2011 10 31 9 30 35 579

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Transcript 2011 10 31 9 30 35 579

Module 5
Unit 1 Great scientists
Language points
• Retell the passage according to below:
• John Snow was a well-known ____ in
London in the ___ century. He wanted to
find the ______ of cholera in order to ______
it. In 1854 when a cholera ____ out, he
began to gather information. He _____ on a
map where all the dead people had lived and
he found that many people who had drunk
the dirty water from the ______ died. So he
decided that the polluted water carried
cholera. He suggested that the _____ of all
water supply be _______ and new methods
of ________ with polluted water be found.
Finally, “King Cholera” was defeated.
I: some
key words
1.--so famous, expert, indeed, that
he attended Queen Victoria as…..
• 1) to be present at, to go to 出席, 参加
• ~a meeting , ~a ceremony, ~a funeral,
~ a lecture, ~school, ~church
E.g. Your attendance (n.) at the meeting will
be welcome.
• 2) to look after, care for, serve照顾,看护
• Which doctor is attending (to/ on) you?
• There is a doctor in attendance on me.
3) to go with 伴随
The work was attended with much
4)attendance n.
• the act of attending 照顾
e.g There is a doctor in attendance.
the number of people present 出席人数
e.g There was a large attendance at the
2.But he became inspired when he thought about
helping ordinary people exposed to cholera.
expose vt.
(1)to make visible 暴露
“expose …to…”把……暴露于……之下.
be exposed to(暴露)
He exposes his skin to the sun.
(2)to reveal the guilt or wrong doing of …揭露;揭发
He exposed their plot.他揭穿了他们的阴谋.
I threatened to expose him ( to the police).
• Exposing your skin to the sun often
does you great harm.
• People ~d to radium are easy to catch
3.This was the most deadly disease of its day.
die (v.) dead (adj.) death (n.)
deadly adj.
1.dangerous; likely to cause death 危险的;致
命的 a deadly disease/weapon
2. highly effective against sth. or someone 强
a deadly remark 击中要害的评论
3. aiming to kill or destroy意在杀死的;不共
a deadly enemy不共戴天的敌人
• deadly adv.
1. very极度;非常;十分:
deadly serious 十分 认真
2. like death 死一般地:
deadly pale 死一般苍白
4. He knew it would never be controlled until its cause
was found.
control vt. to have power over, rule, direct 统治,控制
The government tries its best to control prices.
n. 控制, 统治, 掌握
1) lose control of/ be (go) out of control 失去控制
The driver lost control of his car and it knocked into a
2) in control of 在…控制下
Mr. brown is in control of the money.
3) under the control of 被…控制着
The money is under the control of Mr. brown.
4) under control 受控制, 平静无事
The fire was finally under control.
5. absorb v. 吸收(液体);承受;承担 (费用等)
Use the cloth to absorb the spilled ink. 吸干撒的墨水
We will not absorb these charges.我们不能承担这些费用.
I was absorbed in a book and didn’t hear your call.
The big company has gradually absorbed these
small companies into its own organization.
6. …the cholera was so severe that more
than 500 people had died in 10 days.
(1) so serious; so bad (人、纪律)严厉的, 严格的
I think you are too severe on the boy.
His severe looks frightened me.
(2) very harmful or painful (疼痛)剧烈的
He has a severe pain in his leg.
(3)be severe with: be strict with 对…要求严格
He is severe with himself.
7. suggest vt. 建议, 提出, 使想起, 暗
The first suggested that cholera
The second suggested that people
absorbed ……
He suggested that the source of all water
supplies be examined and new methods of
dealing with polluted water be found.
I suggest our going to the park on Sunday.
The dentist suggested that she (should)
come another day.
2). 暗示;启发[+(that)]
Her expression suggested pleasure.
8. With this evidence John Snow was able to
announce with certainty that polluted water
carried the disease.
1) To make known publicly 发表、告知、宣布
The news was announced to the public on TV.
2)to state in a loud voice (the name of a person or thing
on arrival, as of people at a party or aircraft at an airport)
宣布 (客人的名字、到达)
His servant announced Mr. and Mrs. White.
3) To make clearly known (事情)显示……;预告
Warm sunshine announces the coming of spring.
• II: some important
1. It seemed the water was to blame.
vt.责备, 谴责
~ sb. for …
~ …upon / on…:把…责任归于…
She ~d the failure of their marriage on him.
be to blame该受责备;应该负责 (不能用于被动
• I am to blame for our losing the game.
It’s I who am to ~ for our losing the game.
2. In addition, he found two other deaths in another
part of London that were linked to the Broad Street
• in addition adv. as well as, besides 另外
• In addition, the course also produces practical
experience. 此外,这门功课还提供了实践的基础.
• A number of people came to the zoo in addition to
Peter and Paul. 彼得和保尔以外,还有许多别的人
3. In addition, he found two other deaths in another
part of London that were linked to the Broad Street
link vt. 连接
These two cities were linked by a railway.
link… to… (connect…to…)把…与…连
接起来= be linked to
I can’t link my computer to the internet.
Fingerprints linked the suspect to the crime.
4. Apart from the construction mentioned above, you
have also learned the following phrase.
apart from “ 除了…之外”,主要与n.和v-ing连用。
Apart from a few faults, he is a trustworthy
teacher. (except for)
Apart from sport, my other interest outside
class is music. (besides)
Apart from some spelling mistakes, the
composition is fairly good.
III: Patterns
1. So many thousands of terrified people
died every time there was an outbreak.
Every/each time是连词,引导时间状语从句, “每次,每当”
Every time I meet him, I always think of the
things happened between us.
the moment, the minute, the second, immediately,
the moment, directly, instantly等都可以作连词,
I will give the letter to him immediately I see him.
I came directly I got your letter.
The moment I catch a cold, I have a pain in my
• 2. so + adj /adv + that… 结果状语从句
He is so young that he can't go to school.
The box is so light that the child can lift it.
so…that…的否定句式可用 too…to…替换,肯
定句式可用…enough to… 替换.
such+a/an+adj.+n.(单)+that从句 ;
• We are such good students that all the
teachers like us.
• It is such a big room that it can hold so
many people.
• He has
few books to read that he
has to borrow some from the library.
Finish the exercises on your book.