Lauren Hummel MS, RD, SNS

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Transcript Lauren Hummel MS, RD, SNS

Eating Healthy On The Go
Lauren Hummel MS, RD, SNS
Director of Food Services
Township High School District 211
Presented on May 16, 2013
Rules to Eat By
1. Eat and eat often
2. Aim for fiber and protein at each meal
3. Weight (lbs) ÷ 2 = minimum # ounces water
to consume each day
4. Shop the perimeter of the grocery store
5. Plan ahead
Planning Ahead
• Think about your goals
• Stock the fridge
– Create convenience
– Dedicate a planning day
– Grab and go containers
• Dining out
• Keep snacks on hand
• Keep snacks on hand
– Avoid trips to the vending machine
– Avoid dips in blood sugar
– Avoid binges later in the day
• Quick ideas
Freeze dried fruit
Fruit Bowl
Trail Mix
Tuna/crackers, peanut butter/ apple
Understand the Label
Hint: Limit
saturated fat to
20 g or less per
Aim for 25-35
grams of fiber per
as a guide for
your daily
Dining Out
Know before you go!
Don’t split your plate
Add to your meal
Don’t go hungry
Watch for the wording
Ask, ask, ask!
Make the most of your plate
An “App”le a day…
• Fooducate
“It’s like having a dietitian on speed dial.” Rates foods with a letter grade and
gives a brief explanation of all you may want to know about particular foods.
• MyFitnessPal
Used to track nutritional intake and provide goals based on height, weight, and
activity level (also works with the FitBit app)
• eaTipster
Get daily healthy eating tips sent to your phone with common myths debunked!
• Calorie King
Base of 70,000 food items including restaurants. Nutrition facts at your fingertips.
• GoodFoodNearYou
Perfect for the frequent traveler. Uses GPS to locate sources of healthy food and
gives you a list of items and nutritional content to along with it.
“We are indeed much more than
what we eat, but what we eat can
nevertheless help us to be much
more than what we are.”
-Adelle Davis