Transcript SMSFall

Companies of all branches
 Local governments
 Educational institutions (schools, universities)
 Individuals
Low unit cost of sending SMS
 Fast implementation of the program (5-15
Easy and intuitive operation
 Not sharing the base of numbers and
personal data with third parties
Import of contacts from Excel file (.csv format)
 Easy management of SMS sending:
› Contacts divided into groups
› Sending of SMS to single contact, a group, many groups
› Setting the time of sending
› Message templates
Mail merge based on data from the
 Two versions of the program Standard and
extended with additional features Plus
Sending speed 1000-1200 SMS per hour
 National diacritical marks
 Flash type messages
 English version
Supports multiple GSM modems at the
same time
 Built-in HTTP server:
› Graphic interface WWW
› Json API (perfect for communication with PHP,
 Local folder for file exchange
 Incoming messages filter
Email: [email protected]
 Phone: +48 603293049
 Page:
 Demo versions: