Transcript Examples

 Üç kenarı girilen bir üçgenin eşkenar-çeşitkenar-ikiz
kenar olup olmadığını bulan programı yazınız.
 Aşağıdaki baklava şeklini veren programı yazınız.
Örnekler: An Airline Reservation System
 A small airline has just purchased a computer for its new automated
reservation system. The president has asked to program the new system. You’ll
write a program to assign seats on each flight of the airline’s only plane (
capacity : 10 seats ). Your program should display the following menu
 Please type 1 for business class
 Please type 2 for economy class
 If person types 1, the program should assign a seat in business class ( seat 1 to
5). If the person types 2, then it should assign economy class ( seat 6 to 10).
Your program then should bring a boarding pass indicating the persons' seat
number and whether it is in the business or economy class of the place .
 Program should never assign a seat which is already assigned. When the
business class in full, your program should ask the person if it is acceptable to
be placed in economy class ( and vice versa). if yes, then make the appropriate
seat assignment. If no, then print the message " next flight leaves in 3 hours "