Transcript Document

“Heads Up” - August 2014
The monthly round-up of news from Yorkshire &
the Humber Leadership Academy
Welcome to the new look “Heads Up” which continues to bring you a monthly summary of our leadership and
organisation development activity and offers.
In addition to our look we have also changed our name. It was agreed by the Regional Leadership Council at their July
meeting that Leadership & OD Partners would become Yorkshire & the Humber Leadership Academy. This change will
help the team to be better recognised as a regional resource that works to support and enable our stakeholders to
achieve their local objectives.
Working in partnership we continue to provide a range of offers to create excellent leadership, excellent organisations,
transforming systems together. Building upon seven years of regional investment in the leadership and organisation
development agenda we want to maintain the legacy and continue to raise the profile of the great work that is being
delivered in partnership across the region.
The Regional Leadership Council continues to update its membership if you are interested to find our more about how
our work is shaped and governed please get in touch with me.
Kathryn Winterburn
Head of Leadership & Organisation Development
Yorkshire and the Humber Leadership Academy
Stakeholder Feedback
As part of Health Education Yorkshire and the Humber’s workforce data return, organisations were asked to provide a
short narrative overview of areas where they could be supported to improve values and behaviours across their
workforce. We analysed the data and identified emerging themes our stakeholders have told us that they would like to
work on. Some of the headlines we have shared below, if you would like to discuss in detail contact Andrea Overton.
There were as many different requests for how to support organisations as there were organisations provide a
response. Several organisations did touch on common need for our team to facilitate connections, networks,
shared learning or co-ordinating resources and brokering shared development. Other common areas for some
organisations was for our team to provide consultancy, peer review/challenge via an account manager type role.
Leadership development activity within organisations is as varied as are the identified needs for support for any
gaps they have. This suggests that local offers need to be more bespoke and less ‘one size fits all’.
A notable number of responses showed a positive regard for local offers such as coaching and Innov8 or the
national Academy programmes. In terms of unmet needs so far, many are already areas under development either
at local or national level. This is a strong position to continue to work from.
A few organisations appear to have a very mature approach to strategic leadership development overall and a few
more appear to have pockets of practice and innovation that would be of interest to peers. A simple mechanism for
sharing practice would seem an easy win.
Responses from the east of the region have a common theme of local collaboration and mutual support to address
their specific workforce needs and there are examples of specific activity these localities are pursuing. A shared
conversation about this should be a priority for us.
Look out for our upcoming prospectus detailing our offer to the region and feel free to contact us for any ideas you’d like
to discuss.
Regional News
System Leadership
It seems to be the new buzz word and a great deal of activity is going on within the NHS and beyond in the name of
system leadership but what is it really? For some system leadership simply means working across organisational
boundaries but we believe effective system leadership is more than this, so the interventions that we offer under this
banner seek to enable leaders learn about the nature of their system not just their part of it.
By creating the space for leaders to come together to consciously deconstruct what the system means, examine power
dynamics, recognise the inherent contradictions, competition and ultimately complexity of system leadership, we can
begin to learn together how to create a very different future that is much more than the sum of the respective parts.
Yorkshire & the Humber Leadership Academy are supporting a number of system interventions within the region that
genuinely seek to bring about transformative change. Additionally our Critical Evidence Based Community Programme
will develop a sector spanning leadership community willing to collaborate in dealing with complex problems of the
present and creating a space for the co-creation in future.
The programme is for leaders wishing to explore the potential of collaboration across traditional boundaries and seek
challenge and fresh approaches to respond to system challenges. If you are interested in joining this community, see
the flyer here or contact Amanda Allen.
If you wish to discuss system leadership and potential development support, please contact Kathryn Winterburn.
Regional News
Manager as Coach Sessions
The coaching capability of managers and
leaders in their everyday interactions is arguably
more important than the number of coaches in
an organisation. This is a “train the trainer”
programme to equip coaches with facilitation
skills to deliver skills training in coaching to
managers in their organisation.
We invite applications from Leadership and
Organisational Development Leads. Applications
should be in the form of a business case that
describes the goals of this investment and their
links to organisational priorities.
The closing date for applications is 20th October,
contact Amanda Allen or see the registration
form here.
AHSN Improvement Fellows Development
We are very excited to be working in partnership
with the Y&H Academic Health Science Network
(YHAHSN) to design and deliver a co-created
development programme specifically for AHSN
Improvement Fellows who are engaged in quality
improvement work and patient safety.
programme will commence in October and
includes workshops based on the work of Barry
Oshry, Action Learning as well as attendance at
the Jonkoping Microsystems Festival in February
2015. For further information please contact
Jane Pightling or see the flyer here.
Regional News
Social Media Sessions Update
Talent Management Events
In last year’s consultation you asked for sessions
on how social media could be used by leaders.
We responded and commissioned a series of
We were overwhelmed by the
demand and have doubled the number of
sessions to accommodate the waiting list. The
workshops have evaluated positively and we
only have a few remaining places.
We are pleased to confirm two Talent
Management events in the region, hosted in
partnership with the NHS Leadership Academy
and NHS England.
The first event on 16th October is aimed
specifically at CCGs in our region, with a further
event for other organisations on the 2nd
December. The sessions will cover the NHS
Leadership Academy talent management tools,
plus CCG pilots coming to talk about their
experience of implementing the tools in practice
and a session on using the healthcare leadership
model within talent conversations.
To register your interest for 16th October contact
Gillian Rooke at NHS England directly, for all
other enquiries contact Lynsey Nicholson.
Regional Recognition
The deadline to nominate staff or teams in to the NHS
Regional Recognition Awards has been extended to 1st
September. Given the amount of excellent work that we
know is taking place in the region, we were surprised by
the number of lights hidden under Yorkshire bushels!
Some organisations have yet to have any staff or teams
named for one of the nine awards available.
Here is a breakdown of nominations (correct as of 22nd
August); if your organisation is one of those without a
nomination listed, we would encourage you to look again
to find at least one person or team to put forward.
We’re sure you must have a few shining stars you wish
to recognise. Follow our step by step guide here, or if
you are ready to go ahead with a nomination (you can
even nominate yourself), visit the Leadership Academy
portal here.
If you have any queries please contact John Hunter or
Lucy Scarisbrick.
Barnsley Hospital FT
Bradford District Care Trust
Bradford Teaching Hospitals FT
Calderdale CCG
Calderdale & Huddersfield FT
Care Plus Group
Doncaster & Bassetlaw Hospitals
East Riding of Yorkshire CCG
Harrogate & Rural District CCG
Harrogate & District FT
Hull & East Yorkshire FT
Leeds Community Healthcare
Leeds & York Partnership FT
Leeds Teaching Hospitals FT
Leeds University Medical School
Leeds West CCG
Mid Yorkshire Hospitals FT
Northern Lincolnshire & Goole FT
North Leeds CCG
Rotherham FT
Sheffield Teaching Hospitals
South West Yorkshire Partnership FT
Wakefield CCG
York Teaching Hospitals FT
Sheffield Health & Social Care FT
Sheffield CCG & Sheffield Council
Spectrum Community Health
Regional Leadership Press
Yorkshire & the Humber National Awards
winner reflects on success
Esme Moniz-Cook from Humber Foundation
Trust, spoke recently about winning a National
NHS Leadership Recognition Award earlier this
year. Read more here
Sheffield Nurse encourages others to join
development programme
Claire Eves, neonatal sister on the Jessop Wing
at the Royal Hallamshire Hospital, is urging all
nurses and midwives in the area to take
advantage of Frontline, a free development
opportunity being offered by the NHS Leadership
Claire said “The programme fits in so well with
family life and learning more about yourself to
become a better leader can only be a good
Read more here
Frontline Nursing &
Airedale FT
Barnsley Hospice
Barnsley Hospitals FT
Bassetlaw Health Partnerships
Bradford District Care Trust
Bradford Teaching Hospitals FT
Calderdale & Huddersfield FT
Doncaster & Bassetlaw Hospitals FT
Harrogate & District FT
Huddersfield & Calderdale FT
Hull & East Yorkshire Hospitals FT
Humber FT
Leeds and York Partnerships FT
Leeds Community Healthcare FT
Leeds Teaching Hospitals FT
Mid Yorks hire Hospitals FT
Navigo health and Social Care CIC
Northern Lincolnshire and Goole FT
Rharian Fields
Royal Hallamshire Hospital
Sheffield Children’s Hospital FT
Sheffield Health and Social Care FT
Sheffield NHS Teaching Hospitals FT
South West Yorkshire FT
St Luke’s Hospice
York Teaching Hospital FT
Yorkshire Ambulance Service
Frontline Programme Update
We have upcoming cohorts for this Nursing and
Midwifery Development Programme available in
Sheffield, Leeds, Hull and we are pleased to
announce a recently negotiated cohort for York
will be available soon. See here for a full list of
cohorts available.
A breakdown of participants by organisation is
available here for your reference (correct as of
12th August); if we can be of any help in
encouraging your nurses and midwives in joining
Frontline please contact Lucy Scarisbrick to
This fully funded programme is due to close in
2015 and we are keen to ensure the region’s
nurses and midwives benefit from it.
Dates For Your Diary
1st Sept: GMTS National
Welcome event
5th Sept: “Developing Diverse
Talent”: A conversation with CEOs
and executive leaders
11th Sept - 19th Nov: Social Media
18th Sept: Strategic Alignment
event for Senior Leaders
18th Sept onwards: Systems
Leadership Community
25th Sept: Innov8 Fund
application closing date
30th Sept: Psychometric Testing &
Assessment event
October: Improvement Fellows
Development Programme begins
October: Talent 2020 Inquiry
October: Innov8 Associates
October: Nominations and
recruitment for Change Leaders
October: Innov8 Masterclass
series begins
7th Oct – Regional Leadership
Council Meeting
10th Oct: GMTS Regional
Welcome event
16th Oct: CCGs Talent
Management session
21st Oct: Women in Medicine
22nd Oct: Accelerate Celebration
November: Inspiring Leaders
Forum launches
26th Nov: 360 Facilitator Training
26th-27th Nov: “Manager as
Coach” training
2nd Dec: Talent 2020 Workshop
3rd Dec: NHS Regional
Recognition Awards
January: Diversity Management
MSc at Bradford Uni intake
21st-22nd Jan: “Manager as
Coach” training
February: i-Lead Programme
2nd Feb: Health Coaching
Spring: Intake for Mary
Seacole, Elizabeth Garrett
Anderson Leadership
Spring: Innov8 Alliance Day
Contact Us
General Enquiries: 0113 394 2963 /// Follow us @YHLeadershipOD
Andrea Overton and Lynsey
Inclusive Talent Development,
Emerging Leaders, Graduate
Management Trainee Scheme
Anthony Owens, Jane Pightling and Capacity and Capability Building
Amanda Allen
including OD Programmes and
John Hunter and Lucy Scarisbrick
National Professional Development
Programmes, Regional Leadership
Awards and Communications
Kathryn Winterburn and Jo Seddon
Strategy and Planning, Regional
Leadership Council, Partnership
Working and Systems Leadership