Transcript Document

Molecular and Biomedical Sciences
at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Areas of Strength at UNL
Redox Biology
Vet Biomedicine
Pau l Blum
Llo yd Bu llerm an
Bob Hut kin s
Mich a e l M. Meag her
Mat the w C. Mor ley
Ken N ick ers o n
Ste ph en Ra g sda le
An ne Vidav er
Lian g ch en g Du
Eu g e ne Ma rtin
R.L. Pard y
Gre g A. S o mer ville
Jame s Alfa no
An isa An ge lett i
Peter An g e lett i
Aud rey Atkin
Ra u l Ba rlett a
Do n ald Bec ker
And y Be n so n
Ro y Fren ch
Mar k Gr ie p
Ste ve Ha rr is
Jack Mo rri s
As it Patt n aik
Do n ald Wee ks
Cha rle s Wood
Jano s Zem pl en i
Ger ald Du h am el
Clinto n Jo n es
Ro dn ey A . Moxle y
Fer n and o Os or io
As it Patt n aik
David R. S m it h
Cha rle s Wood
Lu we n Zha n g
Tom Petro
Ge n e re g u la tio n a rch a e a & ent e ric ba ct eri a
Foo d m icro bi o lo g y, m yco lo g y, m yco t ox in s
Micro b e s , foo d s afe t y, me tab olis m
Re com b. p rot e in ex p re s s ion , fe rme n ta tion
Biorem ed ia tion , s ew ag e tre a tm en t , bi oso lid s
Ge n er a l m icro bia l ph ys io lo g y & bio ch em is t ry
Re g u la tion o f ex p res si on o f ca rb o n f ix a tio n
m ic ro b e bi olo g y and i nte raction
Bios ynt h es is , met ab o lic pa th way en g in eer in g
Ext reme h alo ph iles , cya no pha ge s
De tec t io n / an alys is o f g lyco lip ids , c yto kin es
Micro bi al ph ys io lo g y a n d pa th o g ene si s
Bac ter ial g ene t ics, mo le cu lar m icr ob io lo g y
Her p es viru s re pli ca tio n a n d h os t s h ut o ff
Hu m an pap illom avi ru s re pl ica tion
m RNA s t abil it y, ye a s t mo le cu la r ge n et ic s
Ge n et ics , a nt ibi ot ics , m yco bac ter ia
Re d o x e nz ymo lo g y, g en e reg ul at io n
Micro bia l g e n om ics & p o p u la tion g e n et ics
Mole cu la r bi o log y o f wh e a t viru s d is e a s e s
Lag gi n g s t ra nd D NA re pl ica tio n bi o che m is try
Th e re g u la tio n o f c e llu la r m or ph og e ne s is
Vira l m ic roR NA s u pp re s s ors
Ge n e ex p re s s io n o f RNA viru s es
Mole cu la r bi o log y & g e n et ic e ng in eer in g
HIV tras m is s io n , KSHV
Ch ro m at in , e pi ge n et ic s, g en e reg ul at io n
Spi ro chet al c olitis pa th o g ene si s
Late n cy o f a lpha - h er p es viru s e s , ap o p to s is
Path o ge n es is o f Es ch er ich ia c o li in fe ctio n s
An ima l viru s pa th og e ne s is
Ge n e ex p re s s io n o f RNA viru s es
Ve t eri na ry e pid em io lo g y
HIV & h er p es viru s m o le cu la r pa th og e ne s is
Her p es viru s la te n cy; in ter fero n
Th ei ler s Viru s
Nebraska Center for Virology
40 Members on 3 campuses
Anis a A ng e le tti
Pet e r An g el e tti
Ro y Fre n ch
Clinto n Jo ne s
Eug e n e Marti n
Jack Mo rris
Fe rn and o O s o rio
As it Patt naik
Jam e s Van Ette n
Rob e rt Weldo n
Cha rle s W o o d
Lu w en Zh an g
To m Pet ro
Funded by NIH Grant Number P20 RR15635 from the
COBRE Program of the National Center for Research
He rpe sv iru s re pl icat io n and ho s t s h uto ff
Hu m an p api llo ma vi rus re plicati on
Mo le cu lar bio lo gy o f w he at viru s d ise ase s
Late ncy o f alp ha- herpes vi rus e s , ap o pt o s is
Extr e m e hal o ph ile s , cyanop hag e s
Plant vi ro lo g y and b iot e ch no lo g y
Anim al v iru s pat ho g e ne s is
Ge ne e xpr e s s io n o f RNA vi rus e s
Mo le cu lar cha rac terizat io n o f a lg al vi ruse s
Ret ro vi rus a s s e m bly & pat ho g e ne s is
HIV & herpes vi rus mo le cu lar pat ho g en e s is
He rpe s v iru s late ncy ; int e rfe ro n
Th e ilers Virus
Funded by Grant P20RR15635 from the COBRE
of the National Center for Research Resources
$10,950,000/ 5yrs (2005-2010)
Extramural Funding by NCV members since
year 2000
Over 39 million (PHS funding) since incept.
NIH Graduate Student and Postdoc Training Grant
T32 - Training grant in Virology (UNL)
Fogarty International Training Grant $2, 100,000
New Virology Building
Ken Morrison Research Building
Groundbreaking October 4th, 2006
What’s Going on in the Beadle Center?
In the Beadle Center
Nebraska Center for Virology
Center for Redox Biology
Plant Science
Biotech Center
Dr. James Alfano
Dr. Ruma Banerjee
Dr. Joseph Barycki
Dr. Donald Becker
Dr. Liang-cheng Du
Dr. Howard Gendelman
Dr. Vadim Gladyshev
Dr. Jonathan Kipnis
Dr. Jaekwon Lee
Dr. Ming-Fong Lin
Dr. Marjorie Lou
Dr. Stephen Ragsdale
Dr. Ashraf Raza
Dr. George Rozanski
Dr. Harold Schultz
Dr. Greg Somerville
Dr. Julie Stone
Dr. Mark Thomas
Dr. Mark Wilson
Microscopy Core Facility
Dr. Joe Zhou, Director
• microscopy imaging systems
• technical support in bio-imaging
• state-of-the-art equipment
three new electron microscopes
a BioRad MRC1024ES confocal laser
scanning microscope
two advanced fluorescence microscopes with video
Biosafety Level 3 Facilities
Beadle Center
Live HIV and other virus studies
East Campus
Soon to be commissioned
Ken Morrison Building
Flow Cytometry
Director: Dr. Charles Kuszynski
2 Locations:
East Campus
Danielle Shea
UNL Genomics Facility
DNA Sequencing
Structural/Protein Core
UNL Department of Chemistry
Director: Dr. Ronald Cerny
• Exact Mass Measurement – Electron Ionization MS
• Low Resolution Fast Atom Bombardment (FAB) MS
• Exact Mass Measurement – FAB MS
• Direct Injection (single component) Electrospray Ionization (ESI)
• Liquid Chromatography – Mass Spectrometry (LC/MS)
• Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization MS (MALDI) Peptide
Chrystallography Core
H. Moriyama
Biomedical Sciences (Animals and Humans)
Cell Biology
Barletta, Raul
Duhamel, Gerald E.,
Jones, Clinton J.
Lou, Marjorie F.
Moxley, Rodney A.
Osorio, Fernando A.
Pattnaik, Asit K.,
Somerville, Greg,
Bacterial Path
Etsuko Moriyama
Steve Ladunga
Computer Science
Mike Fromm
Pesticide Absorption into the Body
Fuzzy Modeling of Skin Permeability Coefficients
Transdermal Delivery of Antisense Oligonucleotides
Biosignals & Systems
Medical Imaging
Biomedical imaging
Noninvasive blood flow velocity measurement
Single molecule imaging and tracking
DNA sequencing instrumentation
The Future at UNL?
Multidisciplinary Cross-department, Cross-campus
Collaborations. More Growth in Funding
(despite recent NIH budget dips).
Unique Niches.
Areas of Collaboration?
Cross-field: Nanotechnology and molecular
biology, Computer modelling; complex systems
Microbiology of pathogens, drug and vaccine
development (Strong Chemistry and Animal