Transcript MSP - ASME

National Science Foundation
FY’04 Math and
Science Partnership
(MSP) Program
Diane M. Spresser
Senior Program Coordinator
National Science Foundation
Math and Science Partnership
The MSP program is a major research and
development effort designed to improve K-12
student achievement in mathematics and
science. In FY’04, NSF seeks to support three
types of MSP projects:
• Targeted Partnerships for the secondary
grade levels (i.e., middle and/or high school)
• Institute Partnerships – Teacher Institutes
for the 21st Century
• Research, Evaluation and Technical
Assistance in support of the Institute
National Science Foundation
Math and Science Partnership
The MSP program seeks to improve K-12
student achievement through a sharp
focus on three inter-related issues:
• Ensuring that all students have access
to, are prepared for and are
encouraged to participate and succeed
in challenging and advanced
mathematics and science courses;
National Science Foundation
Math and Science Partnership
• Enhancing the quality, quantity and
diversity of the K-12 mathematics and
science teacher workforce; and
• Developing evidence-based outcomes
that contribute to our understanding
of how students effectively learn
mathematics and science.
National Science Foundation
MSP – Key Features
Successful MSP Partnership Proposals:
• are partnership-driven with significant
engagement of mathematics, science and
engineering faculty
• provide solutions to issues of teacher quality,
quantity and diversity
• offer challenging courses and curricula for
• have evidence-based design and outcomes
• provide evidence for likely institutional
change and partnership sustainability
National Science Foundation
FY’04 Targeted and Institute
Partnerships (NSF 03-605)
CORE partners share responsibility for
accountability and must provide evidence of their
commitment to undergo the coordinated
institutional changes necessary to sustain the
partnership effort
CORE partners must include:
At least one K-12 school district
At least one higher education institution –
mathematicians, scientists and engineers of
these institutions must participate significantly
National Science Foundation
FY’04 Targeted and Institute
Partnerships (NSF 03-605)
CORE partners may include other stakeholders
who are also expected to participate in the
coordinated institutional changes
SUPPORTING partners include entities that are
important contributors but are not required to
commit to institutional change
National Science Foundation
MSP Program – Roles for Science,
Engineering & Mathematics Faculty
Will Vary According to Goals and Type
of Partnership
• Deliver professional development for teachers
and/or higher education colleagues
• Design new courses for preservice teachers
• Implement 21st century views of teaching and
learning in higher education
• Mentor preservice and/or inservice teachers,
especially during induction period
• Offer research experiences for participants
• Oversee/organize graduate students and
postdoctoral fellows to participate in K-12
• ??? – Additional innovative practices are
National Science Foundation
Evidence-Based Design and
• Understanding the research literature on
science and mathematics education pertinent
to partnerships’ data-based needs and goals
• Incorporating the research literature into
projects in a manner informed by baseline
data and developing benchmarks that build
from that data
• Investigating the factors that contribute to
projects’ outcomes to learn more about what
works, where it works, and why it works
National Science Foundation
FY’04 Institute Partnerships
• Focus on:
• development of school-based intellectual leaders
and master teachers
• teachers of mathematics or the sciences in the
secondary grades and elementary specialists
• Participants will be experienced teachers who wish
to deepen content knowledge and build leadership
• Institutes will be multi-year programs of coherent
study within particular discipline
• K-12 core partners are:
• districts from which participants are selected, and
• required to grant sufficient non-classroom time
for participants to carry out responsibilities
National Science Foundation
FY’04 MSP Research,
Evaluation and Technical
Assistance (NSF 03-605)
RETA proposals must support or inform the
work of the Institute Partnerships through:
• research on the characteristics that define and
contribute to the development of teacher
intellectual leadership;
• development of assessments on teacher growth
in content knowledge, leadership, and/or
reflective practice; or
• research on the attributes of challenging
mathematics/science content.
National Science Foundation
MSP Project Description
FY’04 Targeted and Institute
Partnerships (NSF 03-605)
• Vision, Goals and Outcomes – motivated by
local needs; supported by baseline data;
discusses challenges and opportunities in
K-12 and higher education environments
• Results from Prior NSF Funding – includes
results and lessons learned
• Action Plan – describes how the partnership
will achieve the vision, goals and objectives
National Science Foundation
MSP Project Description
FY’04 Targeted and Institute
Partnerships (NSF 03-605)
• Evaluation Plan – measures progress and
• Partnership Management/Governance Plan –
details capacity and readiness; describes
roles and responsibilities of key personnel
• Institutional Change and Sustainability identifies how the plan will effect coordinated
institutional changes within the core partners
National Science Foundation
MSP Additional Materials
FY’04 Targeted and Institute
Partnerships (NSF 03-605)
Special Information and Supplementary
Documentation – limit of 20 pages maximum;
varies according to Targeted or Institute
Partnership; includes:
• Tables that summarize baseline student
achievement and teacher workforce data
• Annual Benchmarks and Outcome Goals
• Partnership Leadership Team and
Disciplinary Partner Tables
• Commitments to institutional change
• Other letters of substantive commitment
National Science Foundation
MSP – FY’02 & FY’03 Competitions
Comprehensive & Targeted Projects
Comprehensive Partnerships – Mathematics
and/or Science, entire K-12 spectrum;
12 awards
Targeted Partnerships – Mathematics and/or
Science, focus on narrower grade bands in K-12;
23 awards
Institute Partnerships – Content and leadership;
1 prototype award
National Science Foundation
• NSF 02-061, MSP Comprehensive and Targeted
Projects Solicitation
• NSF 02-103, MSP Research, Evaluation and
Technical Assistance Dear Colleague Letter
• NSF 02-190, MSP Comprehensive and Targeted
Projects Solicitation
• NSF 03-541, MSP Research, Evaluation and
Technical Assistance Solicitation
• NSF 03-605, MSP Targeted Projects, Institute
Partnerships, and Research, Evaluation and
Technical Assistance Solicitation
National Science Foundation
MSP – FY’04
MSP Website –
FY’02 and FY’03 Awards
Workshop materials
Common Shortcomings in Unsuccessful
MSP Staff
Other Programs of Interest