UE 2- Market Places - Tarumanagara University

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Transcript UE 2- Market Places - Tarumanagara University

Declining and Recovery of Places
Dr.-Ing. Jo Santoso
(Introduction to Kotler’s Marketing Places)
Magister Teknik Perencanaan
Urban Development
March 2006
• Places are more than Budgets and
businesses. They are people, cultures,
historical heritage, physical assets and
• Fiscal and economic measurements can be
use to define the healthiness of places
The Indicators & The Problems
• The Indicators:
(i) Quality of Life of Places
(ii)The quest for livable, investible and
visitable characters of places
• Why do places fall into trouble?
• What can be done to solve the problems?
The City Development Cycles
• City Growth Dynamics (Figure 1-1)
• City Decay Dynamics (Figure 1-2)
• The leading role of “External Forces”:
(i) Technological Development (Table 1-1,
page 11)
(ii) Emerging of “Free Market”/Global
(iii) Policy of Governments (State, City)
Key Challenges Of Places
1. Places are increasingly at risk as a result of the
accelerating pace of change in the global
economic, political, and technological
2. Places are increasingly at risk as a result of
normal processes or urban evolution and
3. Places are facing a growing number of
competitors by attracting scare resources
4. Places have to rely increasingly on their own local
resources to face the growing competition.
The Strategic Market Planning Process
Conducting The Place Audit
Setting The Vision and Objectives
Formulating The Strategy
Developing Action Plan
Implementing And Controlling The
Marketing Plan
The Place Audit
• The Place Audit is tool to understand accurately
what the community is like and why.
• The Place Audit contents
> Examination of Place’s Economic and
Demographic Characteristics
> Identifying the Place’s Main Competitors
> Identifying the Major Trends and Developments
> Analyzing the Place’s Strength and Weaknesses
> Identifying Place’s Opportunities and Threats
Setting Vision and Objectives
• What the community want to be in the next 10-20 years
from now.
• Two or more alternative visions should be developed and
debated. Each vision should carry some promise as well as
• Vision regarding residents/migration, mix of industries,
housing patterns, public services, financing models, etc.
• Examples of San Diego, Singapore, KL, etc.
• Follow by developing The Action Plan, Implementing and
On Characters of Place
1. A Place (as character) needs a sound design that
enhances its attractiveness and its aesthetic
qualities and values
2. Places ( as fixed environment) needs to develop
and maintain a basic infrastructure that moves
people and goods
3. Place (as service provider) must provide basic
services that meet bisiness and public needs.
4. Place (as entertaintment and recreation) need a
range of attractions for their own people and
Strategies For Place Improvement
• Place marketing means designing a place to satisfy
the needs of its target market.
• How to improve livability, investibility and
• The main components of improvements are urban
design, infrastructure, services and attraction.
• Question: Are these components internal or
external factors of City Positioning Analysis?
Strategic Programms
• Designing the Place’s Image
• Attracting the Tourism an Hospitality
Business Markets
• Attracting, Retaining, Expanding, and
Starting Businesses
• Expanding Exports and Stimulating Foreign
• Attracting Residents
(Place’s) Respond to the Challenges
(1) Need to establish a strategic vision
(2) Need to establish a market-oriented strategic
planning process
(3) Must adopt a genuine market perpective toward
their products and customers
(4) Have to build quality into their programms and
(5) Need skill to effectively communicate and
promote their competitive advantages
Respond (cont.)
(6) Need to diversify their economic base and
develop mechanisms for adapting changing
(7) Must develop and cultivate (nurture)
entrepreneurial characteristics
(8) Must rely more on the private sector to
accomplish their tasks
(9) Need to develop its own unique change
processes as a result of differences in the
place’s culture, politics, and leadership
Comment on (1)
Theoretical Framework of “Marketing Places”
• Kotler cs. menggunakan “Strategic Management
>City dianggap sebagai sebuah kesatuan subyek
(entity) yang dinamakan “Community”
> Sebagai “external factors” adalah “rapid
technological change”, “global competition” dan
“intergovernmental shifts”
• Pertanyaannya ialah bukankan di dalam “ Urban
Community” sendiri terdapat unsur government?
Comment on (2)
Theoretical Framework
• Pendekatan teoretis ini hanya berlaku pada kondisi
>bahwa para pelaku yang duduk di Pemda maupun
partisan di Daerah mampu bertindak
“indipendent” dari pemerintah nasional atau partai
> Bahwa semua unsur “komunitas kota” yaitu
partisan, pemerintah dan swasta bertindak sebagai
sebuah kesatuan dalam bentuk “city incorporated”
Comment on (3)
• Bila demikian, maka masalah utama dalam
mempraktekan konsep “Marketing Places”
tersebut terletak pada kemampuan para
stakeholder kota untuk bekerja sama
menyusun dan menjalankan sebuah
program yang terintegrasi.
Comments on
• Pendekatan “startegic management” adalah
pendekatan “micro”, atau paling tidak berasal
dari usaha mencari tools untuk menyelesaikan
maslah-masalah korporasi. Masalah
pengembangan kota tidak bisa selesai dengan
menganggap kota sebagai “sebuah korporasi”.
• Masalah pengembangan kota adalah masalah yang
multidimensi dan komplex. Komplexsitas misalnya
muncul bila kita menganggap penduduk kota yang ada
sebagai faktor internal sedangkan penduduk yang migrasi
kekota sebagai faktor external, maka muncul masalah
bagaimana mereka bisa hidup bersama, siapa yang
dirugikan siapa yang diuntungkan. Bila penduduk yang
masuk adalah mereka yang bekerja di multinasional
dengan tingkat penghasilan yang tinggi maka mereka akan
membuat harga tanah perumahan/ sewa dan harga rumah
menjadi naik maka ini malah akan mempertajam masalah
perumahan yang sudah ada dengan bertambahnya
penduduk kota yang tidak mampu menyewa/membeli
Sistem ekonomi kapitalistik selalu menimbulkan
“development” disatu tempat tapi
“underdevelopment” ditempat lain.
Banyak kota yang “declining” karena basis
ekonomi kotanya rusak sebagai akibat persaingan
dengan kota/negara lain. Hal ini berakibat
munculnya masalah sosial dan kultural, bahkan
menghancurkan “wajah” kota dalam bentuk areaarea yang terlantar karena ditinggal penghuninya.
Bagaimana kota-kota tersebut bisa
melakukan “recovery”. Yang tidak terjawab
ialah bagaimana dengan mereka yang tidak
mampu menjalankan program recovery