yesuvin oli peruvizha 09 - Welcome to Our Light of Jesus Ministry

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Transcript yesuvin oli peruvizha 09 - Welcome to Our Light of Jesus Ministry

DAY – I (MAY 21, 2009)
Greetings to all in Christ Jesus name. May 21, 22, 23, 24, of 2009, were the
days of grace, glory, deliverance, and blessings. Yesuvin Oli Peruvizha, as
scheduled, with the Gracious Father's help, took place at K. Kailasapuram,
Tuticorin Dt, TN, S. India.
First day was a gracious day or a day of grace as the Lord spoke to me. Right
from the title to the credit of the day, God's grace covered us and everything.
The sky started pouring out. We prayed and it was still raining, but not in this
village but at all surrounding places. Glory to God in the most high. Thus we
tasted the Mighty God's grace.
Each and everyone was filled with His grace on the commencing day. Miracles, healing, deliverance
took place in a lot, thus making every lips to praise God.
Densing Daniel, a world-famous prophet, whose presence in that small village was a revival for that
village. God used him as an instrument to tune many lives for God.
Thanks and blessings to one and all who participated in this carnival by their offerings and deeds.
May God bless you.
First day - DAY OF GRACE...
Rev. A. Palanivel
Founder, Light of Jesus Ministry
These women came to the meet
with deafness.
How great is our Lord’s love!!
They returned home with both
the ears sharpened to hear even
the mildest sound..
Glory to God..