Transcript here

Cover Letters:
introducing your résumé
Lynn Walsh, Career Advisor
Purpose of a Cover Letter
Cover letters are a way to address the employer directly &
highlight accomplishments or skills that reflect suitability for
the position.
Format and content
Return Address
Salutation (Greeting)
Body (includes 4 different paragraphs)
Return Address & Date
Your complete mailing address and telephone number
should be placed at the top left margin, without your name
Insert the current date two lines below your return address
Do not abbreviate the date
Find mailing address of the company to which you are
Address by name the specific individual who will process
your application.
Typed two lines below the company address
Use appropriate salutation
- Dear Mr./Ms./Mrs. Adams:
If specific name can not be found, use
- Dear Sir or Madam:
* Always use colon after salutation
First paragraph
1st paragraph – Why you are writing
• Introduction should catch the reader’s attention
• Clearly state what job you are applying for and how you
learned about it.
• If you have any personal contacts in or with the company,
you may want to mention them here.
Second paragraph
2nd paragraph - What you have to offer
• Provide specific information about the skills
you have & how your qualifications will benefit
the company
• Respond to every possible requirement that is
mentioned in the job description/offer
Third paragraph
Third paragraph - Why this Company
• Indicate why you feel you would like to work
for this company/organization
- For example, products, service, place in
the community
• Discuss what you know about the employer,
the organization, the sector, etc.
Fourth paragraph
4th paragraph – closing & request to meet/interview
• In the concluding paragraph you should
request an interview
• State where and when you can be reached
• Thank reader for his or her time and
• Use Closings such as “Sincerely” or “Yours
- 2 lines below body of letter
- align with left margin
• Type your full name as it appears on your
- 4 lines beneath your Closing
• Sign above your typed name in black ink
If you are enclosing a resume or other
materials, include an enclosure line flush left
at the bottom of the letter
• For example:
• Enclosure: Résumé
• Enc: Résumé
Points to remember
 Review letter for grammar and spelling
 Have someone proof read your final copy
 Do not forget to sign your cover letter
 Do not forget to attach enclosure if stated
Contact: International Student Career Advisor
Lynn Walsh
Centre for Career Development/International Student Advising
p: 709-737-8167 or 737-8895
[email protected]
Office Hours:
Mon., Tues. & Fri. (9am – 5pm): Centre for Career Development
(CCD), 4th floor of UC
Wed. & Thurs. (9am – 4:45pm): ISA Office, Corte Real