Transcript Document

Northwest Coast
Tlingit Design Art
Dzantik’i Héeni Middle School
7th & 8th grade classes 2013-14
Dzantik'i Héeni Sgoon Noosk X'éen.
Wolverine House Screen Panel
Daneegwál’ teen áyá woodiyék.
Busying himself with painting.
1st Semester 7th & 8th grade students 2013
Dzantik'i Héeni Middle School
Gaaw yan has aawa neegwál’ ka aa daakéit tín. X’éen tsú has aawaneegwál’
Dzantí ka Noosk x’ús eetí teen.
Finished painted drums and drum bags . They also painted Flounders and
Wolverine paws on the Screen panel.
Created by,
Goldbelt Heritage Foundation
Department of Education Grant Award T365C110007
Lingít Tundatánee: Language, the Pathway to Multi-Literacy