Open Season - Geospatial World Forum

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Transcript Open Season - Geospatial World Forum

Open Season
Opening and enabling GI for developer and
user communities
Peter ter Haar
Director of Products
Ordnance Survey Great Britain
Enabling Spatial Data Infrastructures through “open”
Realising that ‘open’ enables spatial data infrastructures, touching
all of Ordnance Survey’s operations and those of its
• Web focused product development, open standards
• Product licensing and partner equivalent licensing
• Supporting application development through open technology
• GI community benefits greater than individual
• Content capture and delivery
• Supporting product development through collaboration
All benefiting the dissemination and use of geospatial data
1. Open Standards
2001: GML as supply format for OS MasterMap (GML 2.1.2)
OS On Demand
Active supporters of Open Geospatial Consortium
New products will support open standards
Existing products will see standards evolve
2: Open Source
Open Source support for INSPIRE
• Build a reference implementation for
• Support the Open Source projects to
make the required changes
• Make our knowledge about
implementation available to Data
Publishers and the wider network
3: OS OpenData
“Making Public Data Public”
OS OpenData
Opening up of Ordnance Survey data as part of the drive to increase innovation,
and support the government’s ‘Making Public Data Public’ initiative.
What data is included?
• OS Street View®
• OS VectorMap™ District
• 1:250 000 Scale Colour Raster
• Code-Point® Open
• Boundary-Line™
• OS Locator™
• 1:50 000 Scale Gazetteer®
• Meridian™ 2
• Strategi®
• MiniScale®
• Land-Form PANORAMA®
OS VectorMapTM District
OS VectorMap District is a mid-scale digital raster and vector mapping product
giving a district-level view. It clearly shows the landscape features relevant to its
level of detail, including generalised buildings, roads, railways, landscape features,
boundaries and rivers. OS VectorMap District is a new product being issued as an
alpha release under OS OpenData. It has been designed for viewing either as a
map on its own or as a context backdrop to your own data, which can be overlaid
using a GIS.
OS OpenData applications
OS StreetView being integrated into OpenStreet Map and Infoterra
OS OpenData 3rd party webservices
EDINA Unlock places API
UK Postcode data API
OS OpenData 3rd party supply
OS OpenData and fraud prevention
OS OpenData mobile applications
4: Open access to licensing
“Freemium” Business Model
OS MasterMap
OS Explorer
1:25 000
OS MasterMap
OS MasterMap
Transport Layer
Profile Plus
OS VectorMap
Local (1:10,000)
OS LandRanger
1: 50 000
With Polygons
OS StreetView
1: 250 000
Free Licence
OS VectorMap
Topographic Mapping
Boundary Line
Increasing data cost/value
Increasing detail & specialist use
Premium Licence
Four “families” of licences
OS OpenData
• Data “free at the point of use” under Open Government licence
• Available to consumers, developers and corporate users
Public Sector Mapping Agreement
• Data “free at the point of use” to all central and local government users and
their contactors – funded centrally
• Very extensive rights – only commercial use excluded
Business Use Licensing
• Data available at commercial rates to all commercial users to support their
• Available direct from Ordnance Survey or through resellers
Licensing for value-add products
• Data available for partners to on-sell and create value added products to
meet market needs eg Publishing, Insurance
• Available through partners only
Partnerships underpin everything we do
Clarity about what is allowed and what is not
Is a licence required for derived data?
+ attribution
Mapping fire hydrants using GPS
Tracing boundaries based
On OS chargeable products
Mapping underground assets
by inferring location
License simplification
‘Discover’ Data Licence
Thank you for your interest in this Sample Data. The terms and conditions below set out a legal agreement
between you and Ordnance Survey for your use of the Sample Data. Please read these terms carefully. If you
do not agree to these terms and conditions, you should not use, download or access the Sample Data.
1 The Sample Data belongs to the Crown (or its suppliers).
2 Ordnance Survey grants you a limited, personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable, free-of-charge and fully
terminable licence to use the Sample Data for the purpose of internal testing and evaluation only. By way of
example, this means that you are not permitted to (i) sub-license, transfer, share or otherwise distribute the
Sample Data to any other person; (ii) incorporate the Sample Data into your products or services (unless solely
for the purposes of internal testing and evaluation); or (iii) commercially exploit the Sample Data.
3 The Sample Data is provided “as is” and without any warranty as to quality, fitness for purpose, accuracy,
availability or otherwise. You acknowledge that it is your responsibility to ensure that the Sample Data is suitable
for your intended purposes.
4 To the fullest extent permitted by law, Ordnance Survey excludes all liability for any loss or damage of
whatever nature arising from any use of the Sample Data.
5 You agree that Ordnance Survey (and its suppliers) shall retain all rights, title and interest in the Sample Data,
including but not limited to any and all copyrights, patents, trade marks, trade secrets and all other intellectual
property rights.
6 You agree not to tamper with or remove any copyright, trade mark, trade mark symbol or other proprietary
notice of Ordnance Survey (or its suppliers) contained in the Sample Data.
7 Ordnance Survey may terminate this agreement immediately if you breach any of the terms and conditions.
Ordnance Survey also reserves the right to terminate the agreement at any time on giving you thirty (30) days
written notice (which may be given by email or by posting a notification on Ordnance Survey’s website).
8 These terms and conditions are governed by English law, and you agree to the exclusive jurisdiction of the
English courts.
© Crown copyright and/or database right 2009 Ordnance Survey
5: Open Innovation – GeoVation
How the GeoVation Challenge programme works
‘How can Britain
feed itself?’ camp
‘How can we
improve transport
in Britain?’
5–7 Nov 2010
Slide 23
GeoVation Challenge: launched 28 September
Where to from here?
• Open(er) Product Development
• build a network of trust, we have to earn that trust
• gives sight of developments, brings our customers and
stakeholders on the journey with us
• allows us to be flexible with development
• allows us to benchmark against the community
development roadmap
• Open(er) Data Collection
• Initial focus on expert sourcing
The Dos and Don’ts of Opening up Data
Seminar on Underpinning Innovation with Geography at the Science and
Innovation 2010 Conference, 16 June 2010
• Just release data and expect people to understand or create
with it. Publication is not the same as communication
• Wait for FOI requests, put the data out first informally
• Be late in releasing data
• Rely on future technology to solve today’s problems
• Go straight for the finished article, use rapid prototyping
• Wait for the big budget or formal process but start big things
with small amounts now
• Expect people to interpret the data in the same way you do
• Be technology led, be business led instead
Slide 26
The Dos and Don’ts of Opening up Data
Seminar on Underpinning Innovation with Geography at the Science and
Innovation 2010 Conference, 16 June 2010
• Set out to create commercial or social value with data
• Make sure data quality is and remains high
• Promote innovation using government data sets. Transparency
is only a means to an end
• Enhance communication with the public e.g. Hack Warwickshire
• Incentivise developers
• Create a strong external community
• Be brave – people may do things with the data that you don't
• Use open source software wherever possible
Slide 27
Innovate or Die
Slide 28