Document 7177996

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Transcript Document 7177996

John Kerry:
The Issues
RH399 - Presidential Election Rhetoric
4th Hour – 27 April 2004
Chuck Compson
Andrew Marcum
Mike Martin
Presentation Overview
The Kerry Issues:
– Consider three aspects of each issue
Kerry’s voting history
Democratic comparison
Republican’s views on Kerry’s stance
– Look at five key issues
Foreign Policy and Iraq
The Patriot Act
Civil Rights and Gay Marriage
The Economy and Jobs
100 Days to Change America
John Kerry’s Background and Bio
Foreign Policy and Iraq
Kerry’s Voting History
In 1991 he voted NO on
resolution to permit force
in Iraq.
In 1998, he voted yes on
resolution to prosecute
and imprison Saddam
In 1999, he voted yes to
allow the US to conduct
military strikes against
Yugoslavia with the help
of NATO.
In 2000, he voted yes on
resolution to help rebuild
In 2002, he voted yes on
resolution authorizing use
of force in Iraq.
In 2002, he voted yes on
resolution that would
expand NATO
In 2003, voted NO on Iraq
emergency aid act
Kerry’s Views on Iraq
Honesty is necessary
Remove “made in
America” label in Iraq
Implement NATO
security force
Cannot allow Iraq to
become a failed state
Need a policy that
puts soldiers first
Provide additional
ground troops
Seek UN resolution
responsible for
transition and
Comparative Views
John Edwards
– Supports war in Iraq
– Build democracy
– US needs help
Dennis Kucinich
– Work with other
nations and UN
Al Sharpton
– Opposed war “from
the beginning”
Joe Lieberman
– Remove Saddam
– Regime change is US
– Sponsored Resolution
to disarm Saddam
Carol Moseley Braun
– “We have to support
our troops in the field.”
– Welcomes
community to share
What Republicans dislike about
Kerry’s views on Iraq
Cheney criticized vote
against spending in
postwar Iraq
Also criticized Kerry’s
repealing of Bush’s tax
Says Kerry does not
properly recognize other
countries help
Kerry voted against
military pay increases 12
Bush has not passed
resolution giving UN any
role in reconstruction
Bush has not assigned a
role for NATO either
Patriot Act and Civil Rights
Kerry’s Voting History
1988 – Voted yes on
anti-discrimination bill
1991 – Voted yes on
discrimination lawsuit
1996 – Voted yes on
bill prohibiting
discrimination based
on sexual orientation
1998 – Voted yes on
bill to monitor
religious persecution
1998 – Voted yes on
bill prohibiting secret
phone recording
2000 – Voted yes on
amendment to
expand definition of
hate crimes
Kerry’s Platform
Stop indefinitely
detaining Americans
Strengthen terrorism
Stop unreasonable
Assure laws are used
to combat terrorism
Stop unwarranted
seizure of records
Assure information is
available so Justice
Department can be
held accountable
Stop unchecked
roving wiretaps
Prevent officers from
spying on innocent
Comparative Views
General Clark
– Repeal provisions that go
too far
– Act was not carefully
drafted or debated
– Eliminate provisions that
threaten civil liberties
Carol Moseley Braun
– “We cannot continue to
sacrifice our freedom under
the pretense of heightened
John Edwards
– Do not have to sacrifice
liberties or rights to
preserve our security
– Cannot allow the war on
terrorism to take away civil
rights, liberties, or freedom
Dennis Kucinich
– Government must not be
allowed to search without
probable cause
– Patriot Act invites tyranny
What Republicans dislike about
Kerry’s views on the Patriot Act
Since Kerry does not
support the bill, they
are trying to label him
as unpatriotic
Searches are
constitutional –
nothing wrong with
getting the “bad guys”
– even if they are not
There have been no
reported abuses due
to the Patriot Act in
the past two years
The details of the Act
reveal there is nothing
unconstitutional about
the searches
Gay Marriage / Affirmative Action
Kerry’s View
Judicial Nominations
Preserve Affirmative Action
Employment Discrimination
Gay Marriage Stance
Kerry Voting History
Yes on an amendment that would expand hate
crimes to include gender, sexual orientation and
No on a bill to prohibit marriage between
members of the same sex in federal law, and
provide that no state is required to recognize
same-sex marriages performed in other states.
Kerry Voting History
Yes on a bill prohibiting job discrimination on the
basis of sexual orientation.
No on an amendment to stop funds in the
Legislative Appropriations bill from being used to
award any Federal contract, or to require or
encourage the award of any subcontract, if the
contract is being awarded on the basis of the
race, color, national origin, or gender of the
contractor or subcontractor.
Democratic Views
John Edwards
– uphold Affirmative
– eliminating legacy
– against the Bush
Dennis Kucinich
– For gay marriage
– Maintain Affirmative
Wesley Clark
– in favor of Affirmative
– a witness to prejudice
during Arkansas
Republican Views
Bush’s gay marriage amendment
Bush on Affirmative Action
– UM case
– Unconstitutional
Economy and Jobs
Kerry’s Platform
Revive American Manufacturing
Middle Class Tax Relief
Pay Gap
College Cost
Protect American Worker
Kerry Voting History
350 Votes
Democratic Views
John Edwards
– Creating American
– Tax Plan
Dennis Kucinich
– Jobs
– Trade
– Taxes
Wesley Clark
– Job improvements
– Tax Plan Calculator
Republican Views
Bush Tax Plan
Economic Flip Flops
– Tax Increase
– Economic disaster
Kerry on Education
Kerry’s Voting History
Voted for the No Child Left
Behind (NCLB) Act of 2001,
but criticized Bush’s
implementation and changes
Voted for smaller classes
instead of private tutors
Voted to reduce the $1.6
trillion tax cut by $448 billion
and spend $250 billion on
education spending
Voted NO on tax-free savings
accounts for up to $2000 per
child annually
Voted NO to allowing more
flexibility in federal school
rules (opposes charter
schools and vouchers)
Voted NO on vouchers in DC
Voted NO on requiring
schools to allow voluntary
Voted for national education
standards (1994)
Sponsored the Three R’s:
$35 billion for Reinvestment,
Reinvention, Responsibility
Kerry’s View
Wants to strengthen public schools
Has a three-point plan to keep every kid safe, healthy,
and ready to learn
Mandatory funding for schools
Fix one-size-fits-all testing in NCLB law
Early education for all
Reduce class sizes
Modernize and rebuild crumbling schools
Oppose vouchers – promote public school choice
Expand college opportunities for women (Title IX)
Comparative Views on Education
John Edwards
– College tuition in exchange for part-time work
– New deal for teachers: more pay and scholarships
Dennis Kucinich
– Universal pre-kindergarten programs
– Teacher development grants to improve math &
science classes.
Wesley Clark
– Supports full-day kindergarten
– Supports more High School vocational programs
What Republicans dislike about
Kerry’s stance on Education
Kerry opposes the Republican’s Educational
Savings Accounts program ($2000 annually
tax-free for education)
Kerry voted against a Republican tax cut,
where $448 Billion would go to improving
education in America
100 Days to Change America
Kerry’s plan for his first 100 days in
– 10 items Kerry plans to handle in the
first 100 days in office
– These are the details on the “Real Deal”
which Kerry plans to keep with
Americans in the first 100 days of his
100 Days to Change America
1. A new National Education Trust Fund
2. A new era of National Service
3. End the ‘Era of Ashcroft’
4. Repeal Bush Assault on the Environment
and Make the US Energy Independent
5. Rejoin the Community of Nations
100 Days to Change America
6. First Major Legislative Plan: Affordable
Health Care
Reward Companies that Create Jobs not
Phony Corporate Profit
Create a Middle Class Economy and End
the Privileged Class Economy
Cut the Deficit in Half in Four Years
End Influence Peddling and Secret Deals
Presentation Review
The Kerry Issues:
– Consider three aspects of each issue
Kerry’s voting history
Democratic comparison
Republican’s views on Kerry’s stance
– Look at five issues
Foreign Policy and Iraq
The Patriot Act
Civil Rights and Gay Marriage
The Economy and Jobs
100 Days to Change America
References – John Kerry for
President – On the Issues – The Republican
National Committee (RNC) – The
Democratic Party (DNC)