How to prepare yourself and your students for the Common Core Read to Write Task on the FLACS exams Dr.

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How to prepare yourself and your students for the Common Core Read to Write Task on the FLACS exams

Dr. Elaine Margarita, Curriculum Associate, World Languages, K-12 Jericho Schools President, FLACS

Themes and Can Do Statements


Select a Theme/Topic Determine what your students should be able to do/know for the reading/writing skills (Can Do Statements— ACTFL document) Search and find resources that address the Themes and Topics for World Languages and are appropriate for the level of your students.


How to use the Themes Document

The Themes document includes 21 based on AP and IP courses as well as all of the topics from the NYS Modern Language Syllabus st Century Themes Several of the topics have been “updated” and more current topics have been added (i.e. volunteerism, technology, social media, nutrition, environment, etc.) The FLACS exams for the last three years have already included listening and reading documents based on these themes/topics While there could never be a “vocabulary list” and even SED did not provide that, any item selected for the exams will be prepared based on its appropriateness and accessibility for the level of the exam


Audio Lingua – Short listening passages, searchable by language, level, speaker, topic Rhinospike: - Submit transcripts of passages in English and request a native speaker to record it in target language ISLCollective: - Select your language and explore Authentic Spanish Language and Pedagogy: http:// - Leveled audio/video recordings along with transcripts, exercises, vocabulary tasks ISSU: http:// - Browse magazines and periodicals in various languages Zachary Jones: - Music, culture, graphics, video, interviews, lessons, units, etc.

Advanced Search - UCLA National Foreign Language Resource Center: - A web Portal for fifteen Foreign Language Resource Centers (LRCs), which provides a searchable database to all of the LRC materials, resources, etc.


Rich Internet Media Viewpoints: - Short videos in LCTLS (German included) Twitter:

- Follow other language teachers and news media organizations from around the world; Great source for news articles that are constantly updated Pinterest: - Educators share lesson ideas, videos, photos, tech tools, etc.

Materiales para la enseñanza multicultural: exterior/ca/es/menu_fijo/publicaciones_y_materiales/revista.shtml - Spanish readings The Comprehensible Classroom: - Authentic Spanish listenings MisCositas: - Resources for English, Spanish, French, Chinese and other LCTLs NYSAFLT Common Core resources: YouTube and Google - search with target language clues

The Common Core of It

O Read to Write Tasks address the National Standards for World Languages as well as the Common Core Standards for Reading and Writing

COMMON CORE State Standards Initiative

Linking Common Core & World Languages


Reading Listening Speaking and Listening

Interpersonal Presentational Proficiency Levels: Novice Intermediate Advanced

Writing Speaking Language

• • • Conventions How language functions Vocabulary

CC Reading Tasks


Identify Main Ideas


Make inferences


Supply supporting details or evidence


Analyze development of text


Derive meaning of words/structures from context & prior knowledge


Examine relationship of paragraphs/ sentences to each other in the text


Impact of point of view on content & style of text Identify cognates Integrate and evaluate content from diverse media and formats Evaluate the claims and arguments of the text Compare two or more texts on same subject Read successfully independently

CC Writing Tasks

O Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of texts using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence.

O Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas and information clearly.

O Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, details, and event sequences.

O Produce clear and coherent writing with organization and style appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.

O Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach.

O Use technology, including the internet, to produce and publish writing and to interact and collaborate with others.

O Conduct short, as well as more sustained research projects based on focused questions, demonstrating understanding or the subject under investigation.

O Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources, assess the credibility and accuracy of each source, and integrate the information while avoiding plagiarism.

O Draw evidence from literacy or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.

O Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of tasks, purposes, and audiences.

Strategies to Prepare Students


Write several tasks based on resources that you feel are appropriate for your students. Write two responses as if you were a student; a high level and a low level example that your students might write (including errors students would make).

Give students the sample benchmarks (high level version and low level version) of sample responses to tasks. Have them “grade” the responses using the rubric.


Strategies to Prepare Students

Write a task based on resources that you feel are appropriate for your students. Write a “guide” or questions that lead students through the process of analyzing the text, responding to questions, and determining how they would reference the text in their response to the task.

Review this “worksheet” or template and then have students complete the task on their own using the template as a guide.

Template/Guide for a French, Checkpoint A Read to Write Task

Template/Guide French Checkpoint A

Je m’appelle_________ Mon partenaire est___________________

You are planning a visit with your Canadian pen-pal. You are going to pick your travel dates based on different activities going on Quebec. Read the announcements about activities in Quebec and write an email reply to your friend letting him or her know what activity you would prefer and therefore when you would like to visit. You might want to include:  Your likes and dislikes  Your choice of activity and why you made it  When you will be arriving  Other things you can do during your visit

Guide pour écrire:

Lianne Mueller, Jericho Middle School

Cher/Chère__________ Great your pen pal. Ask how he/ she is doing ______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Talk about your upcoming visit and your feelings about visiting Québec

Je suis content(e). Je suis excite(e).

_____________________________________________________________________________ Talk about your likes and dislikes (leisure activities) ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Discuss your choice of activity and dates of travel


Make sure you include WHY and use information from the DOCUMENTS ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Give suggestions for other activities during your visit ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Close your email and tell your pen-pal you will see him/her soon _________________________________________________________________

_ Au revoir/ A bientôt. Ton ami(e) américain(e)


You are planning a visit with your Canadian pen-pal. You are going to pick your travel dates based on different activities going on in Quebec. Read the announcements about activities in Quebec and when you would like to visit. 30 janvier au février 2015

Carnaval de Quebec Pendant 17 jours consécutifs, une multitude d’activités sportives, artistiques et culturelles permettent aux petits et grands de savourer tous les plaisirs plein coeur de la Vieille Capitale. de l’hiver. D’ailleurs les principaux sites du Carnaval, situés en write an e-mail reply to your friend letting him or her know what activity you would prefer and therefore 19 au 22 janvier 2015

Snowboard Jamboree Le plus Snowboard présente les Coupes du monde de demi-lune, de slalom, de big air, de snowboardcross et de slopestyle en de Jamboree plusieurs vous compétitions amateurs! Tous les snowboard seront comblés! fans de Le plus important tournoi de hockey mineur au monde, groupant des jeunes hockeyeurs de 11 et 12 ans. Prés de 2300 jeunes joueurs de hockey pee wee venant d’environ 16 pays, se donnant rendez-vous à Québec, pour disputer les “Championnats Mondiaux de Hockey Pee-Wee”. 11 au 22 février 2015

56e Tournoi International de Hockey Pee Wee de Québec

Template/Guide for an Italian, Checkpoint A Read to Write Task

Read to Write Task. Checkpoint A—Italian 8

You are planning a family gathering for your Italian cousin's birthday. Your cousin loves seafood. Write an email to your mom telling her about the party. Be sure to: Decide what restaurant you will order the platters from Tell me why you picked this restaurant What you will order What else you will serve How many people you are inviting The time and day for the party Created by Rosanna Gangidino, Jericho Middle School

Read to Write Task Italian ll You are staying with a friend who lives in Venice, Italy. You searched for a restaurant to go to for dinner with his family. Write a note to your friend about the places you found and make a recommendation based on what you think the family would like. Refer to the information on the two menus to explain the options, the cost and why you are recommending certain options .

Template/Guide for a Spanish, Checkpoint B Read to Write Task

Checkpoint B Nombre: ____________________________________________________________ Fecha: ______________________________________________________ Periodo: ______________ Viajando en PeruRail Usa la red y escribe la siguiente dirección: Cuidadosamente, mira y analiza la página web y responde las siguientes preguntas: Joan Anderson Angel Rivera, East Williston Schools 1.

¿Cuántos tipos de trenes ofrece PeruRail? _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________

Haz un click en horarios


¿Cuántos destinos tiene PeruRail? _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________

En el horario de viaje de Cuzco – Machu Picchu


¿Qué tren sale más temprano y Qué tren sale más tarde? _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 4.

¿Qué trenes tienen ofertas y promociones? _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 5.

¿Qué número debes llamar si tienes preguntas sobre PeruRail?

Ve (Go) a la sección NUESTROS TRENES y haz un clic en Belmond Hiram Bingham


¿Qué servicios ofrece este tren? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________

Nombres de parejas: ________________________________________________________ Actividad: Escribe la siguiente dirección dada: Lee la página web para contestar las preguntas. 1.

¿Cómo se llama el balneario? _______________________________________________________ 2.

¿Cuál es el número de teléfono? _______________________________________________________ 3.

What do you think L-V (underneath the phone number)stands for? ____________________________________________________________________ Baja (scroll down) en la página web y haz clic en habitaciones. 4. ¿Cuántas habitaciones hay en el balneario? ___________________________________________________ Ahora, haz clic en ACTIVIDADES. Haz clic en divertirme en la piscina. 5. Las actividades que ofrecen en la piscina son: _________________________________________________, ____________________________________________ y ____________________________________________________ 6. ¿Con qué animales puedes tú nadar? _______________________________________________________ Ahora, haz clic en ACTIVIDADES. Haz clic en gozar de la mejor playa. 7. ¿Cómo es la arena? _______________________________________________________ 8. ¿Cuál es la temperatura del agua del mar? ____________________________________________________ Ahora, haz clic en ACTIVIDADES. Haz clic en golf, deportes y actividades. 9. ¿Cuánto cuesta jugar al golf? ____________________________________________________ 10. ¿Cuáles son otros deportes tradicionales que os gustan? Nos gustan ______________________________________ , ____________________________________________ , _____________________________ , _______________________________________ , ___________________________ .

Nombre/Apellido _____________________________________________________________________ SP 100 Proyecto final: Viaje a una ciudad de España en iMovie With a partner, you are responsible for creating a visual/audio diary of a one day visit to a city in Spain. The season is summer.

In your iMovie, tell us how you spent your day in city today. You are now in your hotel room and are giving us a summary of your day. All sentences should be in the past tense (preterite) except for the weather. For the narration, you must include the following information: 1.

State what city and hotel you are staying in.









State what the weather is like in that city. Tell when and how you arrived there. Tell what you did/where you went first. Tell when, where and what you ate. Remember the main meal is at 2:00 pm. Tell where you went after eating. State what you did and saw there. Mention an event you attended in the evening. (Supper is around 10:00pm)* Give your reaction to any of the above or state your favorite activity.


of #5.

Tell us where you are going to go/what you are going to do tomorrow.

*You may refer to something taking place before or after supper, but do not use #8 as a repeat Ciudades:

Alicante, Barcelona, Bilbao, Cádiz, Granada, Málaga, Marbella, Pamplona, Salamanca, Santander, Santiago de Compostela, Sevilla, Torremolinos, Valencia, Palma de Mallorca

Sources: and Imágenes Type in your search word in Spanish such as : estadio de fútbol en city. _______mapa de España, mostrando Madrid y su ciudad _______Ir de compras Tiendas en ciudad, El Corté Inglés, ir de compras en (la ciudad) _______hoteles Mélia o Tryp _______restaurantes (elegantes)/la lista del restaurante _______aeropuerto _______Plaza de toros _______playas/parques _______museos/exhibiciones _______espectáculos de flamenco (tablaos) ______ conciertos ______teatro ______running of the bulls (el encierro)-Pamplona ______cafeterias (which are more like diners than our cafeterias) ______RENFE (trains schedules and stations) ______IBERiA (flight info) ______Gente Famosa: Los Reyes de España, Penelope Cruz, Pedro Almódovar, Antonio Banderas, Enrique Iglesias, matadores, jugadores de fútbol

Process: USE A FLASHDRIVE to save your photos/images! 1. Locate your city on map of Spain- include map as a slide 2. Google weather conditions for that city- include in your narrative

Read to Write Tasks



La Leçon Checkpoint B

Comprendre la description d'une ville



Découvrez Annecy et ses châteaux, sa vieille ville et bien sûr son lac ! Annecy, c'est la destination idéale pour des vacances culturelles et

Située dans le nord des Alpes et surnommée la “Venise de Savoie”, Annecy est d'abord un magnifique centre-ville médiéval construit autour d'un château du 14ème siècle et traversé de petits canaux. Il est particulièrement agréable de flâner dans les rues piétonnes à arcades, notamment dans la rue Sainte-Claire, et de se rafraîchir aux superbes fontaines qui décorent la ville, la plus célèbre étant celle du puits Saint-Jean.

Si vous aimez les édifices historiques et religieux, ne manquez pas la cathédrale Saint Pierre, la basilique de la Visitation qui offre une vue splendide sur la ville, et bien entendu le palais de l'Isle.

Si vous préférez la nature et les vacances sportives, le lac et les montagnes environnantes ne vous laisseront pas insensibles. Ce site naturel exceptionnel offre en effet la possibilité de nombreuses activités : au lac, la baignade bien sûr, mais aussi le ski nautique et le wakeboard, la planche à voile, le kayak et même la plongée ; en montagne, les randonnées, le parapente et bien entendu le ski en hiver.

L'été est la saison festive à Annecy : en juin a lieu le festival international du film d'animation, en août la célèbre fête du lac qui rassemble chaque année près de 100 000 spectacteurs autour d'un magnifique feu d'artifice tiré au-dessus du lac.

truite, le brochet et la perche.

vacances !

Lors de votre séjour, n'oubliez pas de goûter aux spécialités locales, préparées à partir des fromages de la région : la tartiflette gratinée au reblochon, la fondue savoyarde, la brézanne. Pour des plats plus légers, pensez aux délicieux poissons du lac comme la

Vous l'avez compris, Annecy est la destination rêvée pour vos prochaines

TASK: You are on the committee to plan excursions on a school trip to France. After some research, you decide to recommend a visit to Annecy. Using information provided in the text, explain why you think this would be a good option for your school trip. You may wish to include: The most important highlights of this city and why you think they are important The benefits of visiting this city over another city Some of the characteristics of the city that are different or similar from your city in the US What you might bring back from the trip Some of the activities the class will be able to do at Annecy

Checkpoint B :

Adapted from:

Un voyage à la Réunion : des souvenirs et des sensations Cette terre tropicale dans l’Océan Indien près du Madagascar regorge de trésors et aura de quoi satisfaire les grands comme les petits. Un séjour à la Réunion n’est pas cher ! Découvrez également nos offres de séjour à la Réunion tout compris. L’île de la Réunion offre des splendeurs de la nature, un circuit de randonnée ou un autotour pour voir ces paysages sensationnels. C’est aussi la chance de découvrir la culture créole. Rendez-vous à la belle ville de Saint-Denis ou dans les villages de l’île. Visitez les marchés et goûtez à la gastronomie locale. Ses paysages offrent des terrains de golf écorchés et majestueux avec vues imprenables ! En passant vos prochaines vacances en France, vous découvrirez à nouveau le charme du paysage Pour vivre un séjour inoubliable, il n’est pas toujours nécessaire de partir à l’autre bout du monde. En effet, passer des vacances en France présente bien des avantages. Ski, plage ou séjour spa, la France est un pays où de nombreuses activités sont possibles. L’avantage majeur d’un voyage en France est son prix : en économisant sur le billet d’avion, la France est une destination bon marché. Les distances étant relativement courtes, faire son voyage en car ou en voiture en France est souvent une solution pratique et économique. D’autre part, il n’est pas nécessaire de vos congés des mois à l’avance car il est souvent possible de réserver vos vacances à la dernière minute en France. Evitez le stress provoqué par l’organisation et profitez de vos vacances en France.

Adapted from: You won a trip to one of two French speaking destinations. Based on the information provided, write a 100 word well organized essay indicating your choice of destination. In your answer, you must discuss your preference including your likes and dislikes as well as how you would spend some of your time.

In your answer be sure to make reference to the two sources but do not copy the language used.

Monika Bloom Jericho Schools

TASK: Your French club has decided to recommend changes in the school day at your school. You have done research on various programs in the US and in France and you have decided to make a proposal based on your findings. Write a proposal defending a change in the school hours using data from the article.

You may wish to include: Reasons why other hours would be better for students The negative effect of lack of sleep How students in France are affected by lack of sleep Times that are best for students to attend school and why

Checkpoint B French Checkpoint B sante_n_5715083.html

Mon adolescent est fatigué : commencer les cours à 8h est mauvais pour la santé

RYTHMES SCOLAIRES - Le manque de sommeil a des effets dévastateurs. Désormais, croyez votre adolescent lorsqu'il vous dit qu'il est fatigué, ce n'est peut-être pas un mensonge. "Laissez les dormir" s'est indignée l'Académie américaine de pédiatrie lundi 25 août dans un communiqué . Plusieurs études ont déjà démontré que les adolescents qui ne dormaient pas assez avaient des problèmes de santé mentaux et physiques, risquaient plus que les autres d'avoir un accident de voiture et avaient de moins bons résultats scolaires .

Or, selon les pédiatres américains, lorsque les cours commencent à 7h30 ou à 8h, cela n'arrange rien au problème. À cet âge, difficile de s'endormir avant 23h. Pourquoi? La puberté entre autres entraîne des changements d'horloge biologique. En moyenne, à cette période, les adolescents s'endorment deux heures plus tard. Ainsi, l'Académie américaine de pédiatrie recommande de décaler le début des cours à 8h30 au plus tôt pour "s'aligner sur les rythmes biologiques de sommeil des adolescents".

Les adolescents souvent en "déficit chronique de sommeil"

Selon un article publiée par l'Université de Lyon , les adolescents ont un sommeil plus léger et éprouvent des difficultés à s'endormir à cause entre autres d'un nouveau rythme social (sorties tardives etc...). Les chercheurs ont constaté "une réduction du sommeil nocturne qui atteindra près de 2 heures entre 12 et 20 ans". Problème, les besoins physiologiques en sommeil ne diminue pas. Les adolescents sont ainsi en "déficit chronique de sommeil" et le rattrapent dès qu'ils le peuvent en rallongeant leurs matinées de sommeil.

Selon la pédiatre Judith Owens auteure d'une étude sur le sujet citée par l'Académie américaine de pédiatrie , "les recherches ont clairement montré que les adolescents qui dorment assez ont moins de chance de souffrir d'obésité, de dépression ou d'avoir un accident de voiture (NDLR

aux États-Unis, le permis de conduire est accessible dès 16 ans), ont de meilleures notes [...] et une meilleure qualité de vie".

Comme le rappelle

Le Figaro

, tout ne peut pas être réglé en retardant le début des cours. Les adolescents se couchent en majorité trop tard. Selon l'INPES , en France, 30 % des 15-19 ans sont en déficit de sommeil et à 15 ans, 25 % des adolescents dorment moins de sept heures par nuit. La faute selon l'Institut français aux multiples écrans qui parasitent le sommeil de nos jeunes.

La rentrée approchant, cliquez ici pour connaître le rituel parfait pour bien dormir en une infographie.

Read to Write Tasks



Example of a Read to Write Task—Checkpoint B Italian Louise Bozzo Jericho Schools

Louise Bozzo Jericho Schools

TASK: You won a trip to one of two Italian vacation destinations. Based on the information provided, write a 100 word well organized essay indicating your choice of destination. In your answer, you must discuss your preference including your likes and dislikes as well as how you would spend some of your time. Be sure to make reference to the sources but do not copy the language completely from the materials provided. Your work must be original.

You may wish to include:


The most impressive features of the chosen destination


What the benefits are of staying at one location over the other Differences between a recent trip you took and this destination


What you like most about this destination What you would do at this destination

Checkpoint B Destination #1


Destination #2

Offerte per le vacanze invernali in Val Gardena e Alpe di Siusi

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Read to Write Tasks



Your Spanish teacher has asked you to research menus and recipes to help plan a festival for your Spanish club. After reading about some typical foods from the Spanish-speaking world, write a letter to the president of the club, tell her which foods you recommend the club serve at the festival. Use information mentioned in the following resources. You may wish to include:  Which foods you want to prepare  Why you like the foods   What ingredients you need to prepare the meals Where you will buy the ingredients  How you will prepare the dish Elisa Waters Jericho Schools    Tortilla de Patatas La tortilla de patatas o tortilla española es una de las recetas más fáciles de preparar y de las más sabrosas. Requiere de pocos ingredientes y su preparación lleva poco tiempo. La fama de la tortilla se ha extendido por ser muy utilizada en las tapas de los bares. Ingredientes: Medio kilo de patatas 4 huevos Aceite de oliva

Checkpoint B

Volunteer Task

O Read to Write Task: Your Spanish teacher provided you with the following information. Write a letter to a Spanish speaking friend to convince him/her to volunteer with you. You may use some of the vocabulary or information provided in the article but your letter should be original, expressing details about where the Red Cross could use your assistance and how you and your friend could help in a community that has experienced a disaster.

Checkpoint A or B Spanish School schedules: Suggested writing task activities: Your pen pal sent you her schedule for this year. Write a letter back comparing your schedule with hers. Discuss the classes you _de_clases.pdf

http://zachary task. You may wish to include:      The classes you are taking this year Your favorite classes How you are doing in your classes The similarities and differences between your schedule and your pen pal’s What classes you would enjoy that are in your pen pal’s schedule ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________

Checkpoint B Rachael Hernandez Jericho Schools

Revised Rubrics