Web - SIM K-12

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System Implementation and Monitoring
Regional Session
Fall, 2014
K-12 System Implementation and Monitoring (SIM)
To support a board team throughout the year in the
implementation and monitoring of a mathematics goal
in the BIPSA.
K-12 System Implementation and Monitoring (SIM)
Team Membership
• A Superintendent with school responsibilities along
with elementary and secondary principals from that
• At least one person with responsibility for
development of the BIPSA so that the learning from
SIM is leveraged across the Board
• Coordinators or consultants who work directly in
schools in the superintendency
• SELs and SSLs
• The same team should attend all three sessions for
ongoing learning – one session builds on another
• Delegate one board team member to take responsibility
for collating the documentation of the team’s learning
at SIM as well as the learning between SIM sessions and
for bringing the documentation to each SIM session
• Teams meet or teleconference to continue the work
between SIM sessions
The Year Ahead
SIM 1: going deeper with implementation;
developing a growth mindset culture to support implementation
• In-between work: document the implementation process and
team learning
SIM 2: (Feb. 10 & 11) reflection and analysis of the
implementation process, team learning and monitoring to date
In-between work: collecting, documenting and analyzing
evidence of impact to date
SIM 3: (May 5 & 6) intentional focus on the outcome of the
process, cross-board sharing
Minds On - high quality mathematics instruction
Video – Dan Meyer
Planning for Implementation - A Look at your goal
Improvement Mistakes to Avoid
Implementation Challenges
Implementation Video
Steps to Accomplishing your Mathematics Goal
Mindsets that Support Implementation
Video – Carol Dweck
Consolidating your Implementation Plan
Implementation and Monitoring
Implementation is an active, intentional
process that guides the use and integration of a
set of actions that leads to the effective use of
evidence-informed practice.
Monitoring is the ongoing gathering, reviewing
and assessing of information to track and
document progress towards results and goals.
-Adapted from Utilization Focused Evaluation, M. Patton
Minds-On Task #1
“If you were asked to observe a teacher’s math
classroom for one or more lessons, what would you
look for to decide whether the mathematics
instruction is high quality?”
-K. Katterfeld, 2013
Think on your own for 5 minutes and write each idea on a
different sticky. Use a fine black marker so that the ideas
can easily be seen.
After 5 minutes share your ideas with your team and post
the ideas on the chart paper. Put your board name at the
top of your chart paper.
Dan Meyer
Best Evidence Synthesis on Effective
Pedagogy in Mathematics
Effective mathematical pedagogy is a coherent
system rather than a set of discrete,
interchangeable strategies. This pedagogical
system encompasses:
• A non-threatening classroom environment
• Instructional tasks
• Tools and representations
• Classroom discourse
Effective Pedagogy in Mathematics/Pangarau by Glenda Anthony
& Margaret Walshaw, New Zealand (2007)
Team Discussion
Add new ideas to your view of high quality
mathematics instruction.
Planning for Implementation Task # 2
1. What is your BIPSA mathematics goal?
2. How does your goal relate to your understanding of high
quality mathematics instruction?
1. What questions do you have about this goal?
4. What will be different for:
students, teachers, principals and superintendents
if this goal is realized?
Record your goal on a piece of chart paper.
Breakout Rooms
Vaughan East
Vaughan West
King City
Implementation Challenges
• What is adopted is often not used with
• What is used with fidelity is often not
sustained for a useful period of time.
• What is used with fidelity is often not used on
a scale sufficient to impact many students.
Implementation Video
Questions Posed in the Video
Which of these questions, if any, are relevant to your discussion about
Who can do it?
How do we do it?
How do we train for it?
How will we evaluate it?
How will we capture our experience so that we can
share our knowledge with others?
• How would we avoid the mistakes in our plan?
Three school improvement
(and how to avoid them)
Planning for Implementation Task #4
• What are the specific action steps that need to
be accomplished?
• What and how will you monitor, document and
analyze the learning for each group (student,
teacher, principal, superintendent) for each
action step?
Use one colour of post-it for implementation steps
and another colour for monitoring
Process for Task #4
Individual activity - use one colour of sticky for
action steps and another colour for how you will
monitor that step.
Team Activity – Consider all implementation and
monitoring ideas developed by the team
- Sort and classify your ideas
Lunch 12:00-12:45
“There truly is no scientific justification
anymore-if there ever was-for labeling children
as having different amounts of ‘intelligence’,
‘ability’, or even-the new weasely euphemism –
Lucas and Claxton 2010
“Without a single-minded focus on each
student as a developing individual, all the
other strategies, systems and approaches
are worthless.”
-Oliver Knight and David Benson, Creating Outstanding Classrooms, page 193
Developing a Growth Mindset Culture
What strategies and interventions can be:
• explicitly taught
• cultivated and
• nurtured
to create a growth mindset culture?
Carol Dweck Video
Developing a Growth Mindset Culture
Task #5
What strategies and interventions can be:
• explicitly taught
• cultivated and
• nurtured
to create a growth mindset culture?
Self- Regulation
Choose a reading and discuss :
1. Towards a growth mindset in assessment
-Geoff N. Masters
2. Preparing Students to Take Responsibility for Learning
-J.P. Carpenter and J.S. Pease
3. The Mindsets That Foster “Productive Persistence” In
Students -Michael Keany
4. Developing a Growth Mindset-How individuals and
organizations benefit from it -Coert Visser
5. Perseverance and Grit -Rick Wormeli
6. Creating Outstanding Classrooms –O. Knight & D. Benson
Planning for Implementation Task # 6
• Prioritize the action steps.
• Determine what timeline is reasonable for each
• Place the action steps and monitoring actions on
the timeline.
Fill in dates for your action steps.
Planning for Implementation Task #7
Use an organizer to capture your thinking and for
each action step consider:
• Resources Required
• Communication Plan
• Roles and Responsibilities
• Professional Learning
• Potential Source(s)of Evidence
• Mindset
• Monitoring
• Home/School Partnerships
• In-between work: document the
implementation process and team learning
and bring materials to Winter SIM
• Invite SAO, FTL and/or ESSEO to share videos
showing examples of monitoring from folks
across the regions