Akupunktur ve İmmunolojik etkileri

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Transcript Akupunktur ve İmmunolojik etkileri

Uz.Dr. Hasan Ali Nogay
Sualtı ve Hiperbarik Tıp Uzmanı
HİPEROX Özel Ayak Sağlığı ve Zor Yara
Hiperbarik Oksijen Tedavi Merkezi
Uz.Dr.Hasan Ali Nogay
Yeditepe Akupunktur 02.02.08
“Doğru Nokta”yı bulmak
O kişi için-O zaman-Doğru nokta
Uz.Dr.Hasan Ali Nogay
Yeditepe Akupunktur 02.02.08
Modern Tıp-Holistik Tıp
• Antibiotic:
Against Life=not against microbes
Ne zaman ENTEGRATİF tıptan
– Ayırıcı Teşhis-Tedavi-takip (MR,Lab vs)
• Nabız,Dil,Kulak,Refleksoloji,Bioenerji,İridoloji
Uz.Dr.Hasan Ali Nogay
Yeditepe Akupunktur 02.02.08
Modern Tıp-Holistik Tıp
Diyabetik Ayak
• Diyabet Regülasyonu :
– HbA1C, İnsülin,Direnç önleme (Metformin)
Antibiotik (Antibiyogram şart)
Hiperbarik Oksijen Tedavisi
Yara bakımı
Multidisipliner yaklaşım
Hasta eğitimi
Uz.Dr.Hasan Ali Nogay
Yeditepe Akupunktur 02.02.08
Akupunktur’un etki
mekanizmasıyla ilgili Teoriler
Uz.Dr.Hasan Ali Nogay
İmmünite teorisi
Endorphin teorisi
Neurotransmitter teorisi
Dolaşım teorisi
Kapı kontrol teorisi
Motor Kapı Teorisi
Homeostasiz teorisi
Yeditepe Akupunktur 02.02.08
• BALB/c Farelerde anteriyör tibial
kaslarında yer alan St-36
noktasına üç gün günde 30 dakika
olmak üzere uygulanan elektro
akupunktur sonunda dalak Natural
Killer(NK) hücrelerinin
aktivitelerinin belirgin olarak arttığı
tespit edilmiştir.
Uz.Dr.Hasan Ali Nogay
Yeditepe Akupunktur 02.02.08
İmmünmodülasyon (2)
Bir çalışmada tedavi edilen
hastaların %45’inde 30 dakika,
%100’ünde ise 24 saat sonra
monosit fagositozu artmıştır
Uz.Dr.Hasan Ali Nogay
Yeditepe Akupunktur 02.02.08
İmmünmodülasyon (3)
• Akupunktur Li4+St36 tedavisinden
30’ sonra hastaların %80’inde
CD3,CD4 veCD8 belirgin artış
göstermiş ve artış yüksekliği 24 saat
devam etmiştir,
• Bu vakaların %80’inde beta-endorfin
düzeyleri de yükselmiş ve 24 saat
yüksek kalmıştır.
Uz.Dr.Hasan Ali Nogay
Yeditepe Akupunktur 02.02.08
İmmünmodülasyon (4)
X ışınlarına tabii tutulan kişilere
akupunktur uygulandığında düşen
total lökosit, lenfosit ve nötrofil
sayılarında artış olmaktadır
Uz.Dr.Hasan Ali Nogay
Yeditepe Akupunktur 02.02.08
İmmünmodülasyon (5)
St36-Li11ve CV6 noktaları
kullanıldığında IL-2 seviyeleri ve NK
hücre aktiviteleri normal gruba göre
düşük olan malignan tümörlü
hastalarda 10 günlük tedaviden
sonra bu parametrelerde anlamlı
derecede artış görülmüştür.
Uz.Dr.Hasan Ali Nogay
Yeditepe Akupunktur 02.02.08
[Effect of acupuncture on interleukin-2 level
and NK cell immunoactivity of peripheral blood
of malignant tumor patients]
Wu B, Zhou RX, Zhou MS.
First Affiliated Hospital, Huaxi Medical University, Chengdu.
This paper deals with the observation of acupuncture therapy affecting
interleukin-2(IL-2) level and natural killer (NK) cell immunoactivity
in the peripheral blood of patients with malignant tumors.
In this clinical-laboratory test research,
randomized double blind method was used.
The patients were divided into an acupuncture treated group (n = 25)
and a control group (n = 20). The former group was treated using points,
ST36,LI11,RN6 and locations of symptomatic points bilaterally.
They received one treatment of 30 minutes daily for 10 days.
The results showed that the IL-2 level and NK cell activity were lower
than normal in patients with malignant tumor, but there was an increase
in the acupuncture group after 10 days of treatment.
Significance was found to be remarkable (P < 0.01).
The difference between the two groups was also significant (P < 0.01).
This increase might be related to the mechanism of acupuncture
that adjusting the body's immune function. Thus, acupuncture therapy
could enhance the cellular immune function of patients with
malignant tumors and providing a beneficial effect in anti-cancer treatment.
Uz.Dr.Hasan Ali Nogay
Yeditepe Akupunktur 02.02.08
[Effect of acupuncture on immunomodulation
in patients with malignant tumors]
Wu B, Zhou RX, Zhou MS.
First Affiliated Hospital, West China University of Medical Sciences, Chengdu.
Forty patients were divided randomly into two groups, 20 for each. One group
treated with acupuncture and the other one for control.
The acup. group was treated using points PC6, LI4, ST36, RN4 and location of
symptomatic points bilaterally, one treatment of 30 min daily for 10 days.
The results showed that there were increased levels of CD3+, CD4+ percentage,
CD4+/CD8+ ratio and radioimmunoassay of beta-EP in blood plasma, a
decreased level of SIL-2R after acup. The statistical significance was found to be
remarkable (P < 0.01), so has a notable difference, the correlation analysis
indicated: (1) there was a positive correlation between beta-EP and Tlymphocytes subgroups; (2) a negative correlation between beta-Bp and SIL-2R,
so did it between T subgroups and SIL-2R.
Results showed that acupuncture has the effect of enhancing the cellular
immunity of patient with malignant tumor.
PMID: 8758833 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Uz.Dr.Hasan Ali Nogay
Yeditepe Akupunktur 02.02.08
Effects of acupuncture on immunoglobulins in
patients with asthma and rheumatoid arthritis
The effects of acupuncture on immunoglobulins in patients
with asthma and rheumatoid arthritis were studied.
After acupuncture, in 20 patients with asthma,
IgG increased (P < 0.01), IgM and IgE decreased (both P < 0.01),
while IgA did not change markedly (P > 0.05);
in 12 patients with rheumatoid arthritis, after acupuncture
IgG, IgA and IgM decreased (P < 0.05, 0.05, and 0.01, respectively),
while IgE did not change evidently.
The results observed in these 32 patients indicate that
acupuncture exerts modulation action on immunoglobulins
of the human body, and that patients with
asthma and rheumatoid arthritis responded effectively
to acupuncture therapy, the latter might be related to
the reinforcement of the immunological function by acupuncture.
Uz.Dr.Hasan Ali Nogay
Yeditepe Akupunktur 02.02.08
Factors that influence the applicability of
sham needle in acupuncture trials: two
randomized, single-blind, crossover trials with
acupuncture-experienced subjects.
METHODS: (a LI-4 trial and a BL-23 trial).
The subjects received two sessions of different stimulations in each trial.
A Park Sham Needle was used in one session,
a genuine acupuncture needle in the other.
RESULTS: In the LI-4 trial, all of the 21 subjects (100%)
felt penetration with the genuine needle,
but only 7 of the 20 subjects (35%) felt a similar sensation
with the sham needle (P=0.0002).
Fifteen of the 21 subjects (71%) felt a dull sensation with the genuine needle,
but only 4 of the 20 subjects (20%) felt a similar sensation
with the sham needle (P=0.01). In the BL-23 trial,
14 of the 20 subjects (70%) felt penetration with the genuine needle
and 10 of the 20 subjects (50%) felt "penetration" with the sham needle (P=0.39).
Eight of the 20 subjects (40%) felt a dull sensation with the genuine needle
and 2 of the 20 subjects (10%) did with the sham needle (P=0.109).
CONCLUSIONS: Potential factors that influence the applicability of
"placebo" needling include not only inter-tester variability
but also the patient's knowledge and experience of acupuncture,
acupuncture point selection, the visual impact of needling, and so on.
Uz.Dr.Hasan Ali Nogay
Clin J Pain. 2006 May;22(4):346-9.
Yeditepe Akupunktur 02.02.08
Characterization of the "Deqi" Response in
Acupuncture stimulation elicits deqi, a composite of unique sensations
that is essential for clinical efficacy according to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM).
METHODS: Manual acupuncture was performed at LI4, ST36 and LV3
on the extremities in randomized order during fMRI
in 42 acupuncture naive healthy adult volunteers.
RESULTS: The deqi response was elicited in 71% of the acupuncture procedures
compared with 24% for tactile stimulation when thresholded
at a minimum total score of 3 for all the sensations.
The frequency and intensity of individual sensations were
significantly higher in acupuncture. Among the sensations typically
associated with deqi, aching, soreness and pressure were most common,
followed by tingling, numbness, dull pain, heaviness, warmth, fullness and coolness.
The study provides scientific data on the characteristics of the
'deqi' response in acupuncture and its association with distinct nerve fibers.
The findings are clinically relevant and consistent with modern concepts
BMC Complement Altern Med. 2007 Oct 31;7(1):33
Uz.Dr.Hasan Ali Nogay
Yeditepe Akupunktur 02.02.08
Li- 4 noktası
• Kalın barsak noktası analjezik amaçlı olarak
• Sürekli ağrısı olmayan 134 gönüllü üzerinde yapılan
çalışmada deneklerin 11’inden de qi hissi alınmış, bu 11
kişide fMRI’de somatosensoriyel kortekste sinyal artışı
• Nükleus accumbens, amigdala,
hippocampus,hipotalamus, ventral tegmental saha,
insula,ve anteriyör cingulate’te sinyal azalması
görülmüştür.(Yani limbik sistem ağrı işlevinde görev
• İki denekte ağrı hissi uyandırılınca anteriyör singulate ve
insula aktivitelerinde artma oluşturmuştur.
Hui et al (2000) Human Brain Mapping, 9, 13-25.
Replication in Wu et al Radiology 1999 Jul;212(1):133-41 using LI 4 and St 36
Uz.Dr.Hasan Ali Nogay
Yeditepe Akupunktur 02.02.08
fMRI ve akupunktur
Ayakta bulunana gözle ilgili
akupunktur noktaları (UB-60-67)
uyarılınca visual kortekste gerçek
(vizüel) görme stimulusu gibi
aktivasyon oluşturmuştur,
Ayakta akupunktur noktası olmayan
yerlerin iğnelenmesiyle oksipital
loplarda aktivasyon izlenmemiştir.
Cho et al (1998). Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 95, 2670-2673.
Uz.Dr.Hasan Ali Nogay
Yeditepe Akupunktur 02.02.08
Li- 4 (Hegu=Thalamus)
Analjezik etkisi en baskın olan etkisidir:
St44 ile birlikte şiddetli ağrılarda çok
• Sedatif etkisi:
GV20; H7; UB 62 ile birlikte.
• Homeostatik etkisi: Li11; St36; Sp6
• İmmünmodülatör etkisi: GV14; Li11; St36; Sp6 ile
• Vazodilatasyon : Tw5 ile
Uz.Dr.Hasan Ali Nogay
Yeditepe Akupunktur 02.02.08
St36 (Zusanli)
Li4 ile birlikte Staph. aureus’un Nötrofiller
ile FAGOSİTOZU 2 kat artmıştır:
Endokrin etkisi:
Li4 ile birlikte ACTH artmış; eozinofiller azalmıştır.
Homeostatik etkisi: Li11; Li4; Sp6 ile eritrositler artar ve ESR
İmmünmodülatör etkisi: GV14 ve Li4 ile nötrofiller %20-50
oranında artmıştır.
Li11 ile beraber NK ve IL2 aktivitesini artırdığı gösterilmiştir
• T lenfositlerini Li4 ve Sp6 ile beraber artırmış.
Serum elektroforezinde Gama-Globulin artışı (antikor yapımı)
Solunum sistemine etkisi: Solunum kapasitesi % 20 artmıştır.
Uz.Dr.Hasan Ali Nogay
Yeditepe Akupunktur 02.02.08
Confluent Points
(Ba Mai Jiao Hui Xue)
Tuning points,
Cardinal Points
Ayar noktaları
Uz.Dr.Hasan Ali Nogay
Yeditepe Akupunktur 02.02.08
Uz.Dr.Hasan Ali Nogay
Si 3 (Du Mai)
BI 62 (Yang Qiao Mai)
0 Retro-Coeliac
Pineal-Epifiz bezi
Lu 7 (Ren Mai)
Ki 6 (Yin Qiau Mai)
Akciğer alanı
P 6 (Yin Wei Mai)
GB 41 (Dai Mai)
Stellat ganglion
PGE1 noktası
SJ 5 (Yang Wei Mai)
Sp 4 (Chong Mai)
Yeditepe Akupunktur 02.02.08
Tw5=SJ5=TİMUS Romatizmal
hastalıklarda Master
Kulaktaki yerleri
SJ5 :T3-4 düzeyinde
SJ4 :T10-12 düzeyinde
SJ3 :T12-L1 düzeyinde
SJ6 :C6-7 düzeyinde
Paratiroid SJ7:C5-6 düzeyinde
Uz.Dr.Hasan Ali Nogay
Yeditepe Akupunktur 02.02.08
Artritte GB41
Uz.Dr.Hasan Ali Nogay
Yeditepe Akupunktur 02.02.08
SI3-Genel Mukoza Uyarıcı
Dumai=GV için Kardinal
Si3-Li3 : immünstimülan etkiyi uyarır
Si3-Bl62: Psikonöroimmün uyarı
Uz.Dr.Hasan Ali Nogay
Yeditepe Akupunktur 02.02.08
Uz.Dr.Hasan Ali Nogay
Yeditepe Akupunktur 02.02.08
Interferon (SP4) ve
Histamin (BL40)
Shen men
Uz.Dr.Hasan Ali Nogay
Yeditepe Akupunktur 02.02.08
Shen men
Ayak alerji
Psikonöroimmünolojik Etkili
KARDİNAL Kulak Noktaları
Uz.Dr.Hasan Ali Nogay
Yeditepe Akupunktur 02.02.08
Uz.Dr.Hasan Ali Nogay
Yeditepe Akupunktur 02.02.08