Transcript Document

AB 86: Adult Education
Consortia Planning 2013-2015
Template Questions/Answers
Webinar Series
Operational Definitions I
• Is there any guidance you can provide to those wanting
operational definitions?
• Do adult schools categorize by credit, non-credit etc.?
• How do community colleges differentiate adult education
from basic skills courses? Do you anticipate community
colleges will include basic skills courses as part of their
adult education programs?
• What is the difference between ESL credit vs non-credit
in relationship to what is considered adult education?
• At colleges, what makes one CTE program an “adult
education” program and another “not adult education?”
Operational Definitions II
• Adult basic skills” - does this require registration in a program or
course for skills remediation, or can the student be in a credit class
for a degree?
• Can the student have a HS diploma but need skills remediation?
• How long is short term CTE? One year or less? Or a certain number
of credits?
• Please provide clear definitions for each of the options found in
Table 1.1, Column E so we can be sure we are collecting and
providing accurate information: Community College Credit/Credit
ESL/Credit Basic Skills/Non-Credit/Enhanced Non-Credit
• Where can I find operational definitions?
Table Questions I
• Are there any instructions on calculating the costs?
• Are we just including our unrestricted general fund? Or should
the costs include indirect?
• Why are we including data for 13-14? It is not complete yet, so
will not include the entire year through June 30.
• We do not track the general district budget by program type
(credit, noncredit, etc.). The best way to break this down is to
do a percentage based on overall FTES. Will this be sufficient?
• Which program area should we use for community college basic
skills courses in English and math? They are not programs for
immigrants (program 2), but they are not elementary or
secondary education (program 1). We will put ESL under
program 2, but not sure about our basic skills.
• How will the program report tables and narrative be submitted
to the CCCCO and are there any guidelines for the narrative in
particular (page length, format, etc.?)
Table Questions II
• In Table 1.1B, do you want the Community College to provide
separate funding breakdowns for credit, enhanced non-credit and
non-credit programs?
• In Table 1.1B, Total Dollar Amount by Funding Source for
Consortium Members, we had a couple of questions about the
column headings. VTEA: Is this the same as Perkins in the next
• Do you want us to include columns for unduplicated enrollment and
ADA/FTES for FY 13-14?
• We’ve submitted all data, but realized after the fact that our income
figures for fees/apportionment included all program income
(including older adults, community ed, etc.).
• Are you saying that members should NOT report any courses that
are fee-based? Or are you only referring to fee-based online
Other Questions
• Why is UNDUPLICATED enrollment requested instead of
DUPLICATED? Lumping them together doesn’t seem to provide
meaningful data.
• I'm still seeking a firmer grasp on the kinds and level of detail that
may best describe our region for the purposes of the planning grant
and that of future considerations for funding.
• At my community college there are no specific courses for adults
with disabilities but we do offer support services funded through
DSPS and SSSP. We track the number of students served but it's not
FTES generating so how does that fit into the tables . . . or does it?
• Can you confirm whether or not you want the dollar amounts per
funding source ONLY for the AB86 adult education programs (not
for the whole adult school)?
• In a recent conversation with a partner, the question of whether
member/partner budget and funding information (tables 1-2)
should be shared with the rest of the group during planning
meetings or can the team use their discretion in deciding how they
would like to share this information with each other.
Other Questions
• If we list the total for the program area, how
do we account for different rate pays of
faculty, who may be paid at different rates
within a particular program area?
• Many of our primary and secondary partners
provide "services" (including tutoring) and/or
workshops, but not "classes" "courses" and
"programs" of formal instruction. How should
we report that?
For More Information…
• [email protected]