Projekta koncepcija “Izaicinājums”

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Human resources within Framework
programme concept
Dr.A.Ūbelis 10.02.2005 Latvian NCP System
Eiropas Savienības finansēta zinātne Latvijā un Latvijas Universitātē
Plenary session
EU financed Research in Latvia and at the University of Latvia
2005. gada 10. februārī, ceturtdienā, plkst. 10.00,
Raiņa bulvārī 19, Lielajā aulā
“When planning for a year, plant corn.
When planning for a decade, plant tree.
When planning for life, train and educate
“ Rūpējoties par tuvāko gadu - iesēj labību!
Rūpējoties par par tuvāko desmitgadi – iestādi
Rūpējoties par dzīvi - māci iemaņas un izglīto
Ķīniešu sakāmvārds: Guanzi 9c. 645BC
COM (200) 678 final “ Making a European Area of Lifelong Learning Reality”
Karjeras prezentācija
Dr.Aigars Ekers
 Till 1997 – Undergraduate and PhD studies and
Work at the University of Latvia, Institute of
Atomic Physics and Spectroscopy.
 1997-1998 (10 months) DAAD Scholarship
holder at the University of Kaiserslautern, PhD
studies, Germany.
 1999 – Dr. Phys. from the University of Latvia
2000-2002 (2 years) HPMF-CT-1999-00080
 Individual Marie Marie-Curie Fellowship,
Research project "Scattering of Rydberg electrons
from vibrationally excited diatomic molecules" at
the University of Kaiserslautern, Germany, 5th
Framework Programme.
Karjeras prezentācija
Dr.Aigars Ekers
 2002-2005. Research associate at the University of
Kaiserslautern, Germany.
 2002-2005 (3 years) INTAS 2001-0155, project
(from German side), with partners from Pisa
University, Copenhagen University, St. Petersburg
University, Moscow University, Novosibirsk
Institute of Solid State Physics. Status – in the final
 2003, Marie-Curie Research Training Network
application in FP6 "Stochastic processes in laserdriven complexes", with partners form Universities
of Freiburg, Paris, Copenhagen, Pisa, and St.
Petersburg, Warsaw, Telaviv Budget – 4 MEur,
Karjeras prezentācija
Dr.Aigars Ekers
 2005-2008, Marie Curie Transfer of Knowledge
project in FP6, "Laser manipulation of stochastic
molecular processes", with partners from
Universities of Latvia, Kaiserslautern, Freiburg,
Paris, Copenhagen, Pisa, and St. Petersburg, Polish
Academy of Sciences, and foundation of Research
and Technology – Hellas. Evaluatiuon – 89.6% - A
list, budget 750 kEur. Status – expected start date
April 1, 2005.
 Gives means to fund - 2 full term international postdoctoral
Fellows in Riga
 - Regular exchanges (duration of a few months each) with
scientists with the partners
 - To cover research costs (equipment, attendance of
conferences, etc.)
Karjeras prezentācija
Dr.Aigars Ekers
 Autumn 2004, Investment by the University of
Latvia in laboratory space for a new laboratories
and laser centre (in stage of formation). Official
opening – June 10, 2005.
 January 2005, Transfer of a complete molecular
beam lab. equipment (formerly used by A. Ekers
in the group of his former MC host) from
Kaiserslautern to Riga. Formal value (according to
standard depreciation rules) – 100 kEur (Actual
intelectual value close 1mE)
 February 2005. Return of A. Ekers back to UL as
a lecturer at the Dept. of Physics and head of the
newly established molecular beam laboratory at the
Institute of Atomic Physics and Spectroscopy.
Karjeras prezentācija
Dr.Aigars Ekers
Saskaņa un korelācija ar institūta darbību
 LU Atomfizikas un Spektroskopijas institūts
ir pozicionēts kā ES līmeņa ekselences
centrs - FP5 projekts:
NSPA, GMA1-2002-72094
Centre of Excelence in Nanosciences
and Applications
 Savā prombūtnes laikā Dr.A.Ekers nekad
nav zaudējis intelektuālu un arī sadzīvisku
saikni ar LU un Atomfizikas un
Spektroskopijas institūtu
Karjeras prezentācija
Dr.Aigars Ekers
Saskaņa un korelācija ar institūta darbību
 Dr.A.Ekera panākumi ES Ietvara programmās labi korelē ar LU
Atomfizikas un Spektroskopijas institūts rezultātiem. Uz šo brīdi
institūts piedalās sekojošos projektos:
 FP6-2003-Global-1, ACCENT No. 505337. Atmospheric
composition Change –
An European Network . Dr.A.Ūbelis
 FP6-2003-Global-2, Nr.FP6-009244. SHARING - 2nd Conference
on Integrative Approaches Towards Sustainable Development .
 FP6-Sci&Soc. BASNET. No 017170. BALTIC STATES
 Kopumā institūts var lepoties ar 3 M-C zinātniskā darba
treniņvietu studentiem un kopumā 27 projektu pieteikumiem
FP5&6, no kuriem 11 ir sekmīgi.