Using Response to Intervention

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Transcript Using Response to Intervention

The ABC’s of PLC and RTI
Shanna Brooks
NCESD Literacy Specialist
• Buffum, A., Mattos, M., & Weber, C. (2009). Pyramid
Response to Intervention. Bloomington, IN: Solution
• Callender, Wayne (2009) Partners for Learning,
Boise, ID
• DuFour, R., DuFour, R., Eaker, R., & Many, T.(2006).
Learning by Doing: A Handbook for professional
learning communities at work. Bloomington, IN:
Solution Tree
• Mattos, M. (2009). Pyramid Response to
Intervention: Part I Webinar.
• Using Response to Intervention (RTI) for
Washington’s Students (2006), Dr. Terry Bergeson,
A symbiotic relationship:
a cooperative, mutually beneficial relationship
between two people or groups
Professional Learning Community:
• To Lead, Serve, and Support the
Educational Community
• A PLC is composed of collaborative
teams whose members work
interdependently to achieve common
goals linked to the purpose of learning
for all.
DuFour - 2006
The Big Ideas of PLC:
• Focus on Learning
• Build a collaborative culture
• Focus on Results
Mattos - 2009
The PLC 4 Critical Questions:
• What do we want all students to learn?
• How will we know when they have
learned it?
• How will we respond when some
students do not learn?
• How will we respond when some
students have learned?
DuFour - 2006
For all students to learn, we must:
• Start with a highly effective researchbased core instruction.
• Systematically identify students who
are not succeeding in our core program
through valid assessments.
• Provide additional time and support to
struggling students with targeted
Mattos - 2009
A Cultural Shift:
Ongoing Adult Learning
Deliberate Teamwork
“Our Kids”
Data Driven Decisions
Leverage Resources
Response to Intervention:
• IDEIA, 2004
• The reauthorization of the Individuals
with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) in
2004 allowed RTI to be utilized as a
component of an evaluation for special
education eligibility.
Response to Intervention:
• Washington State RTI Manual
The Washington Model
Use all school resources to help all students learn
Use research-based programs and instructions
Focus on the core program
Universally screen students so that none fall through
the cracks
• Use a multi-tiered approach to meeting student
• Use data decision-making
• Monitor progress often
Washington State Board of Education (2006)
As cited in Pyramid Response to Intervention,
Buffum (2009)
Essential Characteristics of RTI:
• Collective responsibility
• Quality core instruction
• Universal screening and diagnostic
• Research-based interventions
• Progress monitoring
• Quality problem solving
• Certain access to appropriate instruction
How well do we line up?
• Use all school resources to
help all students learn
• Use research-based
programs and instructions
• Focus on the core program
• Universally screen
students so that none fall
through the cracks
• Use a multitiered
approach to meeting
student needs
• Use data decision-making
• Monitor progress often
• Collective responsibility
• Quality core instruction
• Universal screening and
diagnostic assessment
• Research-based
• Progress monitoring
• Quality problem solving
• Certain access to
appropriate instruction
Three-Tier Model of School Supports:
Tier 3
Tier 2
Supplemental Interventions
Tier 1
Core Instruction
5% of your students
should be here.
15% of your students
should be here.
80% of your students
should be here.
Tier 1 Benchmark:
Designed for most
Promotes 1 year growth in 1 year time
Minimum time daily (i.e., 90 min)
Ensures students across different
classrooms receive same content
Callender - 2009
Tier 2 Strategic:
30-45 min. daily
Small group
In addition to the core
Targets specific skill deficits
Can be part of core or supplemental to
Callender - 2009
Tier 3 Intensive Intervention:
Is comprehensive within content area
Designed to accelerate if used properly
60 minute or more daily
Smaller group
Generally replaces the core
May also need to be supplemented
Callender - 2009
• Universal Screening Tools
• Diagnostic Assessments
• Progress Monitoring
– DIBELS, NWEA MAPS, Read Naturally
The A B C’s:
• Access to quality
teaching and learning
for every student
• Build a collaborative
culture of professionals
• Communicate &
Celebrate Success