The IAEA At Work Atoms for Peace - Eu

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NAA for pre-Hispanic ceramics and
related projects of the IAEA
Coordinated Research Projects (CRPs) and regional Technical Cooperation projects for
cultural heritage and archaeological investigations
• Role of the International Atomic Energy Agency
• Previous activities
• Ongoing projects
• Outlook
IAEA at a Glance — 2004
 Founded in 1957
 137 Member States
 2200 professional and support staff
 3 scientific laboratories
 Headquarters in Vienna; offices in Tokyo, Toronto,
Geneva and New York
 Total Budget in 2004: $397 million
IAEA at Work / Iraq / Hot spots / Safety / Security / Technology
IAEA At Work
Safeguards & Verification
Safety & Security
Science & Technology
Maximizing the contribution of nuclear technology:
Verifying its peaceful use
IAEA at Work / Iraq / Hot spots / Safety / Security / Technology
Ensuring Safety of Nuclear Technologies
 442 nuclear plants in 30 countries
 Thousands of uses of radioactive materials in:
Mineral exploration
IAEA at Work / Iraq / Hot spots / Safety / Security / Technology
Technical Co-operation:
Addresses key problems in developing nations
 Contaminated drinking water
 Diseases: TB, AIDS, Malaria,
Cancer and Sleeping Sickness
 Malnutrition and food scarcity
 Environmental management
 Preservation of cultural
heritage etc.
IAEA at Work / Iraq / Hot spots / Safety / Security / Technology
Science and Technology for Development
 Better Water Management: Isotope Hydrology
 Controlling Insect Pests: Sterile Insect Technique
 Ensuring Food Safety:Irradiation
 Managing Nature: Isotope Techniques
 Treating Cancer: Radiotherapy
 Diagnosing Diseases: Nuclear Medicine
 Industrial Development: Radiation and
Tracer Techniques
 Research: Nuclear Data, CRPs, Meetings, Conferences,
Expert Services, etc….
IAEA at Work / Iraq / Hot spots / Safety / Security / Technology
IAEA — Budget
 $269 million Regular Budget
 Extra budgetary contributions of $38 million
 Nuclear Security Fund: $11 million
 $79 million to the TC programme
Total in 2004: US $397.4 million
IAEA at Work / Iraq / Hot spots / Safety / Security / Technology
IAEA at Work / Iraq / Hot spots / Safety / Security / Technology
CRP on “ Nuclear Analytical Techniques in Archaeological
Investigations” (F.2.30.15, 1996-1999)
seven laboratories from 6 countries in
America + one consultant from
(Smithsonian Institution, Center for
Material Research and
 objectives:
Promotion of interdisciplinary research
Strengthen the role of NATs in the region
 outcome:
synergistic effects in NATs and archaeology
improved data interpretation capabilities
demonstrated competence of
interdisciplinary problem solving
Individual project results
 Argentina: extensive trading activities and the exchange of ceramics
between two pre-Columbian groups in the north-western part of
 Brazil, Sao Paulo: Three distinct and very confined clusters of pottery from Amazon
populations trading 1000 and 1500 years before present.
 Brazil, Belo Horizonte: clear distinction among the pottery types of Uru tradition
and the Aratu tradition (1200 AD) from a double ring shaped village.
 Chile: very hetererogeneous concentration pattern in pottery of the Aconcagua
Culture (900 - 1450 A.D.) in Central Chile.
 Cuba: aborigine ceramic production could be distinguished on the bases of
concentration pattern. Majolica from colonial Havana could be re-classified as
originating from Italy (Liguria) rather than from Spain as originally suggested.
 Mexico: Mexico City and Puebla ceramics from Templo Mayor excavations could
be separated clearly on the bases of trace element fingerprinting.
 Peru: nine distinct groups of pottery were identified from pre-Columbian Inka
sherds using multivariate statistical analysis.
• Technical Report Series 416
• PER/8/013 Application of Nuclear
Techniques for the Analysis,
Conservation and Dating of
Archaeological Materials
• SYR/1/004 Nuclear Techniques for
Dating Analysis and Preservation of
Archaeological Materials
RER/1/006 Nuclear Techniques for the Protection of
Cultural Heritage Artefacts in the Mediterranean Region
Participants: Albania, Croatia , Cyprus , Greece(?),
Malta, Serbia and Montenegro, Turkey
Objectives: > study, restoration and conservation of
cultural heritage
> enhance the cooperation between the
existing laboratories
> promote the role of nuclear analytical
techniques in archaeometry
Activities: > 1st co-ordination meeting 07-09
February 2005 at VIC, Vienna
> Expert missions, fellowships and
group activities
> Establish a network between the
> Training of staff in using NATs for
archaeological investigations
> Cooperation with COST-8 and
ARTECH network would greatly
enhance impact and sustainability
F2.30.23: New CRP on ‘NATs for art object identification’
Participants: Brazil, China, Croatia, Cuba,
France, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Hungary,
Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Mexico, Peru, Poland,
1st RCM: 21-25 February 2005 in Damascus,
• Explore new fields of application for NATs
• Foster collaboration between museum
conservators and analytical researchers
• NATs for conservation and recovery of national
Techniques and study materials covered:
Analytical Techniques:
NAA, PGNAA, XRF (stationary and portable),
PIXE, IBA, and conventional methods
Study areas:
 Marajoara, Lagartero Chiapas, and
other pottery
 Pigments of paintings
 Tang Sancai porcelain
 Ghanaian gold and metal artefacts
 Neolithic stone artefacts
 Ceramics and coins
 Peruvian textiles
 Bronze age metallic artefacts
 Medieval glass ware
Future plans:
• Enhance human capacity for cultural heritage
preservation and investigation
• Support laboratories to acquire technical capabilities for
archaeological investigations
• Establish regional networking for exchange of expertise
and mutual use of resources
• To promote the use of nuclear techniques for provenance
studies, age determination and authenticity verification
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