Edition Février Thème: Nelson Mandella

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Edition Février
Thème: Nelson Mandella
Les limites de votre langage sont les limites de votre monde.
Il n’y a pas de châtiment plus douloureux que de porter une
histoire inédite en vous.
2014 est venu ... et quand une nouvelle année vient frapper à nos
portes, nous faisons tous des souhaits et nous prenons de
nouvelles décisions. Aujourd'hui, j’ai la chance d’annoncer le
début d’une nouvelle aventure au Collège Protestant Français de
Beyrouth : C’ Press F ! Ce projet est un journal plurilingue qui
permettra aux élèves de notre établissement de faire partager
leurs réactions face à l’actualité, et aussi de d’informer dans des
domaines aussi variés que la nutrition et la santé, la vie
adolescente, le sport, la vie culturelle, la vie au collège, le tout
accompagné d’illustrations !
Après que j’ai eu cette idée, mes camarades m’ont demandé
qu’elle a été ma motivation. Pour leur répondre, il faut que je
parvienne à résoudre ces deux énigmes : pourquoi parlons-nous,
et pourquoi écrivons-nous ? Je peux reprendre les propos du
grand Nelson Mandela : « Si vous parlez à un homme dans une
langue qu'il comprend, vous atteindrez sa tête. Si vous lui parlez
dans sa propre langue, vous atteindrez son cœur. »
En fait, nous sommes chanceux de vivre dans un pays qui
pratique trois langues différentes. Beaucoup d'entre vous pensent
que l'apprentissage de plusieurs langues peut être une perte de
temps. Au contraire, nous devons être fiers des langues qui nous
sont enseignées, parce que chacune ouvre un nouveau monde, et
chaque monde nous permet de voir une nouvelle dimension.
Nous, adolescents libanais, devons être fiers, parce que certains
d'entre nous parlent français mieux que les Français vivant à
Paris et d’autres écrivent mieux l'anglais que les Britanniques
vivant dans les banlieues de Londres. Aussi, lorsque nous
apprenons la langue arabe, ne la négligeons pas, car en fin de
compte, elle fait partie de notre identité et tout ce que nous
apprenons en dit un peu plus sur qui nous sommes réellement !
Par ailleurs, pourquoi écrit-on ? Eh bien, un oiseau ne gazouille
pas parce qu'il a une réponse, il le fait parce qu'il a une chanson.
La vérité est simple ; nous essayons tous d’améliorer le monde.
Si nous ne parvenons pas à le faire, nous l’imaginons. Alors,
voyez-vous ce héros brave et sans faille dans notre monde actuel
? Et ces merveilleuses histoires d'amour existent-elles autour de
nous ? Nous les trouvons uniquement dans les histoires, écrites
par des gens qui veulent donner de l'espoir, donner un exemple.
C'est pourquoi nous écrivons, pour changer le monde !
Je clôture en vous souhaitant à tous de prendre du plaisir à lire la
première édition plurilingue du (nom du journal), et je vous
encourage à pratiquer nos trois belles langues, et même plus :
engagez-vous à écrire, voire engagez-vous à changer le monde !
L’annonce de la mort de Nelson Mandela, à l’âge de 95 ans, n’est pas une surprise mais constitue tout de même un choc. Le
jeudi 5 décembre, un grand homme s’est éteint à son domicile de Johannesburg, laissant derrière lui tout un peuple, une
philosophie et des paroles, qui, elles, ne s’éteindront jamais. Aujourd’hui le nom de Nelson Mandela est associé à celui de
Martin Luther-King ou de Mahatma Gandhi ; il le doit à tous ses combats, à ses sacrifices et à sa ténacité. Il aura incarné ce
que son continent a de meilleur. Certains diront que la rébellion était dans son sang, d’autres que la sagesse, la diplomatie et
la dignité étaient ses maitre-mots.
C’est un jeune homme plein de convictions qui intègre l’université de Fort Hare où il étudie le droit. Il est séduit par
l’idéologie de non-violence prônée par Gandhi ; inspiré, il lance un mouvement anti-apartheid pour lutter contre l’oppression.
Avec son camarade Olivier Tambo, il fonde le tout premier cabinet d’avocats noirs. Mais, toutes ces initiatives lui vaudront
une condamnation à la prison à vie. Même enfermé, celui qu’on surnomme l’homme qui ne peut pas pleurer reste debout,
croit au changement. De l’autre côté des barreaux, l’apartheid déroule sa logique implacable, mais Madiba n’est pas seul : ses
partisans se multiplient et le nombre de ses soutiens explose. En 1963, le conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies condamne
l’apartheid. La lutte finira par payer enfin : Mandela est libéré après 27 ans de captivité. Les grands de ce monde se mettent à
le vénérer : il devient un véritable symbole de paix. Peu de temps après, c’est la chute de l’apartheid ; le monde entier lui est
énormément reconnaissant et il est élu président de la république sud-africaine ; il obtient même un prix Nobel, et pas des
moindres, celui de la paix, une paix pour laquelle il aura donné corps et âme. Certains diront même qu’il en est mort…
Cette longue marche vers la liberté s’achève ainsi, car chaque jour est une page d’histoire qui se tourne.
Yasmine Nasser
Rayyan Dabbous
Heaven welcomes the Man of men
“I am not a saint”, said he, one of time’s most honorable men. He might not be a saint; yet, he was idolized by
many, much-admired by tons and highly praised by masses. This giant has earned the world’s absolute respect. Seldom has
History known spirits as free as his, hearts as magnanimous as his and minds as astute as his. Seldom has humankind ever
been genuinely affected by one’s judgment. Alas, the world has lost him, Earth’s child, and I wish to address myself directly to
him, to the people’s sagest mentor, an indomitable leader, a loving father, but most of all, our big brother. Beloved Mandela,
you never failed to round the angles of our vindictive culture’s bitterness with warmth, simplicity, foresight, integrity, care,
valor, morality, tolerance and many of your unimpeachable character traits.
Every mother’s son aspires to become a virtuous man akin to you, an activist or a peacemaker maybe- isn’t the
populace’s aim to achieve world peace above all? Every Tom, Dick and Harry longs to debark from life acknowledging the
fact that their existence has brought not only law and order to fellow compatriots, but also drastic change to upcoming
generations. And honorable Mandela, that’s exactly what you accomplished, you engineered South Africa’s renovation from a
byword of spite and slenderness into a rainbow nation in which inhabitants, no matter what their color, were entitled to be
treated with respect. Mandela, you restored self-esteem to all South Africans, forever blessed to have had you as an all-time
head-revolutionist fighting against apartheids. Your combat is eternally carved in your people’s hearts because you attained
the unattainable; you fought and fought back for a long lost cause, bringing it instantaneously back to life. You thus brought
humanity back to life, hence the revival of your cherished homeland.
Twenty-seven years of incarceration can seem close to perpetuity I must admit, but your patience indubitably
paid off: the South African people will know a millennium full of democracy, liberty and sovereignty, but most importantly
tolerance, a quality you sure embraced. You were tolerant of everything but intolerance and that proves how great of a man
you were. Charging yourself a lifetime mission has involved colossal engagement from your part; giving up on your individual
freedom to expand human freedom can only be qualified as a heroic act.
“I am not a saint”, said Nelson Mandela, one of time’s most honorable men. He might not be a saint; yet, he is
definitely the people’s most acclaimed hero.
Ghinwa Naja
‫نيلسون مانديال‬
،‫ِا‬ٍٛ‫ْ ِظ‬ٛ‫ ٌٍى‬،‫األدماد‬ٚ ‫اد‬ٙ‫االضط‬ٚ ‫ش‬ٙ‫اٌم‬ٚ ‫خشض ٘زا اٌشجً اٌؼظٍُ ِٓ ظالَ اٌؼٕصشٌح‬
‫ ٘زا‬.ٌٓ‫ُ ِٓ اجً اَخش‬ٙ‫ا تذٍاذ‬ٛ‫اٌىصٍش ِٓ ِٕاضًٍ اٌؼاٌُ اٌزٌٓ ضذ‬ٚ ‫داٌح وذاي اٌؼظّاء‬
‫ا ػٍى ِذح ٘زٖ اٌشخصٍح اٌؼظٍّح فً ذاسٌخ‬ٛ‫فاذٗ صػّاء اٌؼاٌُ فرٕافس‬ٚ ‫دذخ‬ٚ ‫اٌشجً اٌزي‬
.ٌٗ ‫ُ ر٘ة اٌى دذ ذٕىٍس األػالَ إدرشاِآ‬ٙ‫ درى اْ تؼض‬،‫االٔسأٍح‬
،‫اٌسٍاسح‬ٚ ‫ا ٌُ ذغشٖ إٌّاصة‬ِٕٙ ‫ٌىٕٗ واْ اسفغ‬ٚ ‫صً اٌى اٌسٍطح‬ٚ ،‫االسرمالي‬ٚ ‫سجً اٌذشٌح‬
ِّٓ ُ‫ٌُ ٌٕرم‬ٚ ٌٗ‫ ٌُ ٌذاسة جالد‬.‫االٔؼراق‬ٚ ‫اٌسؼادج‬ٚ ‫ْ تاٌذشٌح‬ٚ‫ظٍُ ِٓ اجً اْ ٌٕؼُ االخش‬
‫إٌضاػاخ‬ٚ ‫ا اٌصشاػاخ‬ٙ‫ ػاش فً لاسج ذرمارف‬.ُ‫اششوٗ فً اٌذى‬ٚ ٕٗ‫ػفا ػ‬ٚ ٗ‫ظٍّٗ تً ساِذ‬
‫االسرمشاس‬ٚ ْ‫االِا‬ٚ ‫ب افشٌمٍا لثٍح ٌمصذ٘ا طالب اٌذشٌح‬ٕٛ‫ ٌىٕٗ جؼً ِٓ ج‬،‫اٌفساد‬ٚ ‫اٌفمش‬ٚ
..‫ْ ِٕذٌال‬ٛ‫ ٍٔس‬ٛ٘ ً‫٘زا اٌشج‬. ‫اٌذٌّمشاطٍح‬ٚ ‫اٌرساِخ‬ٚ ‫ذؼٍُ اٌّذٍٔح‬ٚ
‫ اٌشئٍس األسثك‬ٛ٘ .1918 ‫ص‬ّٛ‫ ذ‬18 ً‫ٌذ ف‬ٚ Nelson Mandela (‫ْ' ِأذِال‬ٛ‫ال 'ٔـ ٍِس‬ٌٍٙٚ‫س‬
ً‫ٍِٓ ٌسٍاسح اٌرٍٍّض اٌؼٕصشي اٌر‬ٚ‫اٌّما‬ٚ ٍٍٓ‫أدذ أتشص إٌّاض‬ٚ ‫ب إفشٌمٍا‬ٕٛ‫سٌح ج‬ّٛٙ‫ٌج‬
ً‫ذؼًٕ اٌؼظٍُ اٌّثج‬ٚ ( Madiba ‫ ٌمثٗ افشاد لثٍٍرٗ تـ (ِادٌثا‬.‫ب أفشٌمٍا‬ٕٛ‫وأد ِرثؼح فً ج‬
‫لذ أصثخ ٘زا اٌٍمة‬ٚ . ٍُٕٙ‫ ٌمة ٌطٍمٗ أفشاد ػشٍشج ِأذٌال ػٍى اٌشجً األسفغ لذساً ت‬ٛ٘ٚ
. ‫ْ ِأذٌال‬ٛ‫ِشادفا ً السُ ٍٔس‬
‫ي ٔثز‬ٛ‫اء فً فٍسفح د‬ٛ‫اِٗ األوثش فً دٍاذٗ س‬ٌٙ‫اذّا غأذي واْ إ‬ٌّٙ‫ٌطاٌّا اػرثش ِأذٌال أْ ا‬
. ‫وثشٌاء‬ٚ ‫ح اٌصؼاب تىشاِح‬ٙ‫اج‬ِٛٚ ‫ِح اٌسٍٍّح‬ٚ‫اٌّما‬ٚ ‫اٌؼٕف‬
ٓ‫سج‬ٚ ‫س‬ّٛ‫ٌس‬ٛ‫ شُ فً سجٓ ت‬،‫تٓ آٌالٔذ‬ٚ‫ال فً جضٌشج س‬ٚ‫ أ‬،ٓ‫ ػاِا فً اٌسج‬27 ‫ِىس ِأذٌال‬
ً‫ٌٍح ػٍّد ػٍى اٌضغظ ِٓ أج‬ٚ‫ أرششخ دٍّح د‬،ٓ‫اصاج ِغ فرشج اٌسج‬ٌّٛ‫تا‬ٚ . ‫س فٍشسرش‬ٛ‫فٍىر‬
‫ صاس تؼذ٘ا ِأذٌال‬.‫سظ دشب أٍٍ٘ح ِرصاػذج‬ٚ 1990 َ‫ األِش اٌزي ذذمك ػا‬،ٗ‫إطالق سشاد‬
‫ضاخ ِغ اٌشئٍس دي‬ٚ‫لاد اٌّفا‬ٚ ‫ٔشش سٍشذٗ اٌزاذٍح‬ٚ ً‫طًٕ األفشٌم‬ٌٛ‫سئٍسا ٌذضب اٌّؤذّش ا‬
ٖ‫لذ لادخ ٘ز‬ٚ .‫ا وً األػشاق‬ٍٙ‫إلاِح أرخاتاخ ػاِح ذرّصً ف‬ٚ ‫وٍٍشن إلٌغاء اٌفصً اٌؼٕصشي‬
.1994 ‫ص سٕح‬ٛ‫االٔرخاتاخ دضب اٌّؤذّش اٌى اٌف‬
ًٍ‫ٌح ٌٕضع فر‬ٚ‫طٍٕح فً ِذا‬ٚ ‫دذج‬ٚ ‫ِح‬ٛ‫شىً دى‬ٚ ‫ب أفشٌمٍا‬ٕٛ‫أرخة ِأذٌٍال سئٍسا ٌج‬
‫ق‬ٛ‫اواخ دم‬ٙ‫اٌّصاٌذح ٌٍرذمٍك فً أر‬ٚ ‫ٌجٕح ٌٍذمٍمح‬ٚ ‫سا جذٌذا‬ٛ‫أسس دسر‬ٚ ‫ذشاخ اٌؼشلٍح‬ٛ‫اٌر‬
.‫ب افشٌمٍا‬ٕٛ‫د ٌج‬ٛ‫ي سئٍس أس‬ٚ‫واْ أ‬ٚ .ً‫اإلٔساْ فً اٌّاض‬
‫ِرٗ ػٍى ذفىٍه إسز ٔظاَ اٌفصً اٌؼٕصشي ِٓ خالي اٌرصذي ٌٍؼٕصشٌح‬ٛ‫سوضخ دى‬
‫ٍِا أفشٌمٍا‬ٛ‫ واْ ل‬،‫ سٍاسٍا‬.‫ذؼضٌض اٌّصاٌذح اٌؼشلٍح‬ٚ ‫اج‬ٚ‫ػذَ اٌّسا‬ٚ ‫اٌفمش‬ٚ ‫اٌّؤسساذٍح‬
‫ إٌى‬1991 ِٓ ‫طًٕ األفشٌمً فً اٌفرشج‬ٌٛ‫ شغً ِٕصة سئٍس اٌّؤذّش ا‬،‫دٌّمشاطٍا اشرشاوٍا‬ٚ
.1999-1998 ‫ ِٕصة األٍِٓ اٌؼاَ ٌذشوح ػذَ االٔذٍاص‬،‫ٌٍا‬ٚ‫ وّا شغً د‬. 1997
‫ٌُ ٌسغ اٌى اٌّاي‬ٚ ٖ‫ تٍذ‬ٚ ٗ‫ اٌشجً اٌسٍاسً اٌزي سؼى اٌى ذذمٍك ِصٍذح شؼث‬ٛ٘ ‫ٍٔسٓ ِأذال‬
‫لذ‬ٚ .‫اٌثطاٌح‬ٚ ‫ػًّ جا٘ذآ إلٌماف اٌذشب فً تٍذ واْ ٌغشق فً اٌفمش‬ٚ ً‫ سؼى اٌشج‬.‫اٌسٍطح‬ٚ
.‫اٌصمافح‬ٚ ٍُ‫اٌؼ‬ٚ ‫ أوثش اٌثٍذاْ فٍّا ٌرؼٍك تاٌرجاسج‬ٚ ُ٘‫ب أفشٌمٍا ِٓ ا‬ٕٛ‫جؼً ج‬
ٓ‫ُ ػ‬ٙٔ‫صّد آرا‬ٚ ‫إٌّاصة‬ٚ ‫ُ االٌماب‬ٙ‫ٔا اٌزٌٓ اػّر‬ٍٛ‫ اال ٌرؼٍُ سٍاس‬:ْ‫ٔرساءي تىً دض‬ٚ
،‫ب‬ٛ‫دذ٘ا اٌشؼ‬ٚ ، ‫ا‬ٙ‫ال اٌسٍطح ذخٍذ صادث‬ٚ ‫ ِٓ ٘زا اٌشجً اْ ال اٌّاي‬،ُٙ‫سّاع أٍٔٓ شؼث‬
...‫ا اٌى ِضاتً اٌراسٌخ‬ٙ‫ ذسمط‬ٚ‫ ا‬،‫ف ِٓ ر٘ة‬ٚ‫ا تذش‬ٙ‫ذىرث‬ٚ ‫ذشفغ االسّاء‬
ًٍ‫جاد إسّاػ‬
Golden Globes 2014:
Depuis le début du conflit syrien, plus de 110 000 personnes ont péri. Et le plus malheureux, c’est que, parmi ces
victimes, 11 000 sont des enfants. Depuis 2011, la Syrie est à feu et à sang. Les survivants quant à eux, se sont enfuis,
laissant derrière eux tout ce qu’ils avaient, pour recommencer une autre vie, loin de la violence des bombardements et
des tirs d’obus. La plupart d’entre eux se sont réfugiés dans les pays frontaliers avec la Syrie, comme la Turquie, la
Jordanie ou le Liban.
The Golden Globes are an American accolade awarded by the 93 members of the Hollywood
À leur arrivée au Liban, nous les retrouvons partout, et surtout dans les rues. Ils vivent dans des conditions de vie très
précaires. Les refuges ne sont pas assez grands pour tous les accueillir, parce qu’ils sont un million, et donc, il ne
leur reste plus qu’à se tourner vers leur seule et unique solution : la rue. Vous les avez sûrement aperçus, faisant la
manche, suppliant pour que vous leur donniez de l’argent pour manger. La majorité d’entre eux sont des enfants qui
n’ont souvent pas plus de 5 ans.
Ces réfugiés sont tellement réduits à la misère, qu’ils acceptent de vendre leurs organes, un phénomène qui s’est
répandu récemment. Ce qui est aussi alarmant, c’est de voir des femmes avec, entre les bras, des nourrissons en pleurs
parce qu’ils ont faim ou qu’ils ont froid. Et les gens passent devant eux sans vraiment s’en soucier, voire même sans y
faire attention.
Ces enfants, à qui on a volé leur enfance et leurs rêves, se retrouvent dans la rue sans avenir, s’accrochant à un atome
d’espoir. Mais, pour l’instant, ces victimes d’un conflit souhaitent seulement obtenir un minimum de confort ; comme
un lit et un endroit chaud, pour se reposer de ses deux dernières années de galère, à essayer d’échapper à ce terrible
The award for Best Motion Picture was given to “12 years a slave” Steve McQueen’s exceptional
Brahimi Hadjer
Foreign Press Association; recognizing the best movies and series of the year 2013
The 71st Golden Globe Awards were presented by the dynamic duo: Tina Fey and Amy Poehler.
Drama revolving around the true story of Solomon Northurp who was a free black man abducted
and made slave for twelve years. Matthew McConaughey took home the award for Best Actor in a
leading role for his performance in Dallas Buyers’ club; McConaughey stars as real-life Texas
cowboy Ron Woodroof, whose free-wheeling life was overturned in 1985 when he was diagnosed
as HIV-positive and given 30 days to live. Cate Blanchett on the other hand won the award for
Best Actress in a leading role for her performance in Blue Jasmine a movie about a New York
socialite, deeply troubled and in denial who arrives to San Francisco to impose upon her sister.
The movie “Gravity” starring Sandra Bullock, who has already won one Golden Globe for best
actress for her role in “The Blind Side”, was given the award for Best Directing. Leonardo
DiCaprio won for the first time a Golden Globe for his role as Jordan Belfort in “The Wolf of
Wall Street”. Now back to the small screen; 2013’s most talked about series took the globe home:
“Breaking Bad” Bryan Cranston who plays the role of Walter White won the award for best actor
in a television series. Robin Wright who plays the television wife of Kevin Spacey in “House of
Cards” won the globe for best actress in a television series for her performance, the series was
originally a miniseries but was turned into a series for the major success it had.
Kerry Washington was nominated in this same category for her role as Olivia Pope in “Scandal”
and was the first African-American woman to be nominated in more than thirty years "I'm
enormously grateful to the Hollywood Foreign Press for this honor," she explained. "It's humbling
to be nominated alongside such great talented and hard-working women whose work inspire me."
The Golden Globes recognize achievements in 25 categories; 14 in motion pictures and 11 in
Tamara Nakib
ً‫ ػبىقٍِ ف‬،‫ ٗمثٍشاً ٍب ّجقى ػيى اىطشٌق‬.ً‫ رقزو أمثش ٍِ ثَبٍّخ آالف شخص سٌْ٘ب‬،‫ د٘ادس سٍش خطٍشح‬،‫غبىجب ً ٍب ّشبٕذ ػيى اىطشقبد‬
‫ ٍِ اىَسؤٗه ػِ رىل؟ ٍب سجت ٕزٓ اىضدَخ؟ ٕو ٕ٘ رىل‬.‫ ثسجت صدَخ اىسٍش اىخبّقخ‬،‫ ّٗزأخش دائَب ً ػيى ٍ٘اػٍذّب‬،‫ ّْزظش‬،‫سٍبسارْب‬
‫ غٍش ٍٖزٌ ثَب ٌذصو د٘ىٔ؟ أً أّٖب اىذٗىخ اىزً ال ريضً ٍ٘اغٍْٖب‬،‫ ٌنيٌّ دجٍجزٔ ػيى اىٖبرف‬،‫ ٗثبىٔ ٍشغ٘ه‬،‫اىششغً اىجبىس ػْذ اإلشبسح‬
ٗ‫ دُٗ أُ ٌخشى ػقبثب ً أ‬،ٌِ‫ دزى ى٘ مبُ رىل ػيى دسبة اَخش‬،‫ فٍسزطٍغ اىسبئق اىقٍبدح ثبىطشٌقخ ٗاىسشػخ اىزً ٌشٌذٕب‬،‫ثق٘اٍِّ اىسٍش‬
،‫ ريزقػ اىسٍبساد اىَسشػخ‬،‫ رؤمذ قٍبً اىذٗىخ ثزشمٍت ساداساد ىيَشٗس‬،‫ ّششد رقبسٌش فً اىصذف ٗفً األخجبس‬،‫ٍْز فزشح ىٍسذ ثجؼٍذح‬
ً‫ ٕٗنزا ثق‬.‫ فقذ رٌ اٌقبف اىؼَو ثٖب ثؼذ أٌبً ٍِ ثذء رشغٍيٖب‬،‫ ىنْْب ىٌ ّؼذ ّسَغ ثزيل اىشاداساد‬.‫ٗرسجّو ػيى صبدجٖب ٍخبىفخ ثنيفخ ٍبىٍخ‬
.ٍِ‫اىَ٘اغِ ٍؼشّ ظًب ىيخطش فً مو ىذظخ ثسجت اىقٍبدح اىَزٖ٘سح ىجؼط اىسبئق‬
‫ د٘ه ٍخبغش اىقٍبدح‬، ٌٍْٖ ‫ٗقذ ثبدسد ثؼط اىجَؼٍبد ٗاىَْظَبد غٍش اىذنٍٍ٘خ فقبٍذ ثذَالد ر٘ػٍخ ىيَ٘اغٍِْ ٗخبصًب ىيشجبة‬
ٍِ ‫ٌٗؼزجش إّشبء ٕزٓ اىجَؼٍخ خط٘ح مجٍشح ىيذ ّذ‬.‫ ٍْٖٗب جَؼٍخ "مِ ٕبدي" اىزً رذػ٘ إىى اإلىزضاً ثبىسشػخ اىَسَ٘ح ثٖب‬،‫اىَسشػخ‬
‫ ار ٌز٘جت ػيى اىذٗىخ أُ رعغ خطخ ٍَْٖجخ رجذأ ٍِ دساسخ ٍشبمو اىسٍش ٗاىطشقبد‬. ً‫ ىنِ ٕزٓ اىخط٘ح ٗدذٕب ال رنف‬،‫ٍخبغش اىسشػخ‬
.‫ٗص٘الً اىى سِّ ق٘اٍِّ ىَؼبىجخ ٕزٓ األصٍبد ٍْٗغ اىسبئقٍِ ٍِ اىزّٖ٘س أثْبء اىقٍبدح ٗرىل دَبٌخ ىيَ٘اغٍِْ ٗىيذذ ٍِ ػذد اىذ٘ادس‬
ُ‫ىؤي أث٘ دَذا‬
ً‫قذ رغٍّش ىجْبًّ ٍغ ٍشٗس األٌب‬
‫ىٌ ٌؼذ ىجْبًّ مَب مبُ ثبألٍس‬
ُ‫ىٌ ٌؼذ ىجْبًّ ىجْبُ ججشا‬
ً‫ىٌ ٌؼذ ىجْبًّ "قطؼخ سَب" مَب غْى ٗدٌغ اىصبف‬
ًّ‫رغٍّش ىجْب‬
‫غذا ىجْبُ ٍ٘قغ رفجٍش ٗدٍبس‬
‫غذا ىجْبُ ثيذ اىط٘ائف ٗاىزيُّ٘ اىَقٍذ‬
ًّ‫دبٗه اىؼذٌذ ٍشاساً ٗرنشاساً رذٍٍش ىجْب‬
‫ ٗاىنشإٍخ‬، ‫ ٗاىذقذ‬، ِ‫صسع اىفز‬
...‫ّٗجذ٘ا فً ّٖبٌخ اىَطبف‬
‫ّجذ٘ا فً رذٍٍش ٕزا اىجيذ‬
...‫ّجذ٘ا فً صسع اىخ٘ف فً قي٘ثْب‬
‫ س٘اء ثٖذف اىَضاح أٗ اىزخٌ٘ف اُ ٌٖذد ثبىزفجٍش قشة ٍذسسزْب ٗرسجت ثبىجيجيخ ٗثْشش اىخ٘ف فً قي٘ة‬، ‫راك اىزي دبٗه ٍْز أسبثٍغ‬
. ٔ‫ ّجخ فً ٍَٖز‬، ‫ ّجخ‬...‫اىزالٍٍز ٗأثْبء اىجٍو اىجذٌذ‬
، ‫ اىسفش ٍٗغبدسح ٕزٓ اىجالد‬،‫ مَب ٌخطش ىيجؼط أٌعب‬،ً‫ىيذظبد خطش ى‬
: ‫ ٍِٗ اىخط٘س اىَزشثص ثْب فً جٍَغ اىَْبغق‬، ‫خطشد ىً فنشح اىٖجشح ألّْب سئَْب اىخ٘ف ٍِ اىزفجٍشاد‬
ُ‫ ٍنب‬: ‫ ثبرذ ٍيٍئخ ثبىيُ٘ األدَش‬، ‫ اىزً رذذد ىْب اىذذٗد اىزً ثئٍنبّْب اىزج٘ه ظَْٖب خاله اىشدالد اىَذسسٍخ‬، ‫فخشٌطخ اىَذسسخ‬
! ‫ ٍنبُ اقو خط٘سح‬،ً‫ أٗ ثبىيُ٘ اىجشرقبى‬، ‫شذٌذ اىخط٘سح‬
... ‫ ميْب سئَْب ٕزٓ األٗظبع‬... ‫سئَْب‬
...‫ ثٌ ال‬، ‫ ال‬، ‫ فال‬، ًْٕ‫ىنًْْ سشػبُ ٍب ّضػذ ٕزٓ األفنبس ٍِ ر‬
،‫ىِ ٌْجذ٘ا‬
ًّ‫ىِ ٌْجذ٘ا ثزذٍٍش ىجْب‬
ًّ‫ىِ ٌْجذ٘ا فً اىزفشٌق ثٍِ شؼت ىجْب‬
‫ىِ ٌْجذ٘ا فً ّشش اىخ٘ف فٍْب‬
‫ىِ ٌْجذ٘ا فً رذٌ٘و اسظً اىى سبدخ دشة ٍٗؼبسك‬
‫ىِ ّسَخ ىٌٖ ثزىل‬
‫ىِ ّسَخ ىٌٖ ثضٌبدح ػذد اىشٖذاء األثشٌبء‬
ٌِ‫ىِ ّسَخ ىٌٖ ثضٌبدح ػذد اىَٖبجش‬
‫ٗرشٌ٘ٔ ػق٘ه اجٍبه ىجْبُ اىجذٌذ‬،ًّ‫ىِ ّسَخ ىٌٖ ثزششٌذ شؼت ىجْب‬
ٔ‫ال ىِ ّسَخ ثأُ رزنشس األخطبء ٗاُ ٌؼٍذ اىضٍبُ ّفس‬
... ‫ػيى األقو آٍو ثبُ ٌنُ٘ ىذٌْب اى٘ػً اىنبفً ىزىل‬
ًّ‫آٍو اُ ٌشجغ ىجْب‬
، ‫ىجْبُ ثيذ االّفزبح‬
‫ىجْبُ اسض اىَذجخ ٗ اىطَأٍّْخ‬
‫ىجْبُ األخعش‬
.... ً‫ىجْبُ ججشاُ ٗٗدٌغ اىصبف‬
‫ىٍب اىجّْب‬
Prisoner... of your past?
Have you ever felt that everything is heavy? That some things will never change, and that they will continue to affect
you forever? Have you ever felt like you have imaginary scars that will never heal? When you're sad about something, do
you end up also worrying about many other things that once happened and that you still can't get over? Well, rest assured,
you're not the only one who does. You see, so many of our daily problems are the result of the scars of our past, but it
doesn't have to be this way.
A lot of people are haunted by their past. They are simply terrifed by the idea of having to relive all their old pain, of
making the same mistakes over and over again.
We all have that one very personal problem that follows us everywhere and doesn't leave us alone, that can still catch us
and beat us up years after it happens, even when we think we have moved on or escaped from it.
Sometimes, it's a closure we didn't get to a relationship, the sudden loss of someone who is dear to us, a best friend who
moved away, the death of a parent or a close family member. Sometimes, it's a childhood dream that brutally turned into a
disillusionment. Sometimes, it's betrayal that came from someone whom we trusted but who backstabbed us, and
sometimes, it's the bullying we had to endure as kids. Many have been mocked or called all sorts of names for the silliest
reasons. Many have had their self-esteem crushed by our cruel, ugly, and built on appearance society. Many are afraid to
trust themselves and others, because they have been let down before, and it still hurts so badly.
Our previous bad experiences and traumas are heavy burdens. Some nights, we catch ourselves wishing we could forget
everything that ever happened to us; close the book, and start a new one. We wish we could wipe out all bad memories, so
they don't hold us back, so they don't hurt us anymore. We wish we could delete every bad feeling, every bad experience
we ever had, or hit a restart button, so we could have a fresh, clean start, a better chance of happiness. But... is it that
simple? Would that really be a solution? Would throwing the heavy backpack we have been carrying during our whole life
on the floor and walking away really set us free?
For sure our unresolved issues can often hold us from using our potential to reach happiness and enjoy life. But does
that mean we are to be trapped in a vicious circle all our life?
In my opinion, our past doesn't define us, it's how we deal with it that does. In life we do things, of which some we wish
we had never done, others we wish we could replay a million times in our heads. But they all make us who we are, and in
the end they shape every detail about us. If we were to reverse any of them we wouldn't be the person we are. We wouldn't
act the same, know who to trust and who not to, what really matters and what doesn't; we wouldn't be able to tell fake from
real people, to stand up to what we believe in... Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood; which
is why the healthiest way of dealing with the issues related to your past is to accept them and understand that they are
useful because they give you experience and build your character. So just live, make mistakes, have wonderful memories,
but never second guess who you are, where you have been, and most importantly where it is you're going.
Don't forget: worrying doesn't take away tomorrow's troubles, it only takes away today's peace.
Tala Awada
The Teenage Dilemma
We all know what teenage hood is, the transitional phase between
being an innocent kid to becoming an adult, the period of physical and mental
development when we’re “supposed” to start finding ourselves.
Ever since we start high school we keep hearing over and over that
our future is being written right now; that the work we put in will determine
what happens with us later on. And to be honest it’s a huge weight for us to carry
on our shoulders, a weight that most of us can’t bear to handle. How are we
supposed to excel at school, maintain healthy relationships at home all while
upholding an active social life? This ideal lifestyle can easily be seen as unrealistic
since it’s a routine that very few of us, if any, are able to sustain. Nonetheless it
remains what is expected and demanded of us.
We’re all different here, a couple of us already have a future plan
inked in mind, others are struggling to realize their personal academic goals, and
some of us are just riding with the flow, “winging it” through those last few years
of school. But in the end we’re all here for the same reason: obtain a valuable
education that can hopefully lead us to a bright future. Some of us have it easier
than others, it’s true. But for those of us who are trying to carve our own way
through life we can’t but stop and ask ourselves if it’s really worth it. If all this
extra work we’re putting up and all that extra stress we’re piling up day by day
will actually make a difference and pay off eventually.
We might look at some people from time to time and envy their
worriless lives filled with fun and laughter. The only silver lining for those that
work hard is that later on their hard work will pay off and it will all be worth it.
But will it? Won’t most of us end up in AUB, LAU or USJ anyways? Think about it,
what if these people that are worry-free now end up landing a better job than
yours? Won’t you regret having spent what’s considered to be the best years of
your life stressing and worrying for nothing?
Here’s the universal teenage dilemma I came up with: you can either work your
ass off through the final years of school without having any guarantee of future
success, or, you can enjoy and make the most out of the final school years of your
life without worrying about the consequences and what happens next.
There’s no right or wrong answer to this situation. Each one of us has an
individual answer that will only reveal itself with time. Good luck.
Nadim El-Kak
Mon 1er est un symbole chimique
Mon 2ème est un symbole chimique
Mon 3ème est aussi un symbole
Mon tout est 6ème d’un
classement !!
Qui suis-je ?
Quelle est cette personnalité donnée par ce rébus ?
Photo prise par Ghida Kanaan
“We need to talk about mental health”
Easy No Bake Raw Vegan Cheesecake Recipe
2 cups raw walnuts
½ cup pitted dates
3 cups raw cashews (soaked overnight or a
couple hours minimum)
½ cup agave nectar
¼ cup lemon juice
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
¾ cup coconut oil, melted (set in a warm bowldo not heat if keeping it really raw)
Raspberry sauce
½ bag of frozen raspberries
4-6 dates to taste
¼ cup agave or more to taste and thickness
To make the crust, place raw walnuts and pitted dates
into a food processor and blend it until crumbly
Press into a pie pan until dense
Now place all filling ingredients into the food
processor, blend until smooth
Pour the filling into the crust
Freeze for a couple hours
Thaw frozen raspberries, then blend it with the dates
and agave
Once the cheesecake is frozen cut into slices and serve
with the raspberry sauce drizzled on top.
Ghenwa Naja
If I start talking about Adam Lanza's mass murder, you'll ask me two simple questions: Why am I
talking about Lanza? And what on earth has mental health to do with mass murder?
Well, this is why: there's a relation between mental and murder when it comes to Human race.
Based on a study done at Columbia University’s medical school, 97% of mass murderers are male. A
truth not yet explained by science. Mass murderers are not easy to identify even though the portrait of
the killer is made to see obvious (referring to the usual comments such as "that guy is a murderer! Look
at him!"). And that’s why they’re not easy to treat.
First of all, every mass murder triggers questions and the most important one is why do these mass
murders occur? What truly happens in the mind of the murderer to create such a slaughter?
Therefore, we must talk about mental disorders and the possibility to prevent, if acknowledged early, a
psychiatric breakdown that ends with the killing of many innocents.
Indeed, what if mental disorders were treated earlier?
In our culture and habits, being check-up by a physician every once in a while is something extremely
common and normal. Our main concern is, of course, our physical well-being. But what about our
mind, our emotions, our mental state?
Did you know that most mass murderers have psychopathic, and not psychotic, inclinations? And most
CEO’s are treated psychopathic? Yes, indeed. If treated, a mental disorder can turn out to be an actual
blessing. If not, it can turn out to be your own death rope.
Nowadays, after each mass murder comes the big debate about the loose gun control. Only this mustn’t
be the only debate. Mental health services are far more important. In fact, if a person intends to kill, he
will do it, may it be with a gun or a can of gasoline.
So, in other words, it's simply logical and utterly important to look out for symptoms. But because most
of them are hard to figure out, it is suggested to start having mental check-ups as a common routine
instead of IT being a dishonor.
I know mental health care is too expensive for most of the population especially Americans, but it's not
a subject to be treated lightly. Thus, governments should incorporate it in our daily lives by encouraging
its practice and covering most of its costs. Maybe treating our mental pain will lower our physical
I also know that people are scared of the unknown, especially of this new kind of science. That's maybe
the reason they’re disturbed when it’s brought up. But I truly encourage it, to be taught, to be
understood and to be seen it in a different way.
As Gandhi once said "be the change you want to see in the world". That's why a mental individual
prosperity will obviously lead to a massive happiness. Wouldn't it?
Aline Yatim
Fausse alerte
Photo prise par Line Itani
Un beau jour d’automne, un évènement des plus surprenants arriva au Collège Protestant Français.
Ce jour la, j’étais malade, j’avais la grippe, je n’étais donc pas allée à l’école ; j’étais assise toute
tranquille, je pianotais sur mon téléphone quand tout à coup, il sonna ; je fus surprise de voir le nom
de la personne qui m’appelait : c’était mon frère ! A cette heure-là, il devait être en train de résoudre
une équation de math ou de conjuguer un verbe à un temps que personne n’utilise jamais ! Je
décrochai le téléphone et je l’entendis me dire qu’il y avait un incendie au collège et qu’il était réuni
dans la cour avec tous ses camarades, après que l’alarme ait sonné… J’ai téléphoné à ma mère, elle
était elle aussi au téléphone avec ma sœur ainée. Je me suis mise à envoyer des messages à mes
amies, leur demandant ce qui se passait, où elles étaient ; elles m’ont répondu qu’il y avait une
voiture piégée devant l’ambassade de l’Arabie saoudite et que l’école était exposée a un grand
danger et qu’elle allait exploser d’une minute à l’autre…
Un souvenir tout frais surgit alors dans ma tête. Je me rappelai cette maudite nuit où le concierge de
notre immeuble monta nous prévenir que les soldats de l’armée entouraient notre immeuble, parce
qu’ils avaient trouvé une bombe dans un pot de fleur de notre hall… Je revois comment nous avons
été évacués en pyjama au beau milieu de la nuit avec les voisins paniqués, comment nous avons
attendu des heures que l’armée fasse exploser la bombe en toute sécurité ; la peur me dévorait le
corps. Je la ressentis de nouveau cette peur, la crainte et l’effroi que quelque chose de malheureux
puisse arriver à ma sœur, à mon frère, à mes amis et à mes professeurs. Je redoutai qu’une bombe
puisse en un instant m’enlever toutes ces personnes chères à mon cœur. Je chassai de ma tête des
images d’explosion en Irak et en Syrie… C’était le destin de notre pauvre Liban ? C’était le sort qui
nous attendait ? Le téléphone n’arrêtait pas de sonner ; mon père, du fond du Congo, avait entendu la
nouvelle, les chaines de télévision ne parlaient que de cet évènement au collège ; nous voyions des
mères crier devant le portail fermé de l’école…
Après une heure d’angoisse totale, les chaines annoncèrent que c’était une fausse alarme et qu’il n y
avait RIEN !!! Une personne avait fait une mauvaise blague!!! J’étais soulagée, mais aussi
furieuse !!! Quel citoyen sans cœur avait choisi de faire ressentir une peur sans fin à des parents et à
des proches, quel imbécile si immature avait pu faire une blague si inconsidérée, si absurde ?
Heureusement, ce n’était qu’une fausse alerte ; mais, je ne souhaite à personne de vivre ce que nous
avons subi.
Bienvenue au Liban…
Line Chehoury
Le printemps des Arabes, de Jean-Pierre Filiu et Cyrille Pomès, Futurpolis, 2013.
ٙ‫ انؼبنى انؼشب‬ٙ‫ٔضغ انًشأة ف‬
Le printemps des Arabes. Nous en avons tous entendu parler et nous avons tous vu les
images des massacres subis par les peuples des pays arabes qui bordent le nôtre, par le biais
des médias. Et si vous lisiez, à ce sujet, une BD comme vous n’en avez jamais lue ?
ّ‫شًم ْزا انخطّٕس انؼبنى بكبيه‬ٚ ‫ ار نى‬...‫ طبؼب‬ٙ‫ت األٔنٗ حذسٍّ ٔضغ انًشأة ٔحطّٕس ٔنكٍ بشكم َسب‬ًٛ‫ًب بؼذ انذشة انؼبن‬ٛ‫ ال س‬،ٍٚ‫ انمشٌ انؼشش‬ٙ‫ف‬
Lorsque l'on pense à des livres décrivant les guerres, les révolutions, nous avons
directement l’idée de manuels scolaires d'histoire ou d’essais, ces gros livres lourds écrits
par de grands politiciens, de grands journalistes dont nous n’avons, pour la plupart, jamais
entendu le nom. Pour les curieux de politique, d'actualité et d'histoire et ceux à la recherche
de lectures plus simples, je propose de revoir l'origine, les combats et révolutions du
printemps arabe dans un documentaire sous forme de BD : Le printemps des Arabes, de
Jean-Pierre Filiu et Cyrille Pomès.
‫ ٔاطشح انسؤال‬.‫ت‬ٛ‫ يخخهف انًجخًؼبث انؼشب‬ٙ‫بٌ انًشأة ف‬ٛ‫ صٕسة ػٍ ك‬ُْٙ‫ ر‬ٙ‫ت يٍ ٔلج انٗ آخش دخٗ حخكٌّٕ ف‬ٛ‫بسة بؼض انبهذاٌ انؼشب‬ٚ‫ ص‬َّٙ‫حسش‬
Reprenons le déroulement de l’histoire… Le 17 décembre 2010, Mohamad Bouazizi
s'immole par le feu, en Tunisie, parce que la police locale lui confisque sa charrette. Le
printemps arabe vient de commencer.
En racontant chronologiquement les révoltes dans les différents pays, cette BD nous
permet, non seulement de mieux comprendre ces révolutions grâce à la précision et à la
sensibilité de l'écriture, alliée à la recherche esthétique des dessins, mais aussi de connaitre
les mouvements, et les débuts de révolutions que les médias ont ignorés. Cette œuvre se
focalise sur les actes héroïques de ces hommes et femmes inconnus qui décident de prendre
en main leur destin et celui de leur pays. Ainsi nous comprenons l'importance qu'a eue le
football dans la révolution égyptienne qui a eu lieu après Moubarak ou même les atrocités
commises par les dictateurs/tyrans pour maintenir le silence des citoyens-journalistes, de
cette jeunesse arabe qui se bat pour la liberté pour accéder à une vie décente. Du Maroc
jusqu'en Syrie en passant par l'Arabie Saoudite, Le Yémen et la Palestine, ce livre nous
emporte, nous indigne et amène nos pensées à se diriger sur l'actualité du Liban, son avenir,
l'unité nationale ; mais aussi et surtout cette lecture nous permet de réfléchir sur
l'importance du monde arabe et son impact sur le reste de la planète.
.ٖ‫ت أخش‬ٛ‫ أسٔبب ٔبالد اجُب‬ٙ‫فمذ اَذصش ف‬
‫ ْم حفمذ انًشأة بؼضب يٍ دمٕلٓب حذج انذجبة ٔحضٔل دمٕلٓب حذج انُمبة؟‬:
‫ ك ّم يُب اَّ يُفخخ ٔيخمبّم ألفكبس‬ٙ‫ذّػ‬ٚ .‫ رُُْب‬ٙ‫نهخخهف أثش ٔاضخ ف‬
ٙ‫ بم‬...‫ٓب‬ٛ‫ نى حفخخ نّ االبٕاة ػهٗ يصشاػ‬،ٙ‫ػُذيب طبل انخطّٕس انؼبنى انؼشب‬
‫ذ‬ٛ‫ انخًسّك بكم يب ْٕ ببل يٍ انؼبداث ٔانخمبن‬...‫ نى َُفخخ‬..‫ نى َخطّٕس‬...‫ّش‬ٛ‫ أَُب نى َخغ‬ْٙ ‫مت انًؤنًت‬ٛ‫ذ ٔنكٍّ انذم‬ٛ‫يخخهفت ٔدخٗ يُبلضت نهؼبداث ٔانخمبن‬
...‫ظٓش ٔاضذب‬ٚ
‫ بهذَب ال حؼبيم انًشأة انًذجبت يؼبيهت‬ٙ‫مف ْزا انذجبة ػبئمب ايبو دمٕلٓب ؟ فبؼض انششكبث ف‬ٚ ‫ ٔنكٍ ْم‬.‫ دجبة انًشأة ٔجٓت َظش‬،ٌ‫ نبُب‬ٙ‫ف‬
.‫ش انًذجبت‬ٛ‫ت نهًشأة غ‬ٚٔ‫يسب‬
‫ذك نكم ايشأة انؼًم ٔانخطّٕس ٔانخمذو؟‬ٚ ‫ أال‬:ّ‫انسؤال انز٘ َطشد‬
‫ٓب كبيهت؟‬ٛ‫انًشأة طبنبج بذمٕلٓب ٔنكٍ ْم دصهج ػه‬
‫ؼب يٍ اجم دمٕلُب؟‬ًٛ‫ فهى ال َثٕس ج‬،‫ يجخًؼُب‬ٙ‫ٕة ف‬ٛ‫ّض انؼ‬ًَٛ ‫ كهُّب‬.‫ؼب‬ًٛ‫نٓزِ االسئهت اجبببث َؼشفٓب ج‬
‫ كًب أشبسث‬، ‫خت‬ٛ‫ ي‬..‫ يجشدة يٍ كم شؼٕس‬ٙٓ‫ ف‬..‫ث حصبخ انًشأة ػُذْب يه ًكب نهشجم‬ٛ‫ د‬،‫ دمٕق انًشأة حًب ًيب‬ٙ‫خف‬ٚ ٘‫َُخمم يٍ انذجبة انٗ انُمبة انز‬
ٍ‫ ػ‬،‫بل‬ٛ‫ت ٔانخ‬ّٚ‫ غبدسث ببدثت ػٍ ػبنى انذش‬.‫ غبدسث سٔدٓب جسذْب‬ٙ‫ حهك انفخبة انخ‬."‫ت سدهت صؼبت‬ٛ‫ت " سدهت جبه‬ٛ‫شحٓب انزاح‬ٛ‫ س‬ٙ‫فذٖٔ طٕلبٌ ف‬
.. ‫ذ ػٍ األٔايش ػٍ انخضٕع‬ٛ‫ ػبنى بؼ‬..ّٛ‫ػبنى ال ٔجٕد أل٘ لًغ ف‬
ٙ‫ نكم سجم ف‬،‫ ْزا ببإلضبفت انٗ خضٕع انًشأة نهشجم‬.‫ك ْزا االَفخبح انًفمٕد‬ٛ‫ؼ‬ٚ ٘‫ذ ْٕ انز‬ٛ‫اػخمذ اٌ خضٕع انًشأة نهًجخًغ ٔنهؼبداث ٔنهخمبن‬
Cette œuvre est simple et très agréable à lire, avec un certain sens du suspens et du coup de
théâtre. L’ouvrage est surtout passionnant pour son attachement à ses personnages et la
présentation de ces évènements dont on n’entend jamais parler et ce, à notre grand dam.
.‫بٌ أبٍ ػ ًّٓب‬ٛ‫ بؼض األد‬ٙ‫ ٔانذْب ثى أخْٕب ثى صٔجٓب ٔف‬،‫ػبئهخٓب‬
‫ سكخج ػٍ دمٕلٓب ٔنى حثش يطبنبت بٓب؟‬ٙ‫ انخ‬ْٙ ‫سج‬ٛ‫ضب؟ ان‬ٚ‫سج انًشأة يسؤٔنت أ‬ٛ‫َهٕو انشجبل ػهٗ سٕء يؼبيهخٓى نهًشأة؟ ٔنكٍ أن‬
Kammourieh Sarah-Madona
1ES / ‫ض‬ٚ‫شا دش‬ٛ‫ي‬
« J'ai appris que le courage n'est pas l'absence de
peur, mais la capacité de la vaincre. » - Nelson
Most Anticipated Movie Awards of 2014
It pains me a whole lot to see people listening to a song called "My Nigga". The lyrics are
about absolutely nothing; it pains me all the more to listen to a “song” made out of a
dozen words only.
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Science has finally revealed the nominations for the 86th Academy
Awards ceremony which will be presented by Ellen DeGeneres. Leading the way with ten nominations,
“American Hustle” starring Christian Bale and Jennifer Lawrence was nominated for Best Picture, Best Actor,
Best Actress and many more. Followed by Alfonso Cuarons’ latest movie “Gravity” starring Sandra Bullock
who was nominated for Best Actress in a leading role for her effort in this thrilling movie taking place in outer
space telling the story of Dr. Ryan Stone, a medical engineer on her first space shuttle mission aboard the
Space Shuttle Explorer. Fourth time nominee Leonardo DiCaprio was selected as a Best Actor nominee for his
latest movie “The Wolf of Wall Street” which was nominated for Best Picture and Best Directing; fans around
the world are impatiently waiting to see if DiCaprio will finally be rewarded for his talent, the actor was
previously nominated for his roles in “The Aviator” and “Blood Diamond” but repeatedly lost. Another one of
the most awaited movies of the year was “12 years a slave” starring Chiwetel Ejiofor and Lupita Nyong’o who
excelled in her role as Patsy, a cotton picker in the 1850s who is taken advantage of by her owner Master Epps
played by Michael Fassbender also nominated for an Oscar as Best Actor in a supporting role, the movie is an
adaptation of Solomon Northup’s 1841 memoir telling the story of a free negro who was abducted and sold
into slavery, he then worked on plantations for twelve consecutive years before meeting a Canadian abolitionist
played by Brad Pitt who will give him back his life. Also chosen as Best Picture nominee is Paul Greengrass’
“Captain Philipps” starring Tom Hanks sharing the true story of Captain Philipps and the 2009 hijacking by
Somali pirates of the US-flagged MV Maersk Alabama, the first American cargo ship to be hijacked in two
hundred years. The 86th Academy Awards ceremony will honor the best films of 2013 and take place March
2, 2014, at the Dolby Theatre in Hollywood, Los Angeles.
There's a lady who's sure all that glitters is gold"
Tamara Nakib
Where does the stairway to heaven lie?
People always ask me why I only listen to oldies rather than ''this generation's music''. My
answer is always the same, I like songs that make sense, that have the power to change
my day depending on the vibe it's supposed to send…
What happened to the poetry that masquerades in the lyrics of a song? It seems all that
people care about these days is appearances, and sex.
"To be a rock and not to roll" "
I bet not more than 5% of the people who are reading this, know where these quotes are
from, well, my friends these could be easily mistaken for a verse, but they are actually
lyrics from Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin. Why is it that this generation which all
hopes are on is a lot less civilized than the previous ones? This brings me to my next point,
the incredible loss of civilization encouraged by this generation's music.
Music, traditionally is supposed to transfer a meaning, why this is not this case nowadays
eludes me. This fact can only be explained by the lessening of civilization of this
Although I am part of it, I never cease to criticize it. To conclude this particular anathema
of our generation, I would like to hopefully bring back the poetic meaning of music which I
really miss, how I will do this is still to be discovered.
Karim Laham
Usain Bolt, un relámpago histórico
Usain Bolt. ¿Quién nunca ha oído ese nombre? Usain Bolt es el
hombre más rápido del mundo. ¿Sólo eso? No, es el más rápido
de toda la historia de nuestra humanidad. ¿Existen los
extraterrestres? Sí, existe uno y se llama Usain Bolt.
Imaginad: estamos en los Juegos Olímpicos de Pekín en 2008,
en la final de los 100 metros lisos. El juez señala el inicio de la
carrera…los atletas se lanzan…acceleran…pero, de repente, un
monstruo adelanta a todos los otros corredores, veloz como
una flecha. Esa flecha es jamaicana y se llama Usain Bolt. ¡100
metros en tan sólo 9,69 segundos! Pero esta marca no es
suficiente para el rey de la velocidad, por eso, el mago mejoró
su record en los Juegos de Londres (9,58s). Bolt no es sólo un
campeón, también es una inspiración para los jóvenes del
mundo entero que admiran su velocidad, modestia, carisma, y
sueñan con lograr lo mismo algún día. De ese modo, Usain Bolt
otorga al atletismo un esplendor incomparable, millones y
millones de personas se ponen delante de la tele únicamente
para ver esos 9 segundos inolvidables. 9 segundos durante los
cuales todas las miradas convergen hacia Bolt. Por lo tanto,
Usain Bolt es un hombre ideal, un marciano que impresiona a
World Cup 2022 – Nations Set To Boycott Qatar
todo el planeta.
Would you fancy having the World Cup screened on your TV a few days before Christmas? Or skipping a few days of
school to hop on a trip to nearby Qatar? Well, don’t have your visa stamped just yet because Qatar might never see
legends like Messi or Ronaldo strolling in their stadiums – that is if they’re still playing football by then.
Jad Ismael
One thing is certain though: no football game is happening under Qatar’s stifling heat in summer. Still, the timing of
the competition has remained unchanged throughout FIFA’s history: June and July, and a schedule reshuffle would
not only betray a tradition but it also has much serious implications.
‫انسهح تؼىد‬
‫ تخثش أسؼذ جًاهٍش‬٢٠١٤ ًَ‫ كاَىٌ انثا‬١٤ ‫أتى االتحاد انجذٌذ ٌىو انثالثاء‬
. ٌ‫انشٌاضح األكثش شهشجً وشؼثٍح فً نثُا‬
‫ تؼىد نؼثح كشج انسهح انهثُاٍَح يجذداً انى‬،‫فثؼذ غٍاب طال حىانً انخًسح أشهش‬
‫انىاجهح حٍث اقتشحت انهجُح اإلداسٌح نإلتحاد انهثُاًَ نكشج انسهح ػهى يجًىع‬
‫ وأق ّش‬. ًَ‫ كاَىٌ انثا‬٣٠ ‫األَذٌح يىػذ إَطالق انثطىنح ورنك تتاسٌخ‬
‫االتحاد َظاياً جذٌذاً نهثطىنح ٌقضً تإقايح يشحهتٍٍ رهاتا ً وإٌاتا ً وتتأهم ثًاٍَح فشق‬
‫إنى يشحهح ستغ انُهائً أو يا يا ٌسًى "انفاٌُال إٌت " نتتىصع تؼذها ػهى‬
‫ثى ٌتأهم أول فشٌقٍٍ يٍ كم يجًىػح إنى‬. ‫يجًىػتٍٍ تضى كم يُها أستغ فشق‬
."‫انُصف انُهائً أو "انفاٌُال فىس‬
‫وقذ ػهًُا أٌضا ً تأٌ يؼظى االَذٌح قذ أكًهت صفىفها تأشهش انالػثٍٍ انهثُاٍٍٍَ كًا‬
‫استقذو تؼضها الػثٍٍ اجاَة نؼثىا ساتقا ً تذوسي األيشٌكً انًًتاص انًؼشوف‬
NBA ‫تال‬
ِ‫وتقىيانفشق تانتًاسٌٍ ٌىيٍا ً كً تستطٍغ انًُافسح ػهى نقة انثطىنح ار ٌقال تأٌ هز‬
‫ ار ستصم فٍها انًُافسح انى‬، ‫انسُح ستشكم ػاليح فاسقح فً تاس ٌخ انكشج انهثُاٍَح‬
. ‫رسوتها‬
‫جاد تٍطاس‬
First of all, let me explore one reason that may deny Qatar the chance to host the World Cup. What has been
mostly controversial in the past few months are the enslaving allegations of migrant workers, who are helping in
the construction of Qatar’s stadiums. After an investigation led by the Guardian, it has been revealed that at least
44 workers have died from working conditions, access to free drinking water on construction sites has been denied
on some occasions and Nepalese men have not been paid for months, with salaries retained and passports
confiscated to limit their movements. Such appalling conduct has been much reproved by FIFA officials and it has
cast doubts on whether Qatar merits to host football’s most prestigious competition.
Now, this is only one of many reasons to boycott Qatar, but the main reason that may cancel a 2022 World Cup in
Qatar is the timing of the competition. Qatar won’t host the games during the summer, but can it host them in
Moving the World Cup to the winter will create massive disruptions to the sporting calendar around the globe.
Should it be played in January – early February, it will coincide with the 2022 Winter Olympic games and if it
happens in November – early December, it will trouble the UEFA Champions League group stages. Also, whether it
is played before or after New Year, it will inevitably interrupt almost every domestic league in the world. To add on
that, Fox agreed to pay a record of $425 million for U.S. broadcast rights to the World Cups in 2018 and 2022, and
moving the date of the competition would completely ruin their investment and the investments of many more
fellow broadcasting giants. This would motivate such powerful companies to take legal actions against FIFA – which
is something FIFA would want to avoid.
It is yet to be seen whether nations will look to boycott Qatar, but it is evident that hosting it has serious
repercussions. It would be a shame if they deprive Qatar from hosting such competition given all the thorough
preparations that have been made by the Qataris who are in a bid of becoming the first Arab country to host a
World Cup. As Frenchman Zinedine Zidane said:
"Football is for everyone. When I think of all the youth of the Middle East, what they're missing is an event like the
World Cup."
Rayyyan Dabbous