Transcript CAMERA

A Compact, Automated MEMs-based Rayleigh
Adaptive Optics System
Matthew Britton, Nick Law, Viswa Velur, Christoph Baranec
Science Cases
Adaptive optics surveys of 103 or more targets
Stellar companions of all types
Lensed quasars
Transient astronomy
PTF / Pan Starrs / LSST followup
Large SNR gains redwards of I band
Scheduled observations
Mapping of binary orbits
Monitoring of solar system objects
Appulse events
Diffraction limited imaging in the visible and near infrared
Automated, queue scheduled observing
Monitors transient alert feeds and responds autonomously
Offers fast frame imaging capability
Constructed from off the shelf components
12x12 MEMS device
PI tip tilt stage
355 nm Rayleigh laser
Multiprocessor server
System design (Oct 2006-May
Testbed developed (Summer 2007)
Closed loop AO demonstration using
a MEMS device. Testbed operated
using a multiprocessor server
driven by a web browser.
Proposal writing (Fall 2007)
Software development (Winter, 2008)
Programmatic Information
Collaboration with Pomona and Harvey Mudd Colleges
Interest in fielding a natural guide star version for Pomona
1m telescope at Table Mountain.
Funding proposals submitted to DOD DURIP and NSF
Decisions expected on April 28 (DURIP) and first half of 08
First phase funding proposal to the W.M. Keck
Foundation for Pomona 1m natural guide star system
Proposal for second phase in preparation.