SW PBS Training for Coaching Capacity MD PBIS Leadership Team

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Training for Coaching Capacity

MD PBIS Leadership Team George Sugai & Teri Lewis-Palmer OSEP Center on PBIS University of Connecticut July 18, 2005 [email protected]

www.PBIS.org www.SWIS.org


• Discuss importance of coaching capacity • Review coaching basics • Provide guidelines for effective coaching

Problem Statement

“We give schools strategies & systems for developing more positive, effective, & caring school & classroom climates, but implementation is not accurate, consistent, or durable. Schools & teams need more than training.”

Competing, Inter-related National Goals

• Improve literacy, math, geography, science, etc.

• Make schools safe, caring, & focused on teaching & learning • Improve student character & citizenship • Eliminate bullying • Prevent drug use • Prepare for postsecondary education • Provide a free & appropriate education for all • Prepare viable workforce • Affect rates of high risk, antisocial behavior • Leave no child behind • Etc….

Worry “ Train & hope ” approach


React to identified problem 2. Select & add practice 3. Hire expert to train practice 4. Expect & hope for implementation 5.

Wait for new problem….

Discovery Education

“Discovery is no solution to the problems of education. The individual cannot be expected to rediscover more than a very small part of the facts and principles that have already been discovered by others. To stop teaching in order that the student may learn for himself is to abandon education as a medium for transmission of the accumulated knowledge and wisdom of a culture” (Skinner, 1965, p 101).

Adopt systems perspective

Systems Perspective • Organization do not “behave” … individuals behave • “Organization is group of individuals who behave together to achieve a common goal ” • “ Systems are needed to support collective use of best practices by individuals in an organization” (Horner, 2001) Schools as Systems Goal to create communities that for all its members have common • Vision • Language, & • Experience Biglan, 1995; Horner, 2002

PBS Systems Implementation Logic

Funding Visibility Political Support Training

Leadership Team

Active Coordination Coaching Evaluation Local School Teams/Demonstrations

Coaching (why?)

• Team start-up support • Team sustainability/accountability – Technical assistance/problem solving – Positive reinforcement – Prompts (“positive nags”) • Public relations/communications • Support network across schools • Link among leadership, trainers, & teams • Local facilitation • Increased behavioral capacity


• Coaching v. Facilitating – Same • Coach v. Facilitator – Same • Facilitating v. Coach – Skills/tasks v. Person

What is “Coaching Capacity?”

• Personnel & resources organized to facilitate, assist, maintain, & adapt local school training implementation efforts • Coaching is set of responsibilities, actions, & activities….not person

Guiding Principles (“Requirements”)

• Coaching linked with school team • Coaching training linked with team training • Coaches participate in team training • New teams added with increased fluency • Coaching capacity integrated into existing personnel Supervisor approval given • District agreements & support given • Coaches experienced with school team implementation • District/state coordination provided • Coaches meet regularly for prompting, celebrating, problem solving, etc.

Successful Coaching starts by “knowing the basics”

Redundancy & practice build fluency!

3-Tiered Prevention Logic Primary Prevention: School-/Classroom Wide Systems for All Students, Staff, & Settings ~5% ~15% Tertiary Prevention: Specialized Individualized Systems for Students with High-Risk Behavior Secondary Prevention: Specialized Group Systems for Students with At-Risk Behavior ~80% of Students

Supporting Staff Behavior Supporting Social Competence & Academic Achievement


OUTCOMES Supporting Decision Making PRACTICES Supporting Student Behavior

Continuum of Behavior Support

Science of Human Behavior


Local Context & Culture


Prevention Logic

Systems Change & Durability

Natural Implementers

Evidence Based Practices

PBS Implementation Logic LEADERSHIP TEAM

Establish measurable outcome Build Data System Collect, analyze, & prioritize data Monitor implementation & progress Select evidence-based practice Ensure efficient, accurate, & durable implementation Implement


What does SWPBS look like?

• Work in teams of 2-3 ( 13 minutes ) • List observable/measurable features

1 Minute Please

team action planning (1 min.)

What does PBS look like?

• • • • • •

SW-PBS (primary)

>80% of students what is expected of them & give behavioral example because they have been taught, actively supervised, practiced, & acknowledged.

can tell you Positive adult-to-student interactions exceed negative Function based behavior support is foundation for addressing problem behavior.

Data- & team-based action planning & implementation are operating.

Administrators participants.

are active Full continuum of behavior support students is available to all • • • • • • • •

Secondary & Tertiary

Team-based coordination & problem solving Local specialized behavioral capacity Function-based support planning behavior Person-centered, culturally relevant contextually & District/regional capacity behavioral Instructionally oriented Linked to SW-PBS practices & systems School-based supports comprehensive

Classroom Setting Systems

Research to Practice

School-wide Systems

School-wide Systems

1. Common purpose & approach to discipline 2. Clear set of positive expectations & behaviors 3. Procedures for teaching expected behavior 4. Continuum of procedures for encouraging expected behavior 5. Continuum of procedures for discouraging inappropriate behavior 6. Procedures for on-going monitoring & evaluation

Classroom Management Systems

• Classroom-wide positive expectations encouraged taught & • Teaching classroom routines & cues taught & encouraged • • • • • Ratio of 6-8 positive to 1 negative interaction adult-student Active supervision Redirections for minor , infrequent behavior errors Frequent precorrections for chronic errors Effective academic instruction & curriculum

Nonclassroom Systems • Positive expectations & routines taught & encouraged • Active supervision by all staff

– Scan, move, interact

• Precorrections & reminders • Positive reinforcement

Individual Student System

• Behavioral competence at school & district levels • • Function-based behavior support planning Team- & data-based decision making • Comprehensive person-centered wraparound processes planning & • Targeted social skills instruction & self-management • Individualized instructional & curricular accommodations

Behavior Support Elements *Response class *Routine analysis *Hypothesis statement *Function Problem Behavior *Alternative behaviors *Competing behavior analysis *Contextual fit *Strengths, preferences, & lifestyle outcomes *Evidence-based interventions Functional Assessment Intervention & Support Plan *Implementation support *Data plan *Continuous improvement *Sustainability plan Fidelity of Implementation

Team-based • Behavior competence Impact on Behavior & Lifestyle

Data Base for Study

• 145 elementary schools across four states in Center database – 89 at SET criterion (80% or higher) • Not randomized sample – All schools exposed to SWIS – All at different levels of implementation – Not enough middle/high school data Therefore, conservative (“tough”) sample

Initial Findings:

Lower suspension rates generally for all kids in SW-PBS schools

• Across all schools, OSS rates 2x higher for kids on IEPs • In non SW-PBS schools, OSS rates 2x higher • In SW-PBS schools, – 48% lower OSS rate for IEP kids – 33% lower OSS rate for non-IEP kids

Implications of Establishing SW-PBS Processes & Systems • School climate enhanced for all students when school-wide PBS in place • Students with IEPs benefit when school wide PBS in place

Team GENERAL IMPLEMENTATION PROCESS Evaluation Agreements Data-based Action Plan Implementation

How do I keep track of all this stuff?

Useful Tools • Coaches’ Implementation Checklist (Form C) • Team Implementation Checklist – Rev (Form A) • Implementation Phases Inventory (IPI) • School-wide Evaluation Tool (SET)

MD Team Implementation Checklist

(Rev Form A)

Establish Commitment

1. Administrator support & active involvement – Attends meetings 90% of the time – Provides funding for PBIS activities – Puts time on staff agenda for PBIS updates – Actively promotes PBIS as priority, integrates with other initiatives/improvement activities 2. Faculty/Staff support (One of top 3 goals, 80% of faculty document support, 3 year timeline) – Climate/Discipline one of top 3 school improvement goals – Faculty feedback is obtained throughout year – Faculty involved in some decision making/establishing goals – Admin/faculty commits to PBIS for at least 3 years

Establish & Maintain Team

3. Team established ( representative ) – Includes: grade level teachers, special area, paraprofessionals, parents, special ed, school counselor, non classroom monitors, – Has established a clear mission/purpose 4. Team has regular meeting schedule , effective operating procedures – Agenda is used, coach is notified of meeting time, admin present to approve activities/decisions 5. Committee/Workgroup review completed/updated annually – PBIS team has clearly defined objectives/outcomes

Initiative, Project, Committee

Attendance Committee Character Education Safety Committee School Spirit Committee Discipline Committee DARE Committee EBS Work Group

Purpose Working Smarter Outcome Target Group Staff Involved SIP/SID/et c

Initiative, Committee

Attendance Committee Character Education Safety Committee School Spirit Committee Discipline Committee DARE Committee EBS Work Group

Purpose Sample Teaming Matrix Outcome Target Group Staff Involved

Increase attendance Improve character Improve safety Increase % of students attending daily Improve character All students All students Eric, Ellen, Marlee Marlee, J.S., Ellen Has not met Enhance school spirit Improve behavior Predictable response to threat/crisis Improve morale Dangerous students All students Has not met Ellen, Eric, Marlee, Otis Prevent drug use Implement 3-tier model Decrease office referrals Decrease office referrals, increase attendance, enhance academic engagement, improve grades Bullies, antisocial students, repeat offenders High/at-risk drug users All students Don Eric, Ellen, Marlee, Otis, Emma


Goal #2 Goal #3 Goal #3 Goal #3 Goal #2 Goal #3


6. Team/faculty complete PBIS survey annually) (completed – Self Assessment is used to write annual action plan – Results are shared with staff.

7. Team summarizes existing school discipline data .

8. Strengths, areas of immediate focus & action plan are identified.

– Schedule/plans for teaching staff discipline & data system are developed – Team makes it easy for staff to implement & responds to feedback – Schedule for rewards/incentives for the year is planned – Plans for orienting incoming staff & students are developed – Plans for involving families & community are developed

Establish School-wide Expectations

9. 3-5 school-wide behavior expectations are defined & posted in all areas of building.

– Expectations apply to both staff & students – Posters are similar, paired with icon & highly visible 10. School-wide teaching matrix developed.

– Rules developed for specific settings – Rules are linked to expectations

School-Wide Expectations - continued 11. Teaching plans developed.

for school-wide expectations are – A behavioral curriculum includes concept & skill level instruction – Lessons include examples & non-examples – Strategies for use by families/community are developed – Faculty/staff & students are involved in development 12. School-wide behavioral expectations taught & formally.

directly – Lessons are embedded into subject area curriculum – Schedule/plans for teaching staff lesson plans for students are developed – Booster sessions for students & staff are scheduled/planned

Establish On-Going System for Rewarding Behavioral Expectations

13. System for rewarding student behavior established.

is – Rewards are linked to expectations – Rewards are varied to maintain student interest – System includes opportunities for naturally occurring reinforcement – Ratios of reinforcement to corrections are high – Students are involved in identifying/developing incentives – The system includes incentives for staff/faculty.

Establish System for Responding to Behavioral Violations

14. Staff & administration agree on what problems are office managed & what problems are staff managed.

– – – Behaviors defined Clearly identified major/minor behaviors Suggested array of appropriate responses to minor (classroom managed behaviors) – Suggested array of appropriate responses to major (office managed) behaviors – Clearly defined & consistent consequences & procedures for undesirable behaviors are developed – Process includes documentation procedures

Establish Information System

15. Discipline data are gathered, summarized, reported to staff, & used to make decisions.

– Data collection is easy, efficient, relevant – Add’l data collected (attendance, grades, faculty attendance, surveys) – Data entered weekly (minimum) – Data analyzed monthly (minimum) – Data shared with team & faculty monthly (minimum) – Office referral form lists: (a) student/grade, (b) date/time, (c) referring staff, (d) problem behavior, (e) location, (f) persons involved, (g) probable motivation, & (h) consequences

Build Capacity for Function-based Support

16. Personnel with behavioral expertise involved.

are identified & – At least one individual on the PBIS team who has training or experience in behavior support including practical foundations, data collection & analysis, design & implement comprehensive plans 17. Plan developed to identify & establish systems for teacher support, functional assessment & support plan development & implementation – Students identified through multiple data sources, teacher/parent request – Teachers feel supported by SW team-response time to request within 24hours – Focus of support is preventative, educative, functional, data based, empirically valid, collaborative and tied to SW, classroom & individual support programs

Build District Level Support

18. Allocate money for building & maintaining school wide behavioral support.

– PBIS is high on list of priorities – Activities, printing costs, FTE are funded adequately 19. Identify facilitator (coach ) who connects the school with district-wide PBIS efforts, attends team meetings & provides technical assistance.

20. Write professional development plan for increasing technical skills in area of PBS & team-work.

– School data drives professional development plan, training topics & schedule is embedded within annual action plan – Other initiatives are integrated with PBIS

On-going Activity

1. PBS team has met at least monthly .

2. PBS team has given status report at least monthly.

to faculty 3. Activities for PBS action plan implemented 4. Accuracy of implementation plan assessed. of PBS action 5. Effectiveness of PBS action plan implementation assessed.

6. PBS data analyzed staff.

& shared with school

Office Discipline Referral Information

1. # Office Discipline Referrals ( ODR ) 2. # Suspensions SWIS.org

MD Coaches’ Checklist

(Form C)








Team Activities Administrator is active & present for meetings.

Team is making progress on PBIS “Getting Started” checklist (Form A).

Team uses school discipline & related data to discuss monthly progress.

Team uses annual action plan to discuss monthly progress Team provides monthly updates/data summaries to entire school staff.

Team meetings are effectively run (e.g., clear objectives, tasks, goals).

Team activities are coordinated with other school initiatives & committees.

• • • • • • Coaching Activities FTE allocated & sufficient enough to complete tasks Consistently attend team meetings.

Assist team with data-based decision-making, planning, & implementation.

Attend regional/state coaches meetings & trainings.

Send information to PBIS State/District Coordinator (e.g., checklists, action plans, etc.) Assist with dissemination activities (e.g., presentations, case studies, articles, etc.)

Implementation Phases Inventory


• 2x year to assess PBS implementation • 3 main phases (*critical elements) – Preparation – Initiation – Implementation – Maintenance • Overall implementation score obtained based on total item points (Not, Partial, Full)

Before Team Training

1. Review

Coaching Implementation Checklist (C)

2. Verify coaching role with Coordinator 3. Review coaching role with Principal 4. Review status of team : principal, grade level representatives, special educator, counselor, parent, classified staff members (Committee Review


5. Ask team to bring discipline data , behavior incident reports, office discipline referral forms , school discipline policy , procedures for teaching school wide behavior expectations , procedures for encouraging SW expectations , etc.

6. Review tools:

Planning Team Implementation Checklist Implementation Phases Inventory (IPI), Action


, EBS Self-Assessment Survey, Committee Review,

During Team Training








Remind team of coaching role Let team lead process Document agreements Keep team on task & reinforce progress Remind team of big ideas from presentations (“refrigerator magnets”) Remind team to include all staff Prompt outcomes:

assessment Survey Team Implementation Checklist, Team Action Plan, Committee Review, EBS Self-

After Team Training








Acknowledge/reinforce principal & team for progress at training – – – – Prompt team to Meet & review PBS purpose & action plan with staff Collect school data Meet w/in 1 month Complete

Team Implementation Checklist

1 month later – – Contact team leader 2x in first month & ask What is planned if assistance needed Set schedule to attend team meeting 1x month Monitor & assist in development & completion of team action plan Review/complete

Coaches Implementation Checklist

Document team & coaching accomplishments, speed bumps, challenges, solutions



• <80% staff commitment & agreement • Lack of/too much administrative support • Too many/too few meetings • Conflicting perspective • Kids/families responsibility • No/bad data • In-/out-house coaching • Inefficient meetings • Competing initiatives • • • • • • • •


Use data Acknowledge/reinforce approximations Focus on team Provide/use exemplars Conduct functional assessment Contextualize evidence based practice Consult with coordinator &/or state leadership team Model desired practice


(pbis.org) • • • • •

EBS Self-assessment TIC: Team Implementation Checklist SSS: Safe Schools Survey SET: Systems School-wide Evaluation Tool PBS Implementation & Planning Self assessment

• •

ISSET: Individual Student Systems Evaluation Tool (pilot) SWIS: School-Wide Information System (swis.org)