Transcript Slide 1

Energy efficiency
Balkan Road to Energy Efficiency
Supporting projects to improve energy efficiency and to increase the production and
consumption of renewable energies is one of the priorities of European cohesion
policy in the period 2007-2013
31. March 2008.
The main urban sustenability
In Serbia and Bosina doesn’t exist consciousness
about importance of energy efficiency, in general
on the public level and on decision makers
level(local government, municipalities, institutions)
The main urban sustainability
problem – what institutions need
Main needs
-knowledge about EE
-best practice sheering
-increasing of capacities
-founding and cooperation
-information about trends in EU
Goal and objectives
The project goal is to enhance capacities for the creation of energy efficiency, more
active participation in the process of building common regional policy of
utilization of alternative sources of energy and possibilities of cooperation among
local actors (businesses, universities, financial institutions, local authority,
NGOs, citizens etc), through establishment of regional network of information
centers for eexchange of experiences and dissemination of good practice
•To improve cooperation and
networking in the region through
exchange of experiences and
dissemination of good practice.
•To encourage the local community in
participating in environmental initiatives
and project development
•To produce educative materials about
sustainability in practice for public use .
•Capacity building in delivery of
policies and programmes about
sustainable energy.
Partners and stakeholders
• Center for civil society development, PROTECTA is an
NGO founded in Nish, Serbia, the lead CSO
• Life environment protection society “Stara Planning”
regional partner.Pirot, Serbia.
• cross-border partner Centre for Environmentally
Sustainable Development (CESD), Sarajevo BIH
Municipality NIsh, municipality Pirot, municipality Dimitrovgrad,
municipality Vranje Municipality as the basis of a network of
Information Centres from Serbia.
Municipality Sarajevo, Municipality Mostar, Municipality Tuzla,
Municipality Bihac from BIH. Municipality as the basis of a network
of Information Centres in BIH
 Start up meeting with partners
and stakeholders
 Workshops – EU strategies in
the field of sustainable energy
 Preparation of publicationinternational experience
 Workshops – founding
possibilities, and capacity
 Preparation of publication –
educational material
 Study visit
 Cross-border conference –
creation of city networks
 A series of public awareness
campaigns in Serbia and
Bosnia- Organisation of
events, e.g. exhibitions, TV and
radio shows
Environmental impact
and sustainability
In BIH and Serbia fossil fuels combustion in energy sector contributes with about
80% of greenhouse gasses emissions. Inadequate legal framework for renewable
energy and low public awareness and lack of knowledge of how to save
energy and how to use renewable resources for personal needs, are major
obstacles for establishment of more sustainable energy production and
consumption in the region.
Thank you !
Dragan Petković