U.S. Takes Hawaii

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US Acquisitions


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In 1867, Secretary of State William Seward arranged for the United States to buy Alaska from the Russians for $7.2 million Some thought it was a silly idea and called it


s Icebox

Time has shown how smart it was to buy Alaska for 2 cents an acre Alaska is rich in timber, minerals, and oil

Alaska was purchased from Russia in 1867 for the price of $7.2 million. Purchased by U.S. Secretary of State William Seward, many people criticized the move as



U.S. Takes Hawaii


s Economy

75% of wealth from sugar plantations

Plantations owned by Americans

Labor imported from Japan/ China


s Economy

 1875 no duty on Hawaiian sugar  1887 king forced to grant voting rights to only wealthy landowners  1887 U.S. gained rights to Pearl Harbor


s Economy

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1890 McKinley Tariff eliminated the duty-free status of Hawaiian sugar Hawaiian sugar had to compete with other sugar growers, especially Cuba Annexation of Hawaii would mean Hawaiian sugar would become duty free

Deposing the Queen

Queen Lili wanted to:

end property qualifications for voting

Restore power to native Hawaiians

Queen Lili


The cause of Hawaiian independence is larger and dearer than the life of any man connected with it. Love of country is deep seated in the breast of every Hawaiian, whatever his station.

Deposing the Queen

The Americans sugar growers:

Organized a revolt against the Queen 1893

Queen Lili was arrested

Sanford Dole became the temporary president of Hawaii

Grover Cleveland Sanford Dole William McKinley

“ The New Temptation on the Mount: “ Behold all this I will give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me.

” A “ World- Wide Empire ” including Hawaii and the Philippines, is offered on the horizon.

Republic of Hawaii

Pres. Cleveland wanted the queen restored to power.

Dole refused to give up power.

Cleveland recognized the Republic of Hawaii, but refused to annex Hawaii.

1897 Pres. McKinley made Hawaii an American territory.