Heads Up October 2014 - Health Education Yorkshire and the Humber

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Heads Up” - October 2014

The monthly round-up of news from Yorkshire & the Humber Leadership Academy


September has seen a great deal of activity for the team as our weekly updates testify. Our 2013 GMTS intake started and were welcomed into the NHS at the National Welcome Event. We are now gearing up for our the Regional Event 24 th October. Nominations for the Regional Leadership Awards came pouring in at the last minute with over 150 nominations! This is up on last year and the quality is very high, we’re looking forward to the Awards Ceremony 3 rd December.

Inclusive and Diverse Leadership continues to be a high priority for us. We were delighted by the turnout at the Inclusion Event for Chief Executives and Directors. The event provided a safe space for discussion and action planning to create more diverse senior leadership across Yorkshire and the Humber. We also received plenty of bids against the Innov8 Fund and are very proud to be able to support individuals and organisations as they work to develop diverse talent.

Lisa Chan is a welcome addition to our team; she joins John Hunter as our key link supporting the delivery of the National Leadership Programmes and Awards.

Looking ahead to the coming months our activity is increasingly aimed at improving engagement with our stakeholders across the Yorkshire and Humber region to ensure that our leadership and organisation development offer remains relevant and responsive to your needs. Support to ‘System Leadership’ interventions and specific OD consultancy requests seem to be on the increase which is exciting since we are in the process of re-launching the Strategic OD network. Working with OD practitioners across the patch we are designing interventions to increase capacity and capability in this area. If you would like more information please get in touch.

Kathryn Winterburn Head of Leadership & Organisation Development Yorkshire and the Humber Leadership Academy

Regional News

Developing Diverse Talent event round up

5 th September we hosted an event with the NHS Leadership Academy to meet with the most senior leaders of healthcare in our region, to provide a safe space for NHS Chief Executives and senior leaders to reflect, discuss and take action to increase diversity of race and ethnicity in the leadership and governance of the NHS. Over 22 Senior Leaders attended the session, delivered by Carol Campayne and Roger Kline. The workshop was balanced to ensure a link between personal, collective and wider responsibility with round table discussions and presentations from Roger around his findings across the region.

A number of resources were circulated on the day, which contact

Lynsey Nicholson


you can view here

. For further information,

Regional News

Invitation to Senior Leaders to join Accelerate discussion Cross – sector mentoring system

We held a design day 2 nd the cross sector October to introduce mentoring system to stakeholders from the region, including staff from Sheffield Teaching Hospitals, Leeds Community Healthcare, York Teaching Hospitals, Bradford District Care Trust and Health & Social Care Information Centre.



programme progresses the leadership journey and careers of junior to mid level leaders, leadership skills with a and focus values on to inclusive benefit participants, their colleagues and patients and service users. To celebrate the completion of the latest cohort, we are hosting an event

22 nd October at the Novotel in Leeds;

we invite senior leaders to join us for a round table discussion prior to the networking lunch. Please contact

Lynsey Nicholson

for further details.

Stakeholders worked with the provider to help focus the system to offer a simple and intuitive means by which users can find help to close important knowing and doing gaps. Our next step is to gather names of organisations who wish to access the system; we have lists of NHS organisations in the region but if there are non NHS organisations you partner with that should be included, email

Amanda Allen

to let us know.

Regional News

Innov8 Associates

The Innov8 Associates had their first meeting this week with the Innov8 team to discuss their individual ideas around diversity and inclusion in their own organisations.

The Associates have been sponsored to cover their time and a range of resources to drive their ideas forward around issues of gender parity, healthy organisations and inclusive and representative leadership. The meeting was thought provoking and a real insight into the work being driven by passionate individuals in the region, with a key motivation for making change happen at a local level for the people they work with and the communities they serve.

We will continue to update you about the work of our Associates

via the website

, where you can also find the details of their proposals.

Innov8 Fund

The Innov8 Fund closed to application on 25 th September. We received 11 applications from our stakeholders asking for financial investment into an area of work intending to support diverse leadership, improve the health of an organisation or providing more inclusive services. The panel are due to make their decisions in October, following this we will be able to confirm the successful applications.

If you have any queries about Innov8, contact

Lynsey Nicholson


Regional News

The Strategic Areas of Improvement in Healthcare as defined by Jönköping County Council Oshry Workshop 10 th November

One of the elements of our

Fellows Development Improvement Programme

is the opportunity for to take part in a workshop hosted by John Watters in Sheffield, it is open to any staff interested in managing the system and getting people on board.

Other parts of the Programme include funding to attend the

Jönköping Microsystems Festival

in 2015, and establishing a Community of Practice, supported by

George Pór

, from global consultancy Future Considersations. George will undertake an Appreciative Inquiry in the first half of October with Improvement Fellows, and we are looking for volunteers for him to speak to.

Please register your interest ASAP with

Amanda Allen


Regional & National News

NHS Leadership Academy Survey request Staff Networks request

The NHS commissioned Leadership a piece recruitment and leadership.

Academy of research, have in partnership with the Foundation Trust Network, into researching ethnicity, disability and NHS

Please help by completing this confidential questionnaire

, which is deliberately brief, by

14 November 2014

. The findings, which will be anonymised, will help to begin to better understand the issues for the recruitment and retention of BME staff and the formulation of appropriate talent management strategies.

As part of our ongoing work we are seeking to promote our programmes of inclusive leadership and recognise emerging talent across our workforce in the region. We would like to come and visit your staff networks or staff development events to tell you more about what we are doing.

If you are interested in knowing more about our offers, please provide

Lynsey Nicholson

with details for any networks meeting within your organisation.

If you have any questions about how the information will be used please email the project manager

Brendan Martin

or call 020 3092 4789

National Programmes

Over 400 nurses and midwives from Yorkshire and the Humber take part in

The NHS Leadership Academy development programme,

Frontline Frontline

, has had over 400 nurses and midwives from our region take part. The first 25 cohorts nationally completed at the end of September, with a further 65 either underway or due to open in the coming months.

400 is a fantastic result for Yorkshire and the Humber – to put in to context, the national target for Frontline is 5,000 over one year. Thank you to our stakeholders for passing on the opportunity, and supporting staff through the programme. Feedback received formally and anecdotally from participants and the workshop facilitators Hay Group has been overwhelmingly positive.

We want to make sure your nurses and midwives take up this offer while still available as a funded programme. Please let us know of any opportunities we can take to come to your organisation to talk to staff and give out information. Contact to arrange.

John Hunter


Lisa Chan

“I did have the opinion I am a band 5 I cannot change anything. That opinion has now well and truly disappeared this is not the case no matter who you are within the workplace I can make a difference no matter how small and if everyone makes one small change the impact will be and can be huge.

National Programmes

Regional Leadership Awards – thank you National Development Programmes update

Nominations closed 1 st September and thanks to your efforts we received

155 nominations

across 44 organisations in Yorkshire and the Humber, a 55% increase on last year’s count and fourth out of the 10 NHS Leadership Academy Local Delivery Partners nationally in terms of numbers.

Participants for the new intakes of the Mary Seacole, Elizabeth Garrett Anderson and Nye Bevan Programmes have now been contacted and will start their study over the next eight weeks (programme dependant).

Thanks also to our judging panel who have returned scores this week, you can view

the list of finalists here


The Regional Recognition Awards ceremony will take place the daytime of

3 rd December at the Marriott Hotel, Leeds

. Please contact



Lisa Chan

with any queries.


We will have an update for all Leadership Leads to follow shortly, detailing their participants for each programme.

The September 2013 intake for the Mary Seacole Programme are due to finish shortly, and we are in the planning stages for a graduation event in the region in early 2015.

Please contact any queries.

John Hunter


Lisa Chan


Dates For Your Diary

• • • • • • • • • • •

Now October:

Improvement Fellows Development Programme begins


Talent 2020 Inquiry


Innov8 Associates begin


Recruitment for Change Leaders Network


Innov8 Masterclass series begins

16 th Oct

: CCGs Talent Management session

20 th / 28 th Oct:

Jonkoping Community of Practice Workshops

21 st Oct:

Women in Medicine event

22 nd Oct:

Accelerate Celebration Event

22 nd Oct:

Leeds Cohort for Frontline closes

24 th Oct:

GMTS Regional Welcome event • • • • • • • •

Next November:

Inspiring Leaders Forum launches

10 th Nov:

York Cohort for Frontline closes

10 th Nov:

Oshry Workshop with John Watters (Improvement Fellows Programme)

26 27 th th Nov:

360 Facilitator Training

-28 th Nov:

“Manager as Coach” training

2 nd Dec:

Talent 2020 Workshop

3 rd Dec:

NHS Regional Recognition Awards


Mary Seacole Programme (Intake 1) final marks sent out • • • • • • • •

Later January:

Diversity Management MSc at Bradford University intake


Mary Seacole Programme (Intake 1) Graduation Event

21 st -22 nd Jan:

“Manager as Coach” training


i-Lead Programme begins

2 nd Feb:

Health Coaching Conference

25 th -27 th Feb:

Jonkoping Microsystems Festival

March 2015:

Frontline Programme closes


Innov8 Alliance Day

Contact Us

General Enquiries: 0113 394 2963 /// Follow us @YHLeadershipOD Andrea Overton Nicholson


Lynsey Anthony Owens


Jane Pightling


Amanda Allen

Inclusive Talent Development, Graduate Management Trainee Scheme Capacity and Capability Building including OD Programmes and Coaching

John Hunter


Lisa Chan Lucy Scarisbrick

National Professional Development Programmes, Regional Leadership Awards Communications and Engagement

Kathryn Winterburn


Jo Seddon

Strategy and Planning, Regional Leadership Council, Partnership Working and Systems Leadership