Transcript Document

October 9, 2010
In Collaboration with LISD Coordinator of
Distance Learning (Greg Marten)
Training pre-service teachers to modify
traditional, face-to-face lessons for VC
◦ Research best practices
◦ Design new lessons
◦ Deliver lessons to classroom peers off site via VC
Recent graduate employed near Flint to teach
foreign language using this process
Rick Lovett, Adrian College
Educational technology is integrated throughout a
student’s program beginning with their first
education course in their sophomore year.
Students complete two portfolios, their
professional portfolio and a reflective portfolio that
documents their evolution as a teacher during the
Portfolios hosted on Wordpress. Example:
Multi-media/technology literacy integrated into
elementary & secondary literacy pedagogy classes
Our recent approach to integrating technology is to
embed the learning of tools, operations and concepts into
individual education courses:
The following standards are met by students who all take
the same education courses:
7a, 7d, 7g
The following standards are met by all students in a
student teaching seminar course:
7a, 7b, 7d, 7e
The following courses are partially met by all students in
either in education courses or other courses at large:
Curriculum rewritten over summer
◦ Seventh Standard /Understanding by Design
Create a Thematic Unit
Technology Component
◦ Refining use of Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and online Internet Resources
◦ Blogs, Wikis, Filamentality, Interactive PowerPoints,
Podcasting, Digital Storytelling, Moodle/Blackboard
◦ Exploring membership In membership in professional
organization for life-long learning
◦ Teaching students Digital Citizenship
◦ Refining resume and educational philosophy to include
Colleen Webb,
Baker College Port Huron
Education Class
Students purchase
their own clickers
Multiple choice
questions are asked
and aggregate
answers are
◦ To build community
◦ To encourage students
to recognize diversity
◦ To set the stage for
Expansion of Ed Tech survey course for
Meeting requirement for online learning
Undergrad technology course shifting to online
We’re studying computer-mediated
communication (CmC) to enhance the quality of
our online teaching
– Participation patterns in computer-mediated discourse;
– Links between student interaction levels and perceived
quality of instruction;
– Balancing required and voluntary participation;
– Strategies for maximizing student engagement in
participation; and
– Using synchronous and asynchronous CmC tools to
promote active engagement.
program for interns:
•Supported by a new website design:
Reuben Rubio’s Slide
Teacher Education Initiative
◦ Technology Plan
 Proposal for Technology Program Coordinator
◦ 4 TE Programs
Model: Secondary Masters and Certification
◦ 1 year program
◦ 1:1 Laptops & Camcorders
◦ Full Year Technology Integration Course (June to May)
Hybrid: Face to Face & Virtual
Focus: Digital Footprints
Focus: Virtual Teaching & Learning
Focus: Professional Learning Networks
Our Podcast:
Mportfolio Implementation
◦ Integrated Knowledge Portfolio
 Used by students and faculty
◦ Brings disparate portfolio initiatives together
◦ Allows students/faculty to demonstrate learning
and growth
◦ Allows university to assess coverage of curriculum
and coursework
Education was the fist classroom building at WSU to be totally
Wide variety of classroom technology
◦ Mobile instructor stations, SmartBoards, mobile laptop carts, cameras, iPods, mobile
lecture capture stations
◦ Integrating use of Skype, text messaging, twitter, desktop conferencing, & other Web
2.0 tools, etc.
e-Portfolios required for all IT master’s students and student
Significant number of courses/programs online in both Teacher
Education and Instructional Technology including a fully online
Educational Technology Endorsement program
“21st Century Teaching Which Came First - The Technology or the
Pedagogy?” Recent T.H.E Journal interview
Atomic Learning - 21st Century Skills
Faculty Technology Workshops / Faculty Tech Bytes
Annual Student Technology Day Conference