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Colonizing America
Middle Colonies
New York
 Between the two groups of English Colonies
were lands the Dutch controlled.
 England attacked and took over the Dutch
colony of New Amsterdam in 1664.
 King Charles II gave the colony to his brother,
the Duke of York.
 Renamed it New York
New York was a proprietary colony.
 Proprietary colony-a colony in which the
owner or proprietor owned all the land and
controlled the government.
 It was one of the fastest growing colonies.
 Diverse Population: Dutch, German,
Swedish, Native American, and the first
Jews to settle in N. America.
New Jersey
Named after the island of Jersey in the
English Channel.
 Attracted more settlers by offering large
tracts of land; freedom of religion; trial by
jury and a representative assembly.
 It was a place of ethnic and religious
Founder-William Penn, a wealthy English
Received the colony as a debt payment from
King Charles II.
Quakers- also called the Society of Friends.
They believed everyone was equal. They were
Pacifists-refused to use force or fight in wars.
Philadelphia-Penn designed and supervised
building the “city of brotherly love”.
Formed from the lower counties of
 Operated as a separate colony but under
Pennsylvania’s governor.
Southern Colonies
Plantations-Important to the economic
growth of the Southern Colonies.
 As plantations grew-need for more
workers increased.
English Criminals and prisoners of war
were shipped to the Colonies. Had to earn
their release by working, usually 7 years.
 Many came as indentured servants. They
worked without pay for a certain length of
time to pay for their passage to America.
Came from the dream of Sir George
Calvert, Lord Baltimore.
 Wanted a safe place for his fellow
Catholics who were being persecuted in
 He died before receiving his grant of landhis son Cecelious sent two of his brothers
to run the colony.
Maryland Cont.
The Calvert and Penn families argued
about the Maryland/Pennsylvania border.
 Hired Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon
to map the boundary. Called the MasonDixon Line.
 Catholics were soon outnumbered and
protestant controlled assembly made the
Anglican Church of official religion of
As Virginia expanded further west into
Native American lands, Gov. Berkeley
made a pledge to them to keep from
pushing further west.
 Nathanial Bacon-young planter who
opposed colonial gov’t.
 He led attacks on Native American
villages. Called Bacon’s Rebellion.
1663-King Charles created a proprietary
colony south of Virginia.
 Named Carolina- Latin for “Charles’ Land.
 John Locke-English philosopher, wrote the
colony’s constitution.
 Didn’t develop as planned and split into
Northern and Southern, creating two
North Carolina
Grew tobacco; sold timber and tar.
 Had no good harbor so used Virginia’s
ports for trade.
South Carolina
Fertile farmland and good harbor
 Traded in deerskin, lumber, and beef.
 Discovered rice grew well in lowlands but
needed slave labor.
Last British colony set up in America.
 James Oglethorpe received a charter for a
colony where debtors and poor people
could make a fresh start.
 Also hoped Georgia’s location would
protect other colonies from Spain.
 Colony has slow growth-didn’t develop as
Oglethorpe had planned.