卓越的客户服务 EXCELLENT CUSTOMER SERVICE 概述 在每个组织里, 最先接触顾客并让他们留下深刻印象的是前线员 工. 顾客对一个组织的评价大多是依据他们起初如何被接待. 从他 们的穿着到他们如何与顾客沟通, 这些前线人员代表了公司的形 象与服务精神. Overview In every organization, the front-line people, who happen to become those that the customers come into.

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Transcript 卓越的客户服务 EXCELLENT CUSTOMER SERVICE 概述 在每个组织里, 最先接触顾客并让他们留下深刻印象的是前线员 工. 顾客对一个组织的评价大多是依据他们起初如何被接待. 从他 们的穿着到他们如何与顾客沟通, 这些前线人员代表了公司的形 象与服务精神. Overview In every organization, the front-line people, who happen to become those that the customers come into.



概述 在每个

组织里 , 最先接触顾客并让他们留下深刻印象的是前线员 工 .

顾客对一个组织的评价大多是依据他们起初如何被接待 .

们的穿着到他们如何与顾客沟通 , 从他 这些前线人员代表了公司的形 象与服务精神 .


In every organization, the front-line people, who happen to become those that the customers come into contact, first, are the ones that leave indelible impressions. The way that the customers judge an organization in most cases depends on how they are treated upfront. From the way they dress to the way they communicate with the customers, these front-line people carry with them the image of the company.

习目标 1.


课程后 , 参与者将能 : 2.


户服务技巧 3.

维护公司形象与达致公司目标 4.


Learning Objectives

1.After attending this workshop, participants will be able to: 2.To give them the essential tools required in order to be an effective customer service personnel 3.

To constantly take care of the company’s image and to uphold the vision 4.Learn the effective telephone skills

课程内容 1.

户照顾与客户忠诚 •


演的角色与责任 •


显示正面形象 • 了解客户的期盼 • 与客户保持关系的重要性 • • 创造一个更有附加价值的服务使命来令员工更专注与专业 化 常用 “ 微笑 ” 来服务 2. 管理客户之艺术 • 认出较麻烦的客户并采用正确的方法来应付 •

户投诉的价值 , 以正面态度来面对客户抱怨 • 鉴定各种不同的客户需求 : 尤其是在服务业这一方面 3.

听的技巧 •







时采用适当的词汇 • 用良言良语令客户平静下来 • 语调在成功沟通里的重要角色 • 富有说服力的语言可获得他人的合作 • 五个步骤来转化愤怒客户为永久的客户 • 三个步骤来镇正我们的仪容 5. 专业的电话技巧 • 采用 4 种回答礼仪 • 微笑的力量 • 结束对话 • 如何面对难应付的客户 • 调整您的电话技巧

1. Customer Care and Customer Loyalty • The importance of your role and responsibility. • Grooming well for positive projection. • Understanding customer’s expectations. • The importance of maintaining relationship with your customers. • Creating a value added service mission in order to continue to be more focused. • To constantly apply service with a S.M.I.L.E.

2. The Art of Managing the Customer • Identify difficult customer characteristics and finding the right method to assist them. • Explain the value of a complaint.

• To collectively identify the types of demands; the common demands apposed by irate customers in the hospitality industry. • 3. Listening Skills • Understanding the importance of listening skills. • Understanding the importance of listening skills when dealing with the customer.

4. Using the Appropriate Vocabulary during Communication • Keeping customers calms with words.

• Describe the role of voice tone in communication success. • Persuasive language pattern to gain cooperation.

• 5-Steps from Angry to Repeat Customer. • 3-Steps for Maintaining Our Composure.

5. Handling Telephone conversations professionally • Use the 4 answering courtesies.

• Remember to smile when picking up the telephone.

• Closing conversation.

• How to respond to problematic customers.

• Fine tuning your telephone skills.

Mr Aw Sin Jam

holds a BA (Hons.) with an overall GPA of 3.96 (out of 4.00) in Organizational and International Communication, cognate Industrial Psychology and Business from The University of Oklahoma, USA. With his excellent academic and research results, he received Cleo Cross International Student Scholarship (USA), a scholarship normally presented to one student per country only, in 1994. He was named Best Undergraduate in Communications Department for year 1994-1995, one of the first foreign students to attain such an achievement.

Mr Aw has more than 13 years of professional and industrial experience in Human Resource Management and Administration. Public presentation, event management and sales/marketing are also his forte. Throughout his career so far, Mr Aw has assumed the positions of Director, Manager, Assistant Manager, Executive and Personal Assistant to CEO. Always believes in setting new standard of excellence, Mr Aw has managed and conducted various training programmes and workshops for supervisors up to General Managers both in English, Bahasa Malaysia and Mandarin. He has designed supervisory and motivational training programmes for factories and higher-learning institutions and at the same time written articles for local newspapers.

Mr Aw’s program design, presentation and interaction are different from the common approach and thus stimulate the mind of the participants.

One thing is for sure, his program is exciting and worth looking forward to.

He welcomes new and challenging ideas. Mr Aw holds a CTM in public speaking from the Toastmasters International and was the 1 st runner-up for the Toastmasters N1 (Penang) English Speech Competition in 1999.




毕业于美国奥克拉何马大学 , 主修国 际与机构交流系及副修机 , 构心理学 並荣獲其大学十大国 通曉 华語

International CTM

欧 讲师拥有超过十三年在工廠与机構领域之人事管理及行政经验 .

於大众 经理 , / 商学 讲演 向更卓越的 现与生产力 .

, , 际学生奬学金 、国語及英語 会員 .

, , 並且是英語国 他曾荣獲 最終考取特優荣誉学士学位

1999 N1

会 议 / 活 动管理与销售技巧 .

副 经理 , 标准 时间管理课程 , 执行员与 CEO ” 之理念 , 私人助理等 欧 讲师 到目前 为止 , 职 不断地用 .

团隊训練營及主管管理等课程 .

际演讲会 区域英語演 秉於 “ 讲比赛亞军 欧 讲师曾担任过董事 活到老 , .


他也擅 学到老 ” 欧 .

与 讲师 “ 长 迈 训练课程来激励职员的工作表 他曾主 办过公司背景与运行简介 , 顾客服务课程 ,激励 课程 , 其 训練融和了多年实际经验 与 崭新的思考 , 开 创了一番别有特色与成效的学 习新天地 !