Transcript Topics.pptx

To comprehend what you read, you
need to know the topic of your
Ask yourself: What is this about?
What is the general idea?
Topics of a paragraph
A paragraph is a group of sentences that
are all about the same thing, meaning that
they have the same topic.
 When they talk about different things,
then they do not form a good paragraph.
 The topic of a paragraph should not be
too specific or too general
Topic sentence
is a sentence that
states the topic
It can be in the beginning,
middle, or end of a
Iceland is not a place for the ordinary
tourist. The landscape, first of all, is bare and
strange – though many consider it beautiful,
too. Then, the far northern climate is not
ideal for tourism. The winter weather is
extremely severe and the summers are short
and cool, with constant strong winds. The
remote location also means that many
products have to be imported and so they
are expensive. However, the few tourists
who do put up with thee difficulties are
welcomed by the Icelanders.
Is that a paragraph?
 The topic is Iceland
 All the other sentences give details about
the topic