第三十一屆學術研討會-摘要 吳啟哲 F

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Transcript 第三十一屆學術研討會-摘要 吳啟哲 F

Study on the applicability of home doorbell signal to the elder
吳啟哲 1、陳 建 勳 2、呂 寧 方 2、吳 馥 儒
1 華夏科技大學室內設計系副教授
2 華夏科技大學室內設計系學生
為對象,調查高齡者對其聽取的難易度。蒐集之門鈴樣品以價位介於 299〜1999
元 間 為 範圍 , 鈴聲 取樣 在 安 靜環 境 下 從 各 品 牌 門 鈴 播 放 後, 再 經 由 AppLe
Soundtrack Pro 軟體編輯整理為 60 個樣本,最終篩選出 8 首常用鈴聲。受測者
為華夏樂齡大學高齡學生共 41 名,其中男性佔 20%、女性佔 80%。測試環境為
室內設計系專業聲學實驗室,聲音訊號播放系統響應介於 20HZ〜12kHz 人耳接
工具採用 Microsoft Excel 統計軟體進行。結論顯示,82.9%的受訪者對門鈴非常
重視,且 75.6%贊同門鈴可當作緊急事件求助鈴來使用,但發覺 50%受訪者對
聲音訊號 7k〜12kHz 範圍間無法聽取清楚。8 首常用鈴聲測試,以鈴聲編號 057
所有受測者均可清楚聽取,鈴聲編號 013、014、031、033、035 與 056 鈴聲聲
音則有 83%〜93%的受測者聽取清楚,鈴聲編號 038 只有 56%受測者可清楚聽
With the changes in the environment and the advancement of science and technology,
the quality of human life has gradually improved, and the quality requirements for life
products have gradually improved. But can the "doorbells" needed in life meet the
needs of the old Taiwanese society? Should we develop doorbell equipment that is
suitable for different locations and different needs? This study uses the home wireless
doorbell as a target to investigate how easy it is for elder to listen to it. The samples of
the collected doorbell is in the range of 299~1999 NT ($). The samples are played in
the quiet environment and then edited into 60 samples by Apple Soundtrack Pro
software, and finally 8 common ringtones are selected.The subjects were 41 senior
students from senior citizens learning camp in HWA HSIA University, including 20%
males and 80% females. The test room is the professional acoustic laboratory of the
Interior Design Department. The response of the sound signal playback system is
between 20Hz and 12kHz. The sound pressure instrument is used to measure and
confirm the volume of all signals. The subjective test method was used to investigate
the questionnaire in the former space. Questionnaire scoring method adopted five
levels of auditory clarity. The questionnaire analysis tool was conducted using the
Microsoft Excel software. The conclusions show that 82.9% of the respondents attach
great importance to the doorbell, and 75.6% agree that the doorbell can be used as an
emergency help tool, but found that 50% of the respondents could not hear the sound
signal between 7k and 12kHz. In 8 selected ringtone tests, the ringtone signal 057 can
be clearly heard by all subjects, 013, 014, 031, 033, 035 and 056 signal ringtones are
listened clearly by 83% ~ 93% of the subjects, only 56% of the subjects can clearly
hear ring signal 038.
Keyword:Doorbell、elder、auditory、subjective questionnaire