Transcript Slide 1

Objective SRC-SLRD
ESSIP Plan 2014
Agnieszka DYBOWSKA
Comprehensive Explanation
 Applicable to civil & military REG, incl. NSAs → only REG/ MIL
 Encompasses ANS plus the related ATFM and ASM functions
(full ATM/ANS)
 Applicable Areas: 4 States: AM, AZ, TR, UA
ESSIP Plan 2014 / Objective SRC-SLRD
Comprehensive Explanation
1. REG01: Develop/establish an acceptable level of safety & ensure its
constant review ( LAs to address evidences that the State has formally established
an acceptable level of safety to be achieved for ATS provision, in terms of safety
goals, as per ICAO Annex 11and that the State ensures its review)
Note: Where ALS or TLS have been established by ANSPs, those may be taken into account only
if approved/ endorsed by the REG authority
2. REG02: Establish national institutional arrangements for the reporting &
investigation system in a “Just Culture” environment (LAs to address references
of new or modified regulations for the formalised national institutional arrangements for
reporting & investigation)
3. REG03: Ensure availability of comprehensive safety data (LAs to address
evidences that NSA requires aviation entities (incl. ANSPs):
have documented reporting & assessment processes in place
assess occurrences that may affect safety and/or safety of ATM services;
analyse the causes and determine severity;
use occurrence analysis results for remedial action;
secure, record & store all results.)
ESSIP Plan 2014 / Objective SRC-SLRD
Comprehensive Explanation
4. REG04: Monitor safety performance (Ask for evidences ref. application to
ASM, ATFM and ref. Risk Classification Scheme applied)
5. REG05: Implement process to issue Safety Directives whenever
immediate safety action is required (LAs to address ref. of NSA procedures
to issue SDs; if they address all functional systems, in particular the technical
systems and constituents; arrangements with other authorities; examples)
6. REG06: Publish an Annual SO Report (LAs to address: ref. of documented
arrangements for production, use (e.g. State SES Annual Report, FAB))
ESSIP Plan 2014 / Objective SRC-SLRD
What is new or has changed since LSSIP 2013
 No changes
 No link with European ATM Master Plan
ESSIP Plan 2014 / Objective SRC-SLRD
Supporting Material
 Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 1034/2011 on
Safety Oversight
 ESARR 1, ESARR 2, ESARR 3; and associated Guidance
 Commission Regulation (EC) 1321/2007 for the integration into
central repository of information on civil aviation occurrences
 Commission Regulation (EC) 1330/2007 for the dissemination to
interested parties of information on civil aviation occurrences
 Directive 2003/42/EC on occurrence reporting in civil aviation
ESSIP Plan 2014 / Objective SRC-SLRD
ESSIP Report 2013
Two out of four States reported Objective SRC-SLRD as
Remaining two States have reported delays in implementation
caused mainly by lack of safety levels.
ESSIP Plan 2014 / Objective SRC-SLRD
Objective Coordinator’s Analysis, recommendations, tips &
In REG01 – ALS – giving references to compliance with ICAO
Annex 11 is important;
Do not accept silly statements such as “An acceptable level of safety is
maintained by means of regular audits & inspections by the NSA…”;
An ALS defined equal to the ECAC minima for accidents is incorrect if that
figure was not properly apportioned in regard of the traffic corresponding to
that particular State out of the ECAC total traffic.
REG02 – Just Culture - Request that REG/NSA specifies and
updates the legal references to the national regulations and
other acts documenting their local arrangements for reporting &
investigation within a Just Culture environment;
ESSIP Plan 2014 / Objective SRC-SLRD
Links and contacts
 Objective Coordinator:
Dybowska A., +32 2 729 5152
[email protected]
 DSS Objective Expert(s):
Deboeck, M., +32 2 729 3812
[email protected]
ESSIP Plan 2014 / Objective SRC-CHNG