YOUTHPASS : Toward the recognition of non formal learning

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Transcript YOUTHPASS : Toward the recognition of non formal learning

Toward the recognition
of non formal learning
in the frame of the
European Youth in Action Programme
Gilles BACCALA, Training and Cooperation Plan Officer
French National Agency of European Youth in Action Programme
First, a little exercise:
3 fields of competences:
Learning to learn
Communication in a foreign language
Social and civic competence
Gilles BACCALA, Training and Cooperation Plan Officer
French National Agency of European Youth in Action Programme
First, a little exercise:
2 questions:
• What am I expecting to learn or to gain in this
field during this TIC TAC training course ?
• How could I explain/describe it in a few words
and write it ?
Gilles BACCALA, Training and Cooperation Plan Officer
French National Agency of European Youth in Action Programme
« Education and training 2010 » :
a European Union Strategy
Among European political initiatives since
Lisboa 2000, in the education field :
• Definition of « long life learning » (LLL)
• Common European principles for recognition
of non formal and informal learning
• Europass Port-folio
• Key Competences for long life learning
Youth Policies at the European level
• White Paper on Youth « A new impetus for
European Youth »
• European Pact for Youth
• Recognition of non formal and informal
learning in the Youth work
Non formal learning ?
• Outside school, vocational training centres,
university, evening courses …
• Structured learning : fixed objectives, periods
of time, pedagogical methods, activities and
tools, teams of trainers (volunteers or paid)
• Willing to learn (from the participant) and to
teach (from the trainer) : “intentionality”
• No diploma but possible validation like “record
of achievements” (UK), first aid certificate or
BAFA/BAFD (France), Jugendleitkarte
European « Youth in Action » (YiA)
Programme 2007-2013
• European Youth Exchanges (groups, bi or
• Youth initiatives
• Youth democratic projects
• European voluntary service
• Action « Youth in the world »
• Support measures, seminars, trainings
• Support to organisations active in Youth work
• European Cooperation in Youth work
YOUTHPASS : towards recognition of
non formal learning in youth work
4 main objectives, in the frame of youth work
• fostering employment of young persons and
youth workers
• valorising methods of non formal learning
• fostering recognition of youth work
• valorising specificities of youth work
Fostering employment of young persons
and youth workers
Identification of competences in four main axes
Personal development
Intercultural and multicultural
Social competences
Specificities of youth work
• Volunteerism of participants and youth
workers, leaders or trainers
• Active and conscious participation of learners,
actors of their learning
• Active and participative methods : « learning
by doing »
• Learning of participative democracy and
active citizenship
What is the Youthpass document ?
• An individual certificate for each participant of
one activity of YiA programme, individually
entitled to receive it
• A brief description of objective and activities of
the seminar or training course
• A brief description of gained competences by
the participant, following « Key competences »
and a summary of learning outcomes
• Validation by the hosting organisation and the
head of hosting NA
Why a test phase ?
• To experiment the document near a panel of
participants and organisers of training course
or seminar (action 4.3 of YiA programme)
• To get their feedback, comments and critics
• For a better understanding of the needs of
participants and organisations
• To improve the document
The Key competences (K.C.) ?
• A common recommendation of European
Parliament and European Council, to be
adopted end of 2006
• A common European reference framework
• For long life learning (LLL) and education
• 8 main fields of competences for the
« knowledge society »
What is a competence ?
It’s a combination of 3 elements :
• one or more knowledge(s) (« knowing »)
• one or more aptitudes (« knowing to do »)
• one or more attitudes (« knowing to be »)
we need for the achievement of a task or a project,
for the practice of a job, a leisure, an hobby or a
sport, for the participation in social and civic life
or to assume parenting and family life
The Key competences ?
• Communication in mother tongue
• Communication in one (or more) foreign
• Mathematic culture and basic competences
sciences and technologies
• Digital competence (computer science,
information and communication technologies)
The Key Competences ?
• Learning to learn (individually and collectively)
• Social and civic competences (interpersonal,
• Initiative spirit and entrepreneurship :
« capacity to go from ideas to acts »
• Sensitive and cultural expression (artistic,
creative competences)
Youthpass Ce rtificates Action 5
Participants deta ils
In order to be able to issue your individual Youthpa ss certificate with the self assessmen t
part, we ask you to give us the following personal details, then the findings you think you
have gained from the training course or seminar, described through Ke y Compe tences.
Mandatory fields are marked in bold.
The assessment pa rt will appear on the third page and following pages. The use of the
documen t is individually entitled to you.
Only i n case yo u enter text in a box, the Key Competence will appear on the
Certificate. At the bottom you will fi nd a box to summarise learning outcome in general.
This will appear on the second page.
Personal details :
First Name (prˇnom )
Surname (Nom)
Birth date
Country of birth
Compe tences gained during the seminar or training session
Learning to learn
Interpersonal and social
compe tences
Civic compe tence
Cultural exp ression
Communication in the mother
tongue and in foreign languages
Mathematical compe tence
Scientific competence
Digital competence
Learning outcome s summary
800 characters maximum allowed for each box.
The reflection was deepened through a dialogue process
YES š NO š
References : 2 names ma ximum wi th function, telephone and/or e-mail address
400 characters maximum allowed
Thank you for attention !!