Henry Hudson - Gallipolis City Schools

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Henry Hudson

By Lakisha Williams


Hudson’s early life

Hudson is thought to have many years

at sea, beginning as a cabin boy and gradually working his way up to captain.

In 1607 Hudson was hired by the

Muscovy Company to find a waterway

from Europe to Asia, which was his very

first voyage and he was the commander.

What did he do?

In 1609 Hudson was

hired by the Dutch East India Company to find a easterly passage to Asia.

Hudson departed

Amsterdam on April 4 th in command of the Dutch ship (Halve Maen).

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The voyages

He went on four dangerous and difficult voyages looking for Northeast route to India. The first three voyages Henry went on were not very successful.

On the fourth voyage he decided not to turn back and head home but instead kept on going. Hudson explored the area but found nothing. His crew demanded to go home, but Hudson would not give in. He didn't want to go back to England once more not having achieved his goal. Winter set in and the ship was stranded on the ice. When spring came, Hudson wanted to continue, but the crew had had enough. They mutinied and left Hudson, his son John and six other supporters to die at sea in a small boat. Nothing was seen of them since. As for the crew members, they returned to England.

How did his discoveries impact the world?

Helped map the new world and found new trade routes.

Was the first to discover New York and the Hudson bay in Canada.