Transcript Document

Unit9 Gender Differences
What do we mean by the
terms sex and sexuality?
sex is a biological term
which refers to the functional
differences between males
and females and their
reproductive potential
male and female are
biological terms
sex is determined by genes in
chromosomes (sexual
differences are determined at
sexuality is a psychological
term which refers to our
awareness and reaction to
biological sex
masculine and feminine are
psychological terms which
refer to a person's gender
gender is determined by
biological, psychological and
sociological factors
gender role: adoption of
masculine or feminine
behavioral traits that are
deemed appropriate or
characteristic of a particular
gender identity: a person's
private, subjective sense of
maleness or femaleness
sexual orientation /
preference: erotic desire for
people of same or different sex
Biological and psychological
variables that affect gender
Prenatal hormones
Internal accessory organs
External genital appearance
Pubertal hormones
Assigned gender
Gender identity
Gender differences (social
characteristics): These include
such things as differences in
hair styles, clothing, family
responsibilities, occupational
roles, acceptable behavior and
other culturally learned
activities and traits.
Feminism; feminist
The women’s liberation
Male chauvinism/chauvinist
1. Are the girls treated at home
and in school the same way as
that the boys are treated ?
2. If boys and girls are treated
equally, can they have the
same potential and can
accomplish similar goals?
3. Can or should men and
women ever be truly equal in
any society?
Part one (oral practice)
Talk about the differences
between men and women:
Aggressive nature, seldom
express feelings, strong and
full of vigor, independent, tough
and courageous, not bothered
by trifle matters, less care
about their appearance or
looks, make a decision
promptly, more domineering,
tend to be cool and calm
quiet, neat, clean, like to talk,
shy and timid, strong desire for
security, pay more attention to
their appearance or looks,
more sensitive, intuitive,
passionate, fashion-aware,
patient, careful
Part III
Pre-reading question: Do you
think/agree that girl students do
better in some subjects (such
as language, art, writing) while
boy students do better in other
objects (such as maths,
excel in/at, do better,
inferior/superior in
Questions after reading:
1. Do you agree that the
various types of behavior,
emotions and interests that
constitute being masculine and
feminine are patterned by both
heredity and education?
2. What is the cultural bias in
3. from nursery school to
postgraduate courses, who do
teachers like to call on, males
or females? And the result ?
4. In accordance with what did
teachers assign boys and girls
different tasks?
5. What is the typical American
teacher’s assumption? And the
problem of it?
6. When does the educational
bias begin?
Words and expressions:
1. constitute: consist of,
12 months constitute a year./A
year consists of 12
months./Our class comprises
30 girls and 4 boys.
The government has
constituted new regulations.
2. …teachers are shown to call
on (l15)
I called on him to keep his
promise. (appeal to, require)
You were not in when we called
on you. (pay a short visit)
I like to call on my students
without considering their sex.
3. put away
I always ask my son to put his
toys away when has finished
playing with them. (put in the
usual place of storage)
People like to put some money
away for their old age. (save)
It seems that every child can
put away much ice-cream. (eat
or drink excessively)
4. turn out
The French pianist who had
been praised highly turned out
to be a great disappointment.
(prove to be)
Our school has turned many
good students.
Please turn out the lights
before you leave. (turn off)
They turned him out of the
school. (drive out of)
Summary: Over the past few
decades, it has been proved
many times that the various
types of behavior, emotions
and interests that constitute
being masculine and feminine
are patterned by both heredity
and culture. Cultural bias
almost exist in all forms of
education. In the educational
process, boys are more
favored than girls. In this way
society reinforces its
established values and turns
out each gender in its
traditional and expected mold.
After-class reading:
Boys Are Teachers’ Pets
Gender differences is mainly
influenced by culture. Gender
bias exists in almost all forms
of school education. According
to the stereotype of gender
Roles, boys and girls are
thought to choose their own
suitable courses at school.
Even if they choose the same
course, they may meet different
treatment in class because of
their different genders. Boys
are teacher’s pets, who can get
more of the attention from
teachers than girls. Boy’
behavior usually are respected
and praised by people. Their
Homework are often treated
with comment or praise
although sometimes it is not so
good. But girls’ homework often
meet contempt or criticism.
Girls are the object
experiencing unfair treatment.
Finally, the author suggests a
solution to the problem—
separating boys and girls within
schools for certain subjects.
Talk about Chinese Teachers’
Stereotypes and Individual
Stereotypes are types of
generalization that are useful in
organizing the massive amount
of information to which people
are exposed. There are some
Universal stereotypes of men
and women. One argument is
that people become
comfortable believing that
members of each gender either
have or can develop the
characteristics that are
necessary to carry out tasks in
a smooth functioning society.
The other argument is
consistent with some feminist
approaches to the analysis of
Gender differences. Once men
are socialized to act in a
dominant manner, they become
comfortable with their power
over women and develop
norms that keep woman in
inferior positions. The tendency
for women to become passive
in the company of men does
not have to dictate behavior
among adults in today’s world.
Possible for women to break
old habits. Research has
focused on the pressures for
movements away from
traditional restrictions and the
results of the changes in the
behavior of males and females.
Many of these changes have
resulted in the disappearance
of the sharp differences
between the behavior of male
and female.
Furthers development:
1. Debate:
A single-sex class is preferable
or a co-educational class is
2. ideal husband
ideal wife