WWI, WWII, Cold War

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WWI, WWII, Cold War

Mr. Fisher

WWI – Causes, Effects

Nationalism : love/devotion for one’s country/culture Ex. Britain having more raw materials than Germany Imperialism: Competing empires around the world Ex. Germany wanting to create an empire compared to Britain Militarism: Development of armed forces to maintain dominance Ex. Germany dev’l of navy to compete with the Royal Fleet (Britain) Entangling alliances: Assassination ultimately pulls allied countries in together

WWI – Causes, Effects

Central Powers: German Empire, Austria Hungary, Ottoman Empire, and Bulgaria Allied Powers – France, Russia, Great Britain (map) Central Powers needs for victory: Quick, one-front battle with France and Britain (same as WWII) Schlieffen Plan (video) Why did the plan fail?

Turn armies toward Russia with a victory US to remain neutral – divided opinion United States involvement: Unrestricted U-boat (submarine) warfare Sinking of the Lusitania Carried American lives and weapons for the war Zimmerman Note (Alliance between Germany and Mexico 5:50 ) Mexico to regain land (Texas Annexation and Mexican Cession)

Wilson’s Fourteen Points: Attempted to keep peace in Europe post WWI (patch holes that caused war) No secret treaties Freedom of seas Lower or abolish tariffs Arms reduction Colonial rights should be respected Treaty of Versailles Officially ended war between Germany and the Allied Powers (Map) Central Powers lose territory in Europe and colonial possessions Creation of a League of Nations (lyrics) (Precursor to United Nations) Provided a forum for nations to discuss and settle grievances Failure: (Problem 1) United States did not join No armed forces to back it up

WWII Causes

World War I Treaty of Versailles “too harsh ” Germany wanted revenge (lost land) Great Depression: Platform for dictators to rise (people feeling hopeless) Militarism: Pride and expansion of military Japan creating an empire in Pacific Nationalism: “Second chance” after WWI

WWII Causes

Imperialism: Germany wanted land back (lost after WWI) Appeasement policy : Annex (add) Austria, Czechoslovakia G.B. and France didn’t want war Could have stopped Hitler, but didn’t want to Rise of Dictatorships: Japan (Tojo), Germany (Hitler), Italy (Mussolini) Would lead into war Invasion of Poland: Germany invaded Poland German speaking people, land, sense of nationalism… Created “snowball” effect

WWII Effects

Yalta Conference (plan for post-war Europe) Rebuilding of European countries ( Stop Communism Stalin – Germany (Depression

Marshall Plan Dictators?) into 4 occupation zones ) Truman Doctrine – money given to Turkey and Greece (British, Russian, US, French) Increase of rights for women ( Creation of the GI Bill of Rights Space Race Arms Race United Nations Baby Boom Generation Communism vs. Democracy Proxy Wars of Cold War: Rosie the Riveter ) “Vacuum” created by men leaving, women not wanting to give back jobs (successor of League of Nations) Same purpose of L.O.N., but included army (learned mistakes from Depression) Provided education and training for veterans Provided loans for homes, farms, and business Increase in population as men come home from war Long-term issues? (Social Security and Medicaid) Cold War (United States vs. Soviet Union) Vietnam, Korea, Cuban-Missile Crisis, Soviet-Afghan War