Schools in Victorian Times

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In the Victorian Times there were some separations
between boys and girls , rich and poor children .The rich
children were luckier than poor children .Because of their
money they had toys , books and nannies. They had also
the opportunity to learn additional knowledge. On the
other hand poor children had very limited rights. They
could only attend the basic education which means that
they could read and write. Between boys and girls were
also differences. The girls were kept at home and they
didn’t have the option to go to a public school. Contrary
boys had this ability.
• There were maps and perhaps pictures on the wall. There
would be a globe maps for geography lessons, and an
abacus to help with sums. Children sat in rows and the
teacher sat at a desk facing the class. At the start of the
Victorian age, most teachers were men, but later many
women trained as teachers .
Children wrote on slates with chalk. They wiped the
slate clean, by spitting on it and rubbing with their
coat sleeve or their finger! Slates could be used
over and over. For writing on paper, children used
a pen with a metal nib ,dipped into an ink well .
• Girls and boys learned together in primary schools, but
were separated in secondary schools. Both boys and
girls learned reading, writing, arithmetic, spelling and
drill (PE). Children were often taught by copying and
repeating what the teacher told them. Lessons included
teaching in right and wrong, and the Christian religion.
• Boys learned technology: woodwork, maths and
technical drawing, to help with work in factories,
workshops or the army when they grew up.
• Girls had lessons in cooking and sewing, to prepare
them for housework and motherhood.
• Discipline in schools was often strict. Children were
punished for even minor wrongdoings, with a cane, on the
hand or bottom.An other way for the teachers to punish
students was by by making them stand in the corner wearing
a 'dunce's cap’.
The creators!
 !!!
And Joanna