longitudinal analyses on aspects of the prior work and must continue to contribute data to the MSP Management Information System.

Research, Evaluation and Technical Assistance (RETA) RETA projects directly support the work of the Partnerships through:

Research on teacher leadership and the factors that contribute to its development.

Development of tools to assess teacher knowledge in math and science, particularly for Grades 9 -12.

Longitudinal studies of teachers and students who participate in MSP

Work of national disciplinary or professional societies

FY’08 Partnerships

The PI of each Partnership must be a faculty member in a mathematics, science or engineering department in a higher education core partner.

One or more co-Principal Investigators must be representative(s) from the K-12 core partner organization(s).

FY’08 Partnerships

Core partners share responsibility and accountability for the MSP project, ARE REQUIRED to provide evidence of their commitment to undergo the institutional change necessary to sustain the partnership effort beyond the funding period. Core partners include: in each Partnership MUST

At least one institution of higher education (including 2-year and 4-year colleges and universities) AND

At least one K-12 local school district.

FY’08 Partnerships

CORE partners may include other stakeholders who are also expected to participate in the coordinated institutional changes SUPPORTING partners include entities that are important contributors but are not required to commit to institutional change

Evidence-Based Design and Outcomes

Understanding the research literature on science and mathematics education pertinent to partnerships’ data-based needs and goals

Incorporating the research literature into projects in a manner informed by baseline data and developing benchmarks that build from that data

Investigating the factors that contribute to projects’ outcomes to learn more about what works, where it works, and why it works

Overarching Principles that Provide Guidance Throughout

NSF Merit Review Criteria: Intellectual Merit & Broader Impacts

Depth and quality of creative, strategic actions that extend beyond commonplace approaches

Emphasis on evidence-based design and outcomes throughout

Commitment to high quality scholarship in all aspects of proposed work

Additional Review Criteria Consider the following questions:

How well does the proposal address the MSP Key Features?

Is the proposed work strategic and innovative, and informed by the current research literature on teaching and learning?

Is the evaluation plan comprehensive in nature, including both formative and summative components, and to be conducted by objective experts external to the project?

Additional Resources

A Guide for Proposal Writing: 16/nsf04016.pdf

Website for MSP:

Click on Program Area – Education Click on Division of Undergraduate Education (DUE) Click on Math and Science Partnership Program

MSP Portfolio

Website for MSPnet:

Knowledge Management and Dissemination

Evidence: An Essential Tool

Planning for and Gathering Evidence Using the Design Implementation-Outcomes (DIO) Cycle of Evidence

NSF 05-31

RETA Developed Tools

Design, Validation, and Dissemination of Measure of Content Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics

[University of Michigan; PI Heather Hill] –

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Assessment items for mathematics teachers in the upper elementary and middle school grade levels Approximately 300 items in number, operations, pre-algebra and algebra, and geometry Disseminated to approximately eighty projects, including ten NSF MSPs and numerous U.S. Department of Education MSPs

Learning Mathematics for Teaching Event: LMT Measures Workshop offered at AERA pre-session Start: Mar 23, 2008 Location: New York City, NY Description: The Learning Mathematics for Teaching (LMT) measures training will be offered at AERA on Sunday March 23rd in New York City (register at The LMT training offers background on the study and measurement of mathematical knowledge for teaching and provides practical guidance on using the LMT measures to study teachers' mathematical knowledge and growth. For more information on the LMT project visit URL:

RETA Developed Tools

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Assessing Teacher Learning About Science Teaching (ATLAST)

[Horizon Research, Inc., and AAAS; PI - Patrick Smith] Instruments that measure change in knowledge needed by middle school teachers in three topics of science Provides assessment materials, scoring and reporting as part of its technical assistance Eight of ED’s State MSP sites, and a number of NSF MSPs, are using the assessments to gauge the impact of their professional development activities Item writing for more than 50 directors of ED’s State MSPs

RETA Developed Tools

Misconception Oriented Standards-based Assessment Resource for Teachers

(MOSART) [Harvard University; PI - Philip Sadler] x.html

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Content instruments for K-12 physical science and earth science, based on the research literature on students' science misconceptions A free, open web site that provides versions of its tests to any interested party, including an online tutorial that explains how the tests were developed and their intended uses Expertise shared with state funded ED MSPs. e.g. MSP effort for the entire state of Georgia

MSP Proposal Deadlines Letters of Intent (optional): Feb. 18, 2008 Proposal Deadline: March 25, 2008 Submit Proposals by Fastlane or

Other EHR Funding Opportunities DRK-12 Full Proposals Due Jan 28, 2008 ITEST Full Proposals Due Apr 10, 2008 Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program Full Proposals due Apr 9, 2008

Math and Science Partnership

[email protected]