Слайд 1 - United Nations Environment Programme

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Transcript Слайд 1 - United Nations Environment Programme

Experience of Turkmenistan in the use of IEA for Decision Making Irina Mamiyeva

National priorities of sustainable development of Turkmenistan:

► ► ► ► ► ► Continuous high speed economic growth; Further diversification of the national economy; Improvement demographic situation by means high population growth as well as increase of life expectancy; Increase in employment rate; Population income growth of, and its social protection; Environmental security.

Principles of NEAP

► Provision of environmental security; ► Conducive conditions created for people’s life and environment; ► Rational use of natural resources and use of resource efficient technologies to reduce the impact on environment; ► Air, water and land resources protection as well as the biological diversity and national heritage.

IEA Development

Preparation and discussion of IEA engaged experts from interested ministers and agencies, CSO (Women Union, Youth, mass media and network of lawyers)

Impact of IEA

► IEA covered all priority environmental issues of Turkmenistan; ► Efficiency of response measures has been assessed; ► As a result recommendation developed that will be presented to the Government.

IEA identified:

► Shortcomings in environmental legislation, state environmental regulations, including in hydrocarbon resources production; ► Lack of information on environment, including on protected areas; ► National policy on planting trees and creation of “green belts” around the cities is important step towards biodiversity protection, improving the quality of air in the cities and environment in general

IEA triggered:

► Development of recommendations to the Government on improvement of legislation; ► Adoption of Statute on hydrocarbon resources (based on this Statute all projects are subject to EIA); ► Development of a concept of a unified interagency environmental information system; ► NEAP monitoring and reporting to the Government.

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