AB 86: Adult Education Summit Data Presentation http

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AB86: Adult Education
Update on AB86 Statewide Work Group
May 2015
• Overview of AB86
• Regional Consortia Reports & Report to
• January Budget Trailer Bill
• Current Status
• Next Steps
Assembly Bill 86 - June 2013
California Department of Education (CDE) and California
Community College Chancellor’s Office (CCCCO) to jointly
plan and implement adult education programs and
$25 million appropriated for two-year planning grants;
$500 million appropriated for implementation, beginning
in 2015/16
Overview – Program Areas
• Elementary and secondary basic skills, included classes
required for a high school diploma
• Classes and courses for immigrants in English as a
second language, citizenship and workforce preparation
• Education programs for adults with disabilities
• Short-term career technical education programs with
high employment potential; apprenticeship programs
• Plans to address identified gaps in these areas
Overview – AB86 Objectives
• An evaluation of current levels and types of adult
education programs within the consortium’s region
• An evaluation of current needs for adult education
programs within the consortium’s region
• Plans for consortium members and partners to
integrate existing programs and create seamless
transitions into postsecondary education or the
• Plans to address the identified gaps
Overview – AB86 Objectives Continued
• Plans to employ approaches proven to accelerate a
student’s progress towards her/his academic or career
• Plans to collaborate in the provision of ongoing
professional development opportunities for faculty and
other staff to help them achieve greater program
integration and improve student outcomes
• Plans to leverage existing regional structures, including
but not limited to local workforce investment areas
Regional Consortia Reports &
Report to Legislature
Available on AB 86 website:
• Regional Consortia Reports
• March 2015 Report to Legislature
January 2015 Budget Trailer Bill
Summary of Governor’s Adult Education Proposal:
• Governor is allocating $500 million for adult education
• The first $300 to $350 million will go to backfill K-12
districts’ Maintenance of Effort (MOE), which will be
allocated through CDE
• The remaining $200 to $150 million will go to fund
regional consortiums
• The total MOE amount will be certified by the
Superintendent of Public Instruction and the Chancellor
of the California Community Colleges
• Superintendent and Chancellor jointly approve
allocation of funds to the consortiums
January 2015 Budget Trailer Bill Continued
The Governor’s proposal directed each consortium to establish
a fiscal allocation committee consisting of seven (7) members:
• CCC representative
• K-12 representative
• Other adult education providers
• Social services provider
• Correctional rehabilitation program
• Public member
Since the release of the January Trailer Bill, strong opposition
to the fiscal allocation committee has been expressed.
Current Status - In Progress
• 2015/16 to be “Transition Year”
• Certification of Maintenance of Effort is taking place
• A Statewide Work Group to examine guidelines for
• We await the May Revise
AB86 Implementation Guidelines – Next Steps
• Fiscal Agent (Roles & Responsibilities, How to
change/switch fiscal agent, Criteria for an effective fiscal
• Boundaries of Consortia (Current boundaries, Process
for covering counties not covered under original process,
How to separate merged consortia)
• Governance (Shared Leadership, Sample structures/best
practices, How to handle disagreements)
• Fiscal & Program Reporting (System Use, Deadlines,
Fiscal Reporting, Program Reporting)
AB86 Implementation Guidelines – Next Steps, Cont.
• Allowable Expenses - Do's & don’ts with the funds
• Quality Assurances - Things that have to be in place &
certified by each consortium
• Compliance/Monitoring - Quality controls that each
consortium is following their plan
• T.B.D. - Guidance on fees, accountability, assessment,
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