Transcript pps

Bad Lies
Your Mind
Tells You!!!
By Sompong Yusoontorn
1. I can’t do it
The only person who can tell
you “I can’t” is you. If you
hear those words echoing in
the back of your mind, tune
them out.
Both doubts and faith ask you
to believe in something you
can’t see. You simply have to
decide which one you believe.
2. I don’t have time to make changes
You write your own destiny through the choices you
make every day. You become what you repeatedly do.
1) Think about the difference between what is
urgent and what is important. 2) Review all
the obligations on your list. 3) Do what’s
important first.
3. Life is easier and enjoyed more.
The idea that life should ALWAYS be easy and
enjoyable is used to justify all kinds of lazy
As Einstein once said, “Genius is 1% talent and 99%
percent hard work.” So meditate on this every day:
“I will do the work. It won’t be easy. It will be
worth it!”
4. I can do it later
So today, stop making excuses for why you can’t get
it done and start focusing on all the reasons why
you must make it happen.
Most great things in life don’t happen by chance,
they happen by choice. You never know what’s
possible until you risk finding out. Go forward and
make your dreams a working reality.
5. One time won’t hurt
One time means your brain now knows it can get
away with this excuse next time too, and the next
“one time” leads to another, until you’ve completely
fallen off the wagon.
Stick to your plan,
rather than deciding
on the fly when your
conscience is weak.
6. It’s better to quit now and cut losses
In the heat of the moment when you feel like
quitting, think about how far you have come
and why you started in the first place.
Once you learn to quit,
it becomes a habit!!!
7. It’s already too late
Things can change if you want them to at any
age. Right now you can choose differently and
make something new happen.
Your future is immediate. Grab on to it with both
hands and keep on moving on. Think, work, and
climb if you have to. Move your life forward. Today!
Thank You Very Much
Sompong Yusoontorn