Discovery science emphasizes inquiry and observation

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Transcript Discovery science emphasizes inquiry and observation

Applied Biology Chapter 2.1
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 Discovery
• Describes nature
 Hypothesis-based
• Explains nature
 The
scientific study of life
• A way of knowing
• Based on questions and answers
• Causes and effects
• Natural explanations to natural phenomenon
 Process
of investigation
 Thoughtful questions/testable questions
 Use
of the senses (vision, hearing,
smelling, etc.) to gather and record
 Physical, natural observations
 Recorded
 Based on senses and from use of
 Quantitative – recorded as
measurements, NUMBERS
 Qualitative – recorded as descriptions of
observations (LETTERS/WORDS)
• Qualities
logical conclusion based on
 Observations are certain
 Inferences have a level of uncertainty
 General
 Many observations come together to
form a generalization
 Example: cells were discovered in bark
in the 1600s, but it took many years of
observations to determine that ALL living
things are made of cells
 Using
graphs to identify general patterns
• There are often exceptions
suggested answer to a well-defined
scientific question
 Testable
 If/then/because statement
 Formula: If the IV is ________________,
then the DV will ____________________,
because _______________________.
hypothesis that is not supported is
 It’s ok if your hypothesis is “wrong”
condition that can differ within the
 Tests
the effect of a single variable
 ONE variable is changed/manipulated
 ALL OTHER variables are CONTROLLED,
kept CONSTANT or the SAME
 Condition
that is manipulated or changed
by a scientist
 Condition that is tested
 Example: Which type of bird seed is
eaten more often? Brown seeds, black
seeds, white seeds?
• IV is bird seed
• Levels are brown, black, and white
 Condition
that is observed and measured
during an experiment
 Experimental data collected
 “DEPENDS” on the independent variable
 Example: Number of bird seeds eaten of
each different type
 Conditions
or variables that DO NOT
 *CONTROL GROUP- a condition where
the group is treated exactly like the
experimental subjects, but the IV is not
• Example: Placebo, sugar pill, in a medical study