Teacher competencies with gender perspective

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Teacher competences with gender perspective

Quality Educators for All Project aims to assist public authorities

Objectives of Quality Ed. for all: Quality, Training, Sustainability • • •


: develop/enhance gender-just teachers’ competency profile with national consensus – and life-skill curriculum


: expand provision of high quality in-service and initial education for un(der) qualified teachers


: advocate that national and international institutions incorporate successful approaches

Research on Competence-based Teacher Education • Nearly completed desk and field research

by Paloma Bourgonje & Rosanne Tromp

• Desk study:

conceptual history, and experience in South Africa, NZ, Alberta (Canada) and Pestalozzi Program – Council of Europe

• Case Studies:

Chile, Brazil, India, Malaysia, Slovenia, Netherlands.

• Pilot Countries

: Uganda, Mali

Summary of results of research

• Conceptual tension between narrow behavioral definition and holistic definition:

skills, knowledge, attitudes and values

• Development of CP needs to involve


stakeholders = teachers/pupils/ parents • CP can help teaching quality if combined with empowerment & professional growth • CP is part of school-wide quality context

No Gender- and Life Skill teacher competences?

• Research didn’t cover non-formal education initiatives – do they have CP’s?

• Gender- and Life Skill competences did not emerge


in the research • Broad interest in a holistic CP (pilot Uganda/Mali:

Head, Heart, Hands, Feet)

• Interest in international guidelines for

development of national CP’s

, rather than development of one International CP.

Questions for this EI World Women’s Conference • What is your own experience with competence-based teacher education?

• What role can/should EI play, in the conceptual and practical development of CP’s at national and/or international level?

• How important are Gender- and Life Skill competences for teachers?

• Can/should this conference take CP’s forward? Which? How? When? By whom?