Local to Global Perspective Empire, Colonialism, and

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Basic requirements for human survival include food, water,
shelter, and energy. These resources are globally distributed, and
increasingly the acquisition of these commodities impacts, and
indeed defines, local and international relationships,
economically, environmentally, and politically. This theme
explores geographical distributions of these resources, ways in
which access to and use of resources shapes local and
international relationships, technical systems that enable us to
recover and use resources such as energy, and economic tools
that drive decision-making about resource use.
Themes in General Education are
Designed to:
 assist students in making systematic and deliberate
connections between the ways various disciplinary
perspectives address the same topic.
 provide a framework for faculty in different
departments to collaborate on research projects and
share innovative teaching strategies.
 encourage students to explore areas of specific interest
at a deeper level .
ECO 3620 – Environmental
Resource and Economics
3 hours
 The course explores the efficient allocation of
environmental and natural resources and examines the
continuing conflict between economic activity and
environmental quality and the conservation of natural
resources. The course applies economic theory to local,
regional, national, and international environmental
FCS 2351 – Global Nutrition:
Emerging Health Challenges
3 hours
This course will examine global nutritional issues as they pertain to health
and incidence of disease, integrating social, biological, political, economic,
and environmental factors. The relationship of nutrition and global health
to diverse aspects of globalization and economic development will be
explored. Specific issues include hunger and obesity, infant mortality and
elder health, nutritional programs and agencies, local to global food
markets, and meat versus plant food sources. Students will gain the ability
to accurately evaluate the food and health issues of a specific country or
region. Lecture three hours.
GHY 1020 – World Regional
3 hours
The study of our contemporary world divided into the regions of North
America, Central and South America, Africa, the Middle East, Europe, the
Russian Realm, and South, East and Southeast Asia. Examination of global
issues including population problems, technology and culture change, rural
versus urban development, resource exportation and international trade,
political identity and international conflict.
TEC 3601- Energy Issues and Technology
3 hours
This course will explore the various forms of energy and will examine the
complete range of energy alternatives existing in the world today. Students
will examine energy resources and their economic and environmental
impacts. Students will also have the opportunity to learn about the
concepts, tools, techniques, and materials needed to design and construct
systems that are used to produce energy. The course consists of three
major sections: principles of power and energy, conventional energy
resources, and renewable energy resources. Students will study how to
measure energy resources and estimate the power that could be produced
from them, as well as the technological options that exist for transforming
these resources into useful sources of energy. Lecture three hours.