'Baltic common strategy from the point of view of Latvia.'

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Andis Paeglītis CDO Latvia Zane Bendika Baltic Dental Meeting 21.-22.09.12.

Palanga, Lithuania

 Structural changes  Successful collaboration with the Oral Health Centre  Stabile State information network

 It is not patient-oriented.

 It is not service quality, validity and protection oriented in broader definition.

 It is not oriented to dentist protection.

 Agree on unified strategic guidelines among the specialists of the Baltic States  Create a new national strategy for dental care, based on unified guidelines, as well as on experience:

 Apply positive experience of our neighbours; in Estonia E-medicine, in Lithuania – patient protection, etc.

 Propose solutions of availability in Latvia: network of Oral Health Centres, mobile dentistry

 Build closer collaboration among the Baltic specialists  Agree on common guidelines  Involve Scandinavian specialists-experts

 Enjoy the life!!!

Guide issued by the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare in 2006.

 Patient centred  Accessible and timely  Safe  Evidence based  Equitable  Efficient

A number of different facts indicates that health care is not always as patient-centred as it should be

 There is a lack of awareness that a patient centred approach provides a better outcome  Patients interest in treatment process is not always sufficient

 Legislation (Law on the Rights of Patients 1.03.2009)  Freedom of choice  The formats for patient participation in health care need to be developed

The Patient in the Centre – Involvement in the Treatment Process, Full Awareness and Participation.

Dr. Dana Romane

Care is offered to patients, without waiting time having an adverse physical, mental or social effect on the patient

 Acute cases  Follow-up assistance

 Regional accessibility/mobile dentistry  Financial accessibility

 Work of the Oral Health Centres  Mobile dentistry

 Dr. Elita Vinogradova  Dr. Andis Paeglītis

Safe care is fundamental to high-quality health care, in wich the treatments used lead to the expected results, without causing risks or injuries to patients

 Infection control  Radiology  Personal data protection

Dr. Dana Romāne Dr. Irēna Delle

Health care is based on systematically gathered, scrutinised, evaluated and compiled scientific knowledge

 Recomendations need to be developed within the areas where research is not yet particularly extensive  The production of knowledge should be coordinated in order to avoid duplication of work and contradictions  Monitoring and improvement of medical technologies

The Structure of the Future Oral Health Strategy in Latvia Quality Indicators for Oral Health Assoc. prof. Egita Senakola

Health is not distributed equally and thus a health care system should strive towards equity in health care for the entire population and it should prioritise those with the greatest need. It should also be oriented towards prevention and health promotion

Efficient health care means optimal utilisation of the recources available in order to achieve desired goals. Efficient health care can therefore be said to have a high level of target attainment in relation to the recources utilised

The Structure of the Future Oral Health Strategy in Latvia Assoc. prof. Egita Senakola


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