Chapter 3 Settling the Northern Colonies

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Transcript Chapter 3 Settling the Northern Colonies

Chapter 3
Settling the Northern Colonies
AP U.S. History
The Protestant Reformation Produces
Catholic Church/Pope
Leo – raising money, selling
Indulgences – payments to reduce/cancel sin
Martin Luther – started the Protestant
• Belief of Bible? Source of God’s word
• 95 Thesis – 1517 – statements on abuses of
• John Calvin – conversion experience – intense
identifiable personal experience leads to a
sanctified life
• King Henry 8th – church? Made himself head
of the church, led to some wanting total
reform in church
• Edward
“Bloody” Mary
The Pilgrims End their Pilgrimage at
• Separatists – went to? Holland Left there b/c? Children too
• Charter – VA Company of London
• 1620 – New England
• Mayflower Compact – agreement to
form a government and submit to the
will of the majority
• First Winter – 44 of 102 survived
• Get help from – Squanto, Samoset. Next winter – better
• William Bradford – Governor 30 times
The Bay Colony Bible Commonwealth
• Non-separatists – sought to change the church
from within
• “City on a Hill” – agreement to build a holy
society that would be a model to everyone
• John Winthrop – 1st Governor
• Economy based on? Fur trading, fishing,
Building the Bay Colony
• Franchise – adult males who belonged to the
• Government – male property owners
• Who had real power?
Religious leaders
Trouble in the Bible Commonwealth
• Quakers – persecution with
fines, floggings, and
• Anne Hutchison – sharp in theology,
predestination, brought to trial for heresy.
Banished, went to RI
• Roger Williams – wanted clean break from
church of England. Wanted Indians
compensated for land. Banished
The Rhode Island Sewer/New England
Spreads Out
• Offered complete freedom of? Religion!! Even
for Jews and Catholics. No oaths, no compulsory
attendance, no taxes to support state church.
• Hartford – CT – river where land was fertile
• Thomas Hooker – Fundamental Orders of Conn. –
gave power to many people.
• New Haven Colony – Puritans wanting a closer
church/state relationship. Merged with CT
• New Hampshire – separated from MA
Puritans vs. Indians
• Little resistance at first – diseases
• Pequot War – 1637 – English set fire to villages
and shot Pequots
• King Phillips War – Metacom hit frontier
settlements (52 towns),
hundreds killed.
Metacom captured
and killed.
Seeds of Colonial Unity and
• New England Confederation – 4 colonies together for
defense from Indians, French, and Dutch.
• Colonies did not like … - Ma ignored royal orders
• Crown – gave CT a sea-to-sea charter, revoked MA’s
• Dominion of New England –
New England, NY, NJ.
Bolster colonial defense.
Enforce the English
Navigation Laws – restrict
trade with other countries
• Edmund Andros – Head of Dominion. Very
harsh – supported the Catholic Church, no
town meetings, heavy taxes
• Glorious Revolution – William and Mary
(daughter of James II) took the throne.
Colonists chased Andros out!
• Salutary Neglect – Navigation Acts were
weakly enforced.
**** Colonies were more prosperous when left
Old Netherlands at New Netherlands
• Henry Hudson – English but sailed for the
Dutch – Hudson River
• New Netherlands – multi-ethnic, rare, money,
• New Amsterdam – New York
Friction with… /Dutch Residues…
• Dutch allies with Iroquois
• New Sweden – Peter Stuyvesant
• Charles II – New York, Proprietary, Royal
Penn’s Holy Experiment
• Quakers – Religious Society of Friends
• Characteristics – no taxes to church, no paid
clergy, spoke in church when moved, kept hats
on, “thee,” “thou,” no oaths, refused military
• Practiced religious tolerance, …rich mix of
ethnic groups
• Exported – grain and other foodstuffs
• 1. Compare and contrast the New England
and middle colonies in terms of motives for
founding, religious and social composition,
and political development.
• 2. What efforts were made to strengthen
English control over the colonies in the 17th
century, and why did they generally fail?