Interior Design

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Interior Design The 6 Elements of Design


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Space is the area in which we work It defines limits and sets boundaries of our design It is limited by width, length and height To make space seem larger - use soft, light, cool colors To make space seem smaller – use patterns or dark, warm colors


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Line establishes shape and form It suggests movement and leads or moves the eye around the room Lines are either straight or curved Straight lines are considered to be more masculine

Vertical lines suggest formality and dignity

Diagonal lines create a sense of drama

Horizontal lines are relaxed, restful and casual .

Curved lines add interest and relief

Curved lines are softer, so are considered to be more feminine


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The shape of an object is form (square, rectangle, round, oval) Forms in a room should be harmonious Rectangular shapes are more pleasing to the eye than square shapes Rectangles are most often the dominant shape in a room

Squares suggest a rational, stable form with no direction

A circle implies unity and completeness

Triangle is a stable, but dynamic shape


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The surface of an object, its smoothness or roughness, is another important decorating tool The use of several complementary textures can add variety and keep interest alive Be careful to avoid dramatic contrasts between the textures It is not a good idea to use casual, rough burlap in the same setting with a soft and formal moiré

Texture cont.

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Heavily textured, nubby, rough surfaces absorb more light. They are more casual in feeling; they seem to be darker and they are good at absorbing sound Smooth and shiny surfaces are more formal; they appear to be lighter and are more reflective of light


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Pattern is the repetition of a decorative motif on a surface It is closely related to texture, but individual elements of pattern appear as individual items and texture appears as an overall tone.

Pattern provides the spice in decorating Scale is important in the use of pattern If a large print is used on a small object the pattern will get lost

Pattern cont.

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You can safely use a floral pattern with a geometric pattern, a stripe or check Be careful not to create an effect that is too busy Use patterns that are in proportion to each other A large floral would be out of proportion with a small check


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Color is one of the most powerful tools used in interior design/ decorating. Color should be studied both psychologically and emotionally to be understood and used correctly.

The amount of light also affects color Dim lighting reduces a color's value and diminishes its hue

Color cont.

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High lighting levels can either intensify the hue or make the color appear washed out Color swatches should be tested in their actual location under the expected lighting conditions before final decisions are made The amount of area covered affects color Color intensifies as the area of color increases It is also important to remember that interior colors should be chosen inside and exterior colors outside

Now that you know the six Elements of Design , you can better understand them and you can make them work for you